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FR  time factor / when girls misjudge you :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
being away from the pickup scene for a month due to having girls around me this FR (not really FR but online report) is a good example why being rejected can be fun:

met online, she messaged me, i wasnt that into her at all, would have been ok for 1 round and keep her as friend.

- short text game, essentially establishing im a busy guy and im meeting asap and not willing to waste time texting plus after a painful breakup so not really in the mood for *****ing around
- she called me, had a 3hour(!!!!) telephone call - deep diving is now absolutely natural and i`m stunned how girls can share their secrets to a complete stranger they never even met
- she was kind of sick, i heard on her voice nevertheless she said would have sex with me 1st date so i suggested her coming over - she was thinking about it while continuing our conversation
- being tired and not really interested i wasnt pushing that much
- discussed we meet 2 days later but she expected me to call her - as im busy speaking to other girls and not willing to be the psychologist of anyone i didnt call her/text her of course
- i was suspecting that was it
.spoke 2x on skype but never met, didnt really push
today she wrote me the following:
"Having had a few days to ponder on this I have come to the conclusion that we are not compatable.... I have had a connection with you nevertheless but as time intervines so does the fleeting memory of our connection.... I believe my flesh is what you really are after to attain.... And not my mind, and consciousness... Which is where my heart abides.... And for that I have let you go!"

thing is i didnt really want to have sex with her she mentioned it and i feel from this msg that she wanted more with me and also very sad about the stuff.

*** conclusions:
- deepdiving is fun, actually i love digging in others secrets and personal stuff nowadays
- CONFIRMED big time: passage of time without sex exponentially diminishes getting together PLUS completely kills my remaining interest too
- i told her she was not my type but wanted to keep her as friend but i think i shouldnt have said the not my type stuff
- actually being rejected while not wanting anything is fun! i was laughing on her text

have 3 LRs in my pocket - thanks gc.com! - but the only difference between FR and LR for me is the willingness of the girls to go to bed with me and not really feel any urge to write about them and FR-s are way more useful for learning as i remember the mistakes or typical problems, not clouded by the successes.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Great to see your progress, man. I remember you saying you thought the women in your home country were impossible to sleep with ;)

stratvm said:
- she called me, had a 3hour(!!!!) telephone call - deep diving is now absolutely natural and i`m stunned how girls can share their secrets to a complete stranger they never even met

It's pretty amazing, huh?

stratvm said:
- she was kind of sick, i heard on her voice nevertheless she said would have sex with me 1st date so i suggested her coming over - she was thinking about it while continuing our conversation

What likely happened here was you had her so worked up and amazed with the conversation that she was feeling that she wanted to sleep with you RIGHT THEN in that moment, which is why she was talking about it.

Had you pushed, and said, "Come over right now, I'm tired of talking to you on the phone, I want to see you and talk to you right now in the flesh," I bet she would've come.

stratvm said:
- discussed we meet 2 days later but she expected me to call her - as im busy speaking to other girls and not willing to be the psychologist of anyone i didnt call her/text her of course
- i was suspecting that was it
.spoke 2x on skype but never met, didnt really push
today she wrote me the following:
"Having had a few days to ponder on this I have come to the conclusion that we are not compatable.... I have had a connection with you nevertheless but as time intervines so does the fleeting memory of our connection.... I believe my flesh is what you really are after to attain.... And not my mind, and consciousness... Which is where my heart abides.... And for that I have let you go!"

thing is i didnt really want to have sex with her she mentioned it and i feel from this msg that she wanted more with me and also very sad about the stuff.

That's one of the reasons you usually don't want to do too much deep diving until right before you're going to sleep with a girl. She'll get really worked up from the amazing connection that's built, but then if nothing happens it feels wrong or shallow or superficial... there needs to be some kind of CONCLUSION (sex) to that amazing buildup. Without it, something feels off, and the girl auto-rejects.

stratvm said:
*** conclusions:
- deepdiving is fun, actually i love digging in others secrets and personal stuff nowadays
- CONFIRMED big time: passage of time without sex exponentially diminishes getting together PLUS completely kills my remaining interest too
- i told her she was not my type but wanted to keep her as friend but i think i shouldnt have said the not my type stuff
- actually being rejected while not wanting anything is fun! i was laughing on her text

have 3 LRs in my pocket - thanks gc.com! - but the only difference between FR and LR for me is the willingness of the girls to go to bed with me and not really feel any urge to write about them and FR-s are way more useful for learning as i remember the mistakes or typical problems, not clouded by the successes.

Great findings, and again, awesome to hear the success you've been having. Way to make some stuff happen, Strat.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers