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Time + looks (and insane ending)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
I want to prerequisite this report by saying that I have a gf of over 1 year. Beautiful and young. However still not enough to satiate my appetite for more young and beautiful girls to stick my dick into.

This report just happened. I’m writing it from my bathroom. This is the stuff of movies.

anyways, there’s this girl at work who is the hostess of our restaurant. Who as anyone who’s been to any of them more well known busy restaurants, is reserved for the girl who is both the combination of hot and pure. The hot and unpure looking girls are usually bartenders. As restaurant owners knows first impressions are very important. That first contact the customer makes with the restaurant, they will want that person to be both attractive and pure looking. Just my observation from working at those restaurants that cater to family friendly spots. Anyway this girl approached me (via a friend of hers asking him to go talk to me for her). So I went over to her (first time ever talking to her). And she was telling me about how there was one customer that came in one time and got her number. Because he thought she was attractive. And she thought he was cute. But then he started acting all weird. Calling her up. Leaving weird messages. And she was scared he would try something when she went to her car after work. So she wanted me to escort her to her car. Because I look like a scary dude (tattoos and muscles). So I agreed and walked her to her car (of course in the back of my mind I thought this was always just a ploy of hers to have some excuse to make me talk to her (I really don’t flirt with any of the girls at work because I’m an introvert. So small talk ain’t really my thing). So I bring her to her car. We talk a little bit. And then she offers me a ride as a repayment for walking her to her car. This arrangement would go on for a couple nights. Until she hit me by asking me one night if I had a girlfriend (which she knew I did because she had seen me with her at the restaurant and at the Christmas work party). I said yeah. And then she revealed that she was attracted to me but didn’t know what to do about it. I told her that I was attracted to her too. But she was like for us to do anything. I would have to break up with my gf. Because she didn’t want to be a homewreaker. I revealed to her that I can’t leave. Because I don’t know how she would react. She might do some crazy shit to me. With this information, she didn’t feel any guilt when I got close to her face and we made out. She dropped me off at my house. The next day she was feeling guilty about the kiss. And then she was telling me how nothing can happen between us. I told her how about we get to know each other after this at a bar. She agreed and we went to a bar to talk.

unfortunately I got really drunk and destroyed my chances into getting anything with her. I acted really weird and needy while blackout drunk and she left saying we can just be friends.

Days go by. and we are just avoiding all conversations and eye contact. Any time I looked at her. Her eyes would dart away. She would greet and even flirt with any guy in my vicinity and not even acknowledge me.

So after this. I decided to use a little pre selection to my advantage. You see one of the girls I’m seeing has a class near the restaurant. And gets out exactly the time we close. So I texted her to come to the restaurant after she was done with class and come to the restaurant. This way she would have to make direct conversation with the hostess. She told her she was looking for me and sat down at the restaurant. I went over to join her. And then the hostess left as it was closing time. A couple days later I asked my girlfriend to come after work with her best friend (also hot) and to grab a table so we could get drinks before we went out (it was a weekend). Again this hostess would see my girlfriend and her friend come late just to come get me. Not even get a bite to drink. Just for all 3 of us to leave together.

so after all that time. + very recently switching my wardrobe to a more preppy old money style of dress (which I have seen so far grabbing a higher percentage of female gaze than my previous all black fit). She (the hostess) hit me up while we were closing with “hey” via text. I said what’s up. And she said she wanted to talk. Asking me what I was up to. So I asked her to meet me outside after she was done. While this is going on, my girlfriend is taking the university bus to go to my place. So I meet the hostess outside and we just walk to her car. Basic chit chat inside the car. I ask her what made her change her mind. And she just said “time”. Just that time and I know she was digging the new look (+ the preselectiom seeing me with different girls despite me having a gf, telling her that it’s ok to fuck this guy despite him having a gf because he doesn’t give a shit). So we’re at my house. And I say, where do we go from here? And she says are you gonna invite me inside. I was shocked my this. Because I literally just thought she was going to drop me off and my girlfriend would be arriving any minute. I had also had a few drinks at work so I wasn’t thinking straight.

I invite the hostess inside and we just get down to business. So I’m fucking this girl really hard (she had previously told me that she thinks I’m aggressive and that with her I would have to be gentle. Ha! Don’t believe when women say that shit). And I forgot to close the front door in my excitement.

so my girlfriend is in my house now. Walks past the opened front door and comes and finds me balls deep inside the hostess. I’m shocked. Still have my dick inside the hostess. And my girlfriend says to take my dick out of her. She tells the hostess to leave. And then me and my girlfriend talk. At first she’s crying at the betrayal. Then she starts hitting me. And then we’re talking and I’m trying to offer her a Uber back to her dorm but she doesn’t want to leave. After a little smooth talking. I end up fucking my girlfriend to my amazement and I guess we are still together. As she is sleeping on my bed while I type this from the bathroom. One for the record books. No idea what’s going to happen when I go to work in the morning with the hostess.


I titled this report “time and looks” because this is the second time something like this has happened in recent memory. Where enough time had passed + I had completely changed my appearance to a better one in that time and I got laid with a girl that initially hated me.

so if there’s ever a time where you got a girl that hates your guts. Can’t stand the sight of you. Let time work in your favor. And change your appearance during that time to to a better one.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
update: she came over again last night and now we’re fuckbuddies

Mod update: Picture removed for privacy concerns.
Last edited by a moderator:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
Just curious why do you post the pics of girls?
That’s a good question, empath. The main reason for doing so is that I think that’s the true test of a seducer’s ranking. What do the girls the seducer lays looks like and how often does he lay them? This is my 3rd LR I’ve written here since joining last month. Which as far I’m concerned is the most on the forum since that time. I’m going to be writing a new post on archetypes soon and want guys to see that not only am I getting laid at a consistent basis. I’m also laying some really attractive girls in the 18-21 demographic. So this is my way of establishing credibility and why guys should listen to what I have to say despite my space monkey ranking.

Yes these girls make it easy for me (which is the point) but can you really say someone that seduces a neutral girl (that is not hot as fuck) and has her take him multiple dates to lay her better skilled than someone who fucks “super green” hot girls with consistency?

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
So this is my way of establishing credibility and why guys should listen to what I have to say despite my space monkey ranking.
I don't judge anyone by their ranking, I judge them by the value of what they share in writing. If you make valuable contributions, you're a valuable addition to the community regardless of your results.

Yes these girls make it easy for me (which is the point) but can you really say someone that seduces a neutral girl (that is not hot as fuck) and has her take him multiple dates to lay her better skilled than someone who fucks “super green” hot girls with consistency?
Well yeah, that's the whole point of game. There's not much skill involved in fucking "super green" girls.

Looks are subjective in any case. You might think a girl's super mega hot, but to me she's just cute (and vice versa).

I would never post pictures on a public forum of a girl I'm banging, but that's just me...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
in any case. You might think a girl's super mega hot, but to me she's just cute (and vice versa).
Strongly disagree with this statement. While prime Adriana Lima may not be everyone’s type, there’s no denying that she is a 9. Never to be confused with a 6 .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
Well yeah, that's the whole point of game. There's not much skill involved in fucking "super green" girls.
And I think the point of all this is to get with the girls you really want. Instead of settling for whatever girl gives you the opportunity to seduce her.

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
And I think the point of all this is to get with the girls you really want. Instead of settling for whatever girl gives you the opportunity to seduce her.
Right, but you set up a straw man argument because you compared someone who seduces an average-looking "neutral" girl to a someone who bangs a hot "super green" girl.

In reality, not all neutral girls are going to be average and not all green girls are going to be hot. So I don't really get the point you're trying to make...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
I don't really get the point you're trying to make...
Follow my logic here, Atlas IV. I’ve said here and elsewhere, that what separates the truly advanced seducers and intermediates is the girls they sleep with and how consistently they are able to do so.

so if you sleep with a hot girl. But are not consistently sleeping with hot girls then you = got lucky + are still intermediate

If you sleep with a lot of girls consistently but none of them are hot (see Adriana Lima post above) then you = are intermediate.

if you write paragraphs after paragraphs after paragraphs about banging this one girl and the amazing game it took to got her but she’s a 7 = I’m sorry to break it to you, your still intermediate.

if that same girl above is instead a 9. Like super hot but you go a while without banging another girl of that quality = still intermediate.

following that logic, the best way to get the girls you really want (the 9s) consistently is to make it easier for yourself. I’m just providing my way of going about doing that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
That’s a good question, empath. The main reason for doing so is that I think that’s the true test of a seducer’s ranking. What do the girls the seducer lays looks like and how often does he lay them? This is my 3rd LR I’ve written here since joining last month. Which as far I’m concerned is the most on the forum since that time. I’m going to be writing a new post on archetypes soon and want guys to see that not only am I getting laid at a consistent basis. I’m also laying some really attractive girls in the 18-21 demographic. So this is my way of establishing credibility and why guys should listen to what I have to say despite my space monkey ranking.

Yes these girls make it easy for me (which is the point) but can you really say someone that seduces a neutral girl (that is not hot as fuck) and has her take him multiple dates to lay her better skilled than someone who fucks “super green” hot girls with consistency?
I agree.

Green or netural banging hot girls is the real milestone.

Idk about other but either you put efforts upfront and reap the rewards. (Work on muscles etc.)


Not put efforts upfront but run a tighter game.

As long as you lay hot girls consistently its valid.

Would love to see your post on how to max out fundamentals, to make yellows green from start.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
@mods is there not anything in the rules about members antagonizing other forum members in the rule book? This senior member keeps following me around making statements unrelated to the original post @POB
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 2, 2022
Yeah... this is why I disagreed with @Skills when he said "a lay is a lay"

Not all LRs are created equally. And frankly there's not much to learn from LRs like this. Besides max your looks... if you hit a wall wit a girl, switch up your looks ... give it time and use pre selection. All of which is very basic info. You mentioned an archetype thread tho... so we'll see how that is

Secondly, going after "super green" girls.. that is girls that make easy ir for you does NOT mean you're advanced AT ALL. It is just a screening type of game.

What makes you advanced are: - the quality of girls your fucking and the consistency. - Your ability to fuck in different situations/places/events/scenarios.... So you can fuck girls in a college town with little to no competition. Great... let's see how well you do when we go to different places

- Your ability to flip neutral, yellow and red girls consistently. Tbh, if you can't do this reasonably well... you're not advanced.

- the variety of women you fuck. Some guys can fuck models cause they understand their world. Take them to a world of doctors or lawyers and they struggle

- And lastly calibration. Calibration is by far one of the biggest advanced skills

Now... I also saw the pics of the first two girls. The first was an 8. And the second was a 7... some might say 6. But I say 7... This is the point @Atlas IV was making to you. While you saw them as 9s/10s. They weren't to me and some others.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
What makes you advanced are: - the quality of girls your fucking and the consistency
Now... I also saw the pics of the first two girls. The first was an 8. And the second was a 7... some might say 6. But I say 7... This is the point @Atlas IV was making to you. While you saw them as 9s/10s. They weren't to me and some others
Great. You saw the first two as 8 and 7 (ironically my coworker I showed these pics to preferred the 7 over the 9 but I digress) instead of 9. Let’s see the 9s you been seducing consistently.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah... this is why I disagreed with @Skills when he said "a lay is a lay"
a lay is a lay is like saying a calorie is not a calorie or a dog i not a dog, a lay is putting dick in pussy, i don't understand why you disagree with what is a lay, oh wait here is the dictionary:

What does lay mean in slang?

to have sexual intercourse with

slang. to have sexual intercourse with.

Not all LRs are created equally. And frankly there's not much to learn from LRs like this. Besides max your looks... if you hit a wall wit a girl, switch up your looks ... give it time and use pre selection. All of which is very basic info. You mentioned an archetype thread tho... so we'll see how that is

^ agree with this, this lr is awful lol(should actually be a fuck up report), laying a girl from work, taking girls is banging to a work place, getting drunk, taking a fuck body to your crib, having your main find you with your fb, not even is a lay report, is horrible, should be a fuck up report, but my point is ignore the dude, but why nitpick, let him be, i was trying not to get involve in this post now you brought me here.....

Secondly, going after "super green" girls.. that is girls that make easy ir for you does NOT mean you're advanced AT ALL. It is just a screening type of game.

What makes you advanced are: - the quality of girls your fucking and the consistency. - Your ability to fuck in different situations/places/events/scenarios.... So you can fuck girls in a college town with little to no competition. Great... let's see how well you do when we go to different places
- Your ability to flip neutral, yellow and red girls consistently. Tbh, if you can't do this reasonably well... you're not advanced.
- the variety of women you fuck. Some guys can fuck models cause they understand their world. Take them to a world of doctors or lawyers and they struggle

- And lastly calibration. Calibration is by far one of the biggest advanced skills
Now... I also saw the pics of the first two girls. The first was an 8. And the second was a 7... some might say 6. But I say 7... This is the point @Atlas IV was making to you. While you saw them as 9s/10s. They weren't to me and some others.
^if his dick think is a 10 is all that matters...

@PaulieFlyn10 we are more in agreement than you think, none of the advance guys have liked the lr if you notice, my point is why are you and others nitpiking, which is so bizaro, because that is one of the reasons the op got banned for doing the same thing you and top cat are doing...

now if you pauliflyn and top cat are doing this to prevent impressionable newer guys, to be careful, then i get it...

But when you are going out around nitpicking this dude you guys look retarded, even though op looks bad already....and everyone, knows who he is.... is like you and top cat made your point, but you go around repeating it over and over, make you 2 look autistic.... when the op looks like a retard already... let him be..


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
But when you are going out around nitpicking this dude you guys look retarded, even though op looks bad already....and everyone, knows who he is.... is like you and top cat made your point, but you go around repeating it over and over, make you 2 look autistic.... when the op looks like a retard already... let him be..
For me it’s just personal beef me and him have. I’m being petty i’ll fully admit that and know it looks autistic..

You guys are aware of who he is, my point’s been made.

Fuck that dude..


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 30, 2025
taking a fuck body to your crib, having your main find you with your fb
She was not my fuckbuddy before I took her to my crib and then my main finding me with her.
should be a fuck up report
Fuck up report is a report where you failed to lay the girl you are writing the report about. I did not fail to lay the girl in this report.
now if you pauliflyn and top cat are doing this to prevent impressionable newer guys, to be careful, then i get it...
I honestly don’t know what their intentions are. I just notice that there are not my lay reports here. And not a lot of guys are banging their personal 10s if they get laid. I’m banging some very attractive girls that I had one guy ask me in DMs for the pics and he agreed. So I’m here to help guys get the girls they want. Because I know these same guys have already read all the posts the “advanced guys” have written about and they are still not getting the actual results they want. Even my biggest hater Pauline Flynn is interested in my archetypes post lol. So if the two haters above don’t like what I have to say they can feel free to put me on ignore. Or they can keep hating in the comments section of the next LR I write. Up to them

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
dog i not a dog
I am far more impressed with the skill of approaching a stranger and convincing them to adopt a dog than giving someone a dog when they come to the pound.

But I am still happy to see the adoption stories... and how they advertise.