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FR++  // tinder: anothers *$#*#$*ing stewardess


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
im neutral after this story, didn't really want anything but it has a funny moment. she came to see me from another city which was a clear sign she didnt get much action. she was somewhat attractive but overweight (wasn't obvious from the photos) -- as she was from my country I said why not lets meet.

we met at a starbucks & walked over to a bar had some generic chit-chat. noticed the attraction in her eyes so I hinted going to my place during conversation which made her excited. after another glass of wine we walked back, showed the flat around -- went to the bathroom then came back, took her by the small of her back and kissed her -- got me kissed more and more passionately. thinking its action time and cialis makes you erect whatever happens I went to close the shades and that time was enough for her to get nervous and freaked out.

she was very nervous her hands were sweating and telling me she needed more time to warm up. I didn't really push the story as I wasn't into her. went to a place to have some food which she paid (!) and then we said goodbye in a friendly way.

the moral of the story that even hungry girls can fck their night (day) up with ease. :D
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake