for two reasons:
- she was on her period
- i made the mistake of getting emotional about having an awesome girlfriend though no actual penetration took place
technically its an ongoing story that is very similar to the story with my last girlfriend that i originally posted as FR++ last year - could still end up in LR but im not actively pursuing anything as of now, already left the ball in her court & deleted the number to prevent further contact from my side.
short story:
after having about 20mins texting with a really nice girl whos working 500ms from me we agreed to meet up next day after work. i instantly noticed the attraction in her eyes when we first noticed each other which became more and more obvious as we progressed (flaming eyes, playing with hair, getting closer and closer) so i decided to move as fast as possible. she was remarkably beautiful and was not aware of this fact(!). much more beautiful than on photos, really rare gem.
my routine was the usual: we went to 2 places and in about 2 hours instead of going to a 3rd she suggested to go back to my place to try my special wine that cant be bought around here - i mentioned it earlier we could check out my vintage booze collection in which i had 2 bottles of exotic import wine to set up the logistics.
when we got to my place and were going up with the elevator she seemed confused that we were actually going to my place (!?!?!?!?) which i just considered a shxttest - i told her we could go back to where we came but she just said just lets go. i do think it was token resistance judging from the fact she didnt protest at all afterwards.
after getting in the flat i showed her around, offered a variety of drinks but we stayed with the wine. after sitting down and chatting about 5mins i pointed out why she raised my attention and to give an emphasis i kissed her - she kissed back passionately and we made out for about an hour during which i took her clothes & bra off and she took my clothes off too - and i noticed the obvious fact she was on her period so i didnt progress with the penetration, i mean during her period with that stuff inside her pants?. i didnt think at this point this was a mistake considering the circumstances the but this seems to be the problem to me. she mentioned a few times she should have left but using the simple "stay 5 minutes more" she stayed. eventually we agreed we met the next day and kissed goodbye and closed the night in a very sexual mood with her really expecting the next day.
an hour before meeting i dropped a text to check if the meeting was on for which she sent a message she couldnt meet me that day. i thought it was because she had to stay late but i had a bad feeling about it - i sent a text "chicken!
" for which she sent a text 3 hours later saying "not chicken just thinking you only want one thing from me and im looking for more".
i considered this to be an information request what she should have expected - i pointed out im thinking in a bigger picture and eventually persuaded her to meet anyway setting up a chase framing and "blaming" her what happened that day. she said she couldnt meet the next day but will let you know about the weekend. i sent her a text when i was free and was waiting for the message which of course didnt come so i sent a light, cool followup text if she knew her schedule to set up the meeting. my message got ignored so i deleted the number, conditioned my brain what a huge asshole she was to be able to stop thinking about her and expecting anything further with her.
maybe i should have kept her number and sent a text next week for a followup but i sensed i was emotionally too involved in the story to keep a cool head.
the moral of the story is that without actual penetration you shouldnt have any positive expectations and not get emotional because you cant follow up the situation properly.
on a sidenote im really pissed off nowadays, getting tons of stupid stuff from girls from tinder. not doing this as a droid without any emotional expectations is the only way - problem is i have patience with girls this way i dont really fancy. should need to start daygame & going out but i approach anxiety totally blocks me. also try to refrain from porn but now after this i just snapped. i noticed a clear trend that giving up porn increases attraction from girls.
- she was on her period
- i made the mistake of getting emotional about having an awesome girlfriend though no actual penetration took place
technically its an ongoing story that is very similar to the story with my last girlfriend that i originally posted as FR++ last year - could still end up in LR but im not actively pursuing anything as of now, already left the ball in her court & deleted the number to prevent further contact from my side.
short story:
after having about 20mins texting with a really nice girl whos working 500ms from me we agreed to meet up next day after work. i instantly noticed the attraction in her eyes when we first noticed each other which became more and more obvious as we progressed (flaming eyes, playing with hair, getting closer and closer) so i decided to move as fast as possible. she was remarkably beautiful and was not aware of this fact(!). much more beautiful than on photos, really rare gem.
my routine was the usual: we went to 2 places and in about 2 hours instead of going to a 3rd she suggested to go back to my place to try my special wine that cant be bought around here - i mentioned it earlier we could check out my vintage booze collection in which i had 2 bottles of exotic import wine to set up the logistics.
when we got to my place and were going up with the elevator she seemed confused that we were actually going to my place (!?!?!?!?) which i just considered a shxttest - i told her we could go back to where we came but she just said just lets go. i do think it was token resistance judging from the fact she didnt protest at all afterwards.
after getting in the flat i showed her around, offered a variety of drinks but we stayed with the wine. after sitting down and chatting about 5mins i pointed out why she raised my attention and to give an emphasis i kissed her - she kissed back passionately and we made out for about an hour during which i took her clothes & bra off and she took my clothes off too - and i noticed the obvious fact she was on her period so i didnt progress with the penetration, i mean during her period with that stuff inside her pants?. i didnt think at this point this was a mistake considering the circumstances the but this seems to be the problem to me. she mentioned a few times she should have left but using the simple "stay 5 minutes more" she stayed. eventually we agreed we met the next day and kissed goodbye and closed the night in a very sexual mood with her really expecting the next day.
an hour before meeting i dropped a text to check if the meeting was on for which she sent a message she couldnt meet me that day. i thought it was because she had to stay late but i had a bad feeling about it - i sent a text "chicken!
i considered this to be an information request what she should have expected - i pointed out im thinking in a bigger picture and eventually persuaded her to meet anyway setting up a chase framing and "blaming" her what happened that day. she said she couldnt meet the next day but will let you know about the weekend. i sent her a text when i was free and was waiting for the message which of course didnt come so i sent a light, cool followup text if she knew her schedule to set up the meeting. my message got ignored so i deleted the number, conditioned my brain what a huge asshole she was to be able to stop thinking about her and expecting anything further with her.
maybe i should have kept her number and sent a text next week for a followup but i sensed i was emotionally too involved in the story to keep a cool head.
the moral of the story is that without actual penetration you shouldnt have any positive expectations and not get emotional because you cant follow up the situation properly.
on a sidenote im really pissed off nowadays, getting tons of stupid stuff from girls from tinder. not doing this as a droid without any emotional expectations is the only way - problem is i have patience with girls this way i dont really fancy. should need to start daygame & going out but i approach anxiety totally blocks me. also try to refrain from porn but now after this i just snapped. i noticed a clear trend that giving up porn increases attraction from girls.