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FU  tinder // stewardess no 567


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
this app is drowning in stewardesses (and teachers) in this city. seriously this is the 3rd i met with and to be honest im not really sure what they want. they seem to use tinder for hookup while they are abroad and use for dating while in their base and hook up in bars/nightclubs - unfortunately. anyway this one was really beautiful with ultrafit body so i wanted to meet her.


i use 2 questions that have a good chance to get them out or at least agree in a date.

1. what motivates you?
2. what are you searching for in life
2+1. sometimes if the conversation goes that way i ask about their flaws and they usually tell me they are crazy perfectionst. so much about everybody is unique, basically ive been getting the same answers over and over.

as soon as they write something that gives an opportunity to ask them out i do it - breakfast/ice cream/dessert/juice & candy/anything other than coffee or drinks.

this one needed 3 days of patience though the total effort was about half an hour total.

arranging the meetup:

she tried to be in total control over when & where to meet the next day, we agreed in a breakfast next morning (which was actually a good idea, will use this)


she wasnt as stunning as on the photos but she didnt try to impress anyway. her expectations were either low or did this on purpose. she was telling tales, i couldnt really speak, which is not a problem - i even forgot to hint going back to my place early in the conversation. things i noticed:

- bragged about her savings and mentioned she wants to invest - maybe its a huge sum for her but thats a less than average months salary for me so it was funny to see how she got used to being around complete losers // anytime i hear a girl bragging about her money reinforces the idea in me that bragging sucks. really sucks.
- talked about how she goes out sometimes to dance and not for hookup (qualifying herself as girlfriend) and sends all the guys away so she didnt get picked up much (complaining and feeling out if im good for being her emotional trashbin)
- talked about her workout routine and she was obviously lying about her not doing anything but it was a good opportunity to get her show me her abs & biceps and stuff, she clearly qualified herself
- in the middle of the conversation she just out of the blue drew the attention to her cleavage and mentioned i didnt pay attention to it at all - responded that i notice things but usually keeping cool (as i have 0 expectations for sex from them usually on date1) - she responded maybe she needs to wind up herself to get my _attention_

i think this was a HUGE missed escalation window, i DID realize this would have been THE point to pull her but she kept on talking loads of shxt.

about 10-15mins later i managed to mention we could go back to my place showing me how i build up my positions and proper portfolio structuring is done (she was originally in finance) for which she seemed surprised+enthusiastic+worried at the same time. anyway i had to go (and it was a good excuse to end the date myself) so i told her come with me.

parting shot:

her: *** going out she bounced in me saying `sorry`
me: `i can defend myself!`
her: `ha, you dont know me!` - wondering what she meant.
her: (bit later still in the mall) : so where are you going now?
me: need to go home, come with me, its just 10 minutes and you can come back doing your stuff
her: mmm... i want to stay in the mall
me: well i really need to leave, come with me - im not forcing anything if you want to come come if not lets meet later
her: thank you... (????? thank me for what) im staying in the mall
me: well ok lets meet later than... im more or less busy tomorrow... how aboutsunday?
her: im flying out...
me: well e can meet for a breakfast or the afternoon for something
her: okay thats cool
me: ok lets check later then *** showing texting with mobile with my hand without saying, see you tomorrow then!


i sent her a text 30mins later

`it was great seeing you, lets touch base on tomorrows meeting later! :)

she read it at once but never got a reply (red flag number 23934934)

this morning i sent her a text when she was free offering 3 options - breakfast, meeting afternoon or joining me and my client & his wife for the lunch - she didnt read it up till now so probably deleted it without reading.

maybe she comes back but this is either an FU or something that would have never worked out anyway.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Which city are you staying in? I have a "thing" for stewardesses :)

Not trying to chip away at your anonymity, you can PM me the city name.