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tips and tricks for pube shaving...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
Hey guys.I making this thread for any one that want to share some tips and tricks they use in shaving their privates.including the hairs that on the penis,scrotum,ass,PC muscles etc. and how to avoid razor bumps and irrationas.thanks and happy shaving :)

Good Vibes

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 27, 2013
An absolutely hilarious thread to start. I would rather talk about shaving a pussy than a cock but maybe that's just me, hahaha.

I would say that shaving with the grain for beards, cocks, balls and pussies is the go and against the grain for her legs is fine.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013
Started giggling when I read the title so I figured I'd contribute. My one piece of advice is buy a set of clippers. Prior to that I was a scissors man...and I kinda nicked myself one awful, dreary morning. lol.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I need to buy some dedicated electric shavers...

But in the meantime, I've just used manual shavers. I've cut with scissors prior in the past, but it's not necessary. Even if you have tons of hair down there, it doesn't hurt less or more if you cut with scissors prior.

Obviously, you want to be careful. It's really just the same as your face. Put hot water on it (opens the pores, makes the hair easier to cut, etc.). Try to stretch the skin where possible. Shave with the grain where possible (with the direction of how the hair appears to naturally grow toward).

My big tip (no pun intended) is to do it 1 or 2 weeks before the "big day" if you shave rarely -- especially if it's your first time. It's going to look weird, and you'll more than likely mess up in spots. But after it grows back a little, it'll look more natural and suave.

Ultimately, it doesn't *really* matter, unless she's going to be giving you a blowjob. I've also experimented in using it as a mental tool ("dress to impress").
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 18, 2013
My advice is to stretch your skin as much as possible when doing your dick and balls to avoid cuts in them , I don't cut them with scissors before because I keep it short always although I would advise to do it if yours is long because you'll have to rinse the razor more often the longer the hair is.
And for the new timers here's a golden advice , the first times you do it , it will get really , really itchy down there so apply baby oil to the area to get rid of the itch , after you are used to doing it you can drop this because it will not itch anymore


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012

Au naturale muchacho.

Honestly, I wouldn't fret about pubes. She ain't going to suddenly not want sex with you. But if you still want to go through the trials:

- Slow and steady hands.
- Pretend it's an old mans face, except more sensitive ;).
- Use a mirror.

On the plus, you'll increase your flexibility.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Even at the high chance of being ridiculed, here is the full disclosure of my process. ;) This is with a manual razor, as I don't have an electric one. I just shaved tonight...

  • Use shower to get hot water on the area.
  • Put shaving cream on.
  • Use a cup (I actually use a cup-like toothbrush holder); obviously, this should never be used for drinking purposes again.
  • Fill it with hot water.
  • Sit on the toilet.
  • You'll shave and then dip the razor in the cup and repeat. Slow, short strokes while stretching the skin where possible (usually by positioning the body/legs differently).
  • Shave in sections. I do above penis first (between belly button and base of penis), then sides, around the base of the penis, top of balls, underneath the balls, and then touch-ups of all.
  • Once the cup is too full or can't see with all of the shaving cream moved around or tired, dump the contents of the cup into the toilet. This is the best way to avoid sink stoppage. Flush if necessary.
  • Wipe your area with toilet paper and apply lotion.
  • Once ready again, repeat from step 2. You'll probably have to repeat about 3-4 times until you have all sections done.
  • On the final touch-ups, you can do without shaving cream. Use hot water on the razor and shave very gently, barely touching the skin.
  • Don't initially get an erection, but getting an erection after the 1st time around can be beneficial. It tightens the penis and the balls (most importantly the balls). Get some porn ready if necessary.
  • Apply plenty of lotion afterwards. (If you end up masturbating and cumming, wipe that off and re-apply lotion. Cum is not a substitute for lotion.)
  • Hot showers are the devil.
  • Don't get cocky; if you go to fast, you may cut yourself. If you do, it's not the end of the world; your balls aren't going to fall out of your nutsack from a 1 cm cut.
  • It may look a little strange, but after the hair grows back in a little, it looks much better, so make sure that you do this a few days before. Not to toot my own horn, but mine looks pretty good right now due to previous experience.
  • Throw away razor blade.
  • Apply lotion daily for a few days.

Lastly, an electric shaver is much easier, but I don't have one currently... (I prefer manual on my face.)

Maybe this should be stickied?