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Logistics  Tips to More Easily Sleep with Women in Your Place (Bachelor Pad Ideas)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
As I’ve gone through the research on logistics for my upcoming romantic attraction book (The Roses of Romantic Attraction), I’ve come across a few interesting ideas that may be worth playing around with to make seducing women in your pad easier.

I haven’t field tested most of these personally, and am only covering novel ideas (to me) that I have not covered before to my knowledge (i.e., I’m not going to put all my “seduce better at your place” tips I already have in other forum posts, GC articles, HTMGC, and One Date in here). However, these are all tips referenced in the scientific papers I’m reading as being conducive to or related to making sex happen.

  • Have an ‘out of time’ seduction location. The goal is to pull her into an otherworldly setting where time does not exist. No clocks, preferably no windows (more realistically, have heavy curtains and have them drawn before you bring the girl there). Turn off all electronic beeping and buzzing devices. If there is road noise, install soundproof windows if you can afford it or use this strategy:

We live on a street with a lot of road noise, so this might be overkill for you. I built frames out of 1"x4" wood that fit snugly into the windows. I attached drywall to one side of the frame, filled the inside of the frame with insulation, then stapled a curtain around the frame to hold the insulation in (and so it just looked like we had curtains in the windows and not loose insulation). The resulting boxes are a bit heavy, but drastically reduce the noise coming in through the windows.

  • Turn your bathroom into a steam/wet sauna. The steam in wet saunas adds a kind of shroud which lowers inhibitions to getting naked and initiating sex. Would probably double as a good way to tempt her back to your place (“I converted my bathroom into a sauna”)! There’s a guide to doing this here, and some additional considerations here.

  • Install a light dimmer. People behave less inhibited and feel more comfortable escalating to sex when the lights are dimmed. Just compare what it feels like to approach girls in a brightly lit bar versus one that is very dark. Also compare how the girls act in those environments. Dimming the lights in your place is a simple way to recreate this vibe (if you can’t install a dimmer, maybe try dousing the electric lights and lighting some candles).

  • Create a dark room. Sex clubs use rooms that are absolutely pitch black with no light in them whatsoever to enable totally inhibition-free sex. Often the people shagging don’t even know what one another look like if they met in the dark room. You’d need an excuse for pulling her into a pitch black room, of course, but you can probably think of some ideas (e.g., “Let’s listen to some music without any distractions; the darkness makes your hearing more acute and pulls you into another world”).

  • Add a veil that separates the forbidden from the public. Sex clubs often follow a model where up front is a pornographic storefront, and in the back is a dark black curtain, behind which is the entrance to the sex club. Passing through the curtain is a kind of ritual where the individual enters into a different kind of space (fortunetellers do this same thing with the bead curtains you pass through). I don’t know where you’d put this, but if you have one room heavily tricked out as your ‘sex room’ you might install a heavy black curtain there.

  • Pick a place that has narrow corridors. This is used to force close interaction as people pass by. I’ve had a few apartments with a very narrow corridors between the main (studio apartment) area and the bathroom. I’ve had girls I was having trouble escalating on where I cracked it by both of us trying to squeeze through that corridor at the same time, and basically just cavemanning her as we did. I have fucked girls in those narrow corridors. It is fun.

  • Get people to write graffiti. There’s an association between bathrooms people have sex in and graffiti being left on the walls. I don’t know why exactly. But it might be interesting to paint one of your walls with dry erase paint or wallpaper and invite guests to write graffiti on your wall (and tell them to be DIRTY!). In theory, girls reading other girls’ dirty graffiti on your wall should make them hornier. Also, the act of writing dirty graffiti on the wall themselves should make them hornier. Have guy friends who come over write some graffiti too so girls are not only seeing girls on there!
If any of you crazy cats try these ideas out, I’d love to hear how they work out for you!


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
  • Out of time location: No clocks except the kitchen stove, no TV or screens anywhere. Put up curtains on door windows after a couple girls displayed hesitancy walking around the place naked. No outside noise.
  • Sauna: I have played with a heat lamp with a couple girls. Good for girls I'm already seeing... Not good like sauna for plausible deniability. I would caution to make sure you have great ventilation for steam sauna to avoid mold.
  • Dimmers are super easy and cheap. Not installing at light switch, but there are cheap ones at hardware stores you just plug between a floor lamp and a wall socket. Combined with low temp 2700k bulbs - great vibe.
  • Dark room - bedroom is like this. Have done this with music from the next room over. I think my most common transition from living room to bedroom is still picking her up and carrying her lol.
  • Fortune teller veil... I like this idea!
  • Narrow corridors... Not exactly, but I do tend to happen to go get water or something as she is exiting the bathroom to engineer passing by for the kiss opportunity.
  • Graffiti... Haven't tried but sounds like it signals rebellion. For example, school bathrooms are like this as an oasis for the rule of teachers. Just a place where kids joke around. And dive bars. You can't write on walls in nicer places... Kinda shows proven history of it being a more lawless environment, like management doesn't care what goes on in here.
What about Mystery's pillow pit? Haha

Skills has a video too where he tours his place, shows the LEDs in his faucet and other stuff.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
  • Have an ‘out of time’ seduction location. The goal is to pull her into an otherworldly setting where time does not exist. No clocks, preferably no windows (more realistically, have heavy curtains and have them drawn before you bring the girl there). Turn off all electronic beeping and buzzing devices. If there is road noise, install soundproof windows if you can afford it or use this strategy:
My last studio had no separation between living room and bedroom.
But I made sure to install blackout curtains in all windows (because of sleep, not sex)
  • Turn your bathroom into a steam/wet sauna. The steam in wet saunas adds a kind of shroud which lowers inhibitions to getting naked and initiating sex. Would probably double as a good way to tempt her back to your place (“I converted my bathroom into a sauna”)! There’s a guide to doing this here, and some additional considerations here.
Excelent idea! Will def try it on my next pad.
  • Install a light dimmer. People behave less inhibited and feel more comfortable escalating to sex when the lights are dimmed. Just compare what it feels like to approach girls in a brightly lit bar versus one that is very dark. Also compare how the girls act in those environments. Dimming the lights in your place is a simple way to recreate this vibe (if you can’t install a dimmer, maybe try dousing the electric lights and lighting some candles).
All main lights should have dimmers (better for melanine production after a certain time of the day).
This helped me so much to get laid that I think it is my number one priority in every place I stay.
Very light lampshades strategically positioned are also a good option.
  • Add a veil that separates the forbidden from the public. Sex clubs often follow a model where up front is a pornographic storefront, and in the back is a dark black curtain, behind which is the entrance to the sex club. Passing through the curtain is a kind of ritual where the individual enters into a different kind of space (fortunetellers do this same thing with the bead curtains you pass through). I don’t know where you’d put this, but if you have one room heavily tricked out as your ‘sex room’ you might install a heavy black curtain there.
Had this in my last pad too.
It was just a simple linen curtain between living room and bedroom that left a kind of an ethereal impression when it got hit by natural light
Powerfull stuff.
  • If any of you crazy cats try these ideas out, I’d love to hear how they work out for you!
Widen your shag room as much as you can!
There's something called proxemics that we use a lot in architecture, but can also be applied to seduction.
Having a wide room lets you manage the distance better, and even do push/pull in a more powerfull way.

On top of that, women feel way more comfortable in a sex room if they are allowed to explore the space and keep/close the distance at their will.
(source: my ass, but empirically speaking it works!)
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake