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To Chase/Franco/anyone else who's mastered this...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 12, 2013
Do you think that if you wanted to, you could get ANY girl you wanted? Obviously i'm not talking about happily married women or Angelina Jolie, but suppose you saw a girl at work/on the street/at a bar, you know enough about her to know what she likes, and you have the equivalent of a doctorate degree of Seduction, would you go into the situation with 100% certainty you'll get the girl? No matter if she doesn't like white guys, guys with red hair, brown eyes, etc


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Humay said:
Do you think that if you wanted to, you could get ANY girl you wanted? Obviously i'm not talking about happily married women or Angelina Jolie, but suppose you saw a girl at work/on the street/at a bar, you know enough about her to know what she likes, and you have the equivalent of a doctorate degree of Seduction, would you go into the situation with 100% certainty you'll get the girl? No matter if she doesn't like white guys, guys with red hair, brown eyes, etc

I like this question. but i would flip it here. Given time to spend with a women, you certainly can make her yours, even if she doesn't like this, that, bla bla bla. :)

If you're classmates with a girl long enough, and you got things going on in your life, you can get the girl.
If you're work colleagues long enough, and you got a sexy vibe, she certainly has some interest sooner or later.

Persistence is key. You can always get any girl if you wanted to, given time to spend with her. That time can vary from 1 day to a lifetime. As Ricardus did mention this in his article, "Given enough time". (I can't remember it though, and it's really true.)

My thoughts,

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
I agree with Zac, essentially persistance is key and a sexy vibe. You cant make 100% of women you want yours. with everything this site has to offer if you implament it it can sure help more than you can imagine. I know this from experience

Mr. Hawaii

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 30, 2013
You won't get every girl. If you don't accept that, when you get rejected you're going to beat yourself up more than you deserve. You can try for every girl though, aside from roofies there's not much more promise than that. One just has to have the balls to go for it even though he may get shot down.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 12, 2013
Thanks everyone, i appreciate your replies!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
"Whether you think you can or you can't, either way you are right" - Henry Ford

Its all about certainty. If you are certain that you can, you will be taking action, and you will make her yours.

,... and yes, be Persistent ;)