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To guys who mastered business and girls... What happens next?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
I don't consider myself anywhere near a master of biz and girls but I've made some serious progress in both.

My vision of 6 figure money online, travelling when I want & only working ~20 hours a week and finally firing a boss is slowly getting closer...

This is one of my future looking type posts - to the entrepreneurs who got good at girls and business WTF did you do next lol?

So many men spend a lifetime never reaching competence in any and a few get good at one in the expense of the other.

From what I've seen common routes are:

  • A- Enjoy life and just keep growing the business and running through girls *shrugs*
  • B - A black hole of drugs and degeneracy because there's nothing left (it's a no from me lol)
  • C - Spiritual, law of attraction, run getaway retreats in Maldives to pass the time --> can't lie this lowkey appeals to me lol
  • D - Master fitness, health and aging well --> also appeals to me
  • E - Start a family and try build integrational wealth like the Rothschilds, Medici etc. --> I'm about 8-10 years off this route


Tagging a random selection of guys who've achieved notable competence in both:

@POB @Karea Ricardus D. @TomInHo @Chase @Warped Mindless @samuraijack

Thank you

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I'll preface this by saying I'm still well short of my business goals. At one point we were probably the #4 or 5 business in the space in terms of revenue, but the big guys were still a LOT bigger than we were. I still find myself dealing with frustrating business speed bumps. That said, we boast the most-visited website in the niche (almost 58 million visitors over the lifetime of the site) and a pretty impressive customer count, so we do do all right. Financially I could probably take 10 or so years off working if I wanted to and not really break a sweat... but actually I would break a sweat, because I'd be watching my savings grow smaller and smaller over time all while my business skills got rustier and rustier. So no, couldn't really even do that! (also, I don't know what I'd do with myself if I took years off of productive work. I need to produce something or other or I go stir-crazy)

That said, every guy I know who is good at both business and girls is better at one over the other. Some guys are killing it at business but despite being good with girls keep running into issues. Some guys have it on lock with girls but despite being decent at business keep running into obstacles there.

Most of the coaching clients I get are guys with the shoe on the other foot. They are generating very high incomes and are pretty solid with girls but have these nagging issues with women. A lot of them are trying to find a chick worth keeping around long-term, or trying to decide if a chick they have is worth keeping around, but hitting obstacles.

What I have seen as almost universally as guys start to get close to being where they want to be with all their main business & girl goals:

  • They begin to think about legacy. It's no longer just satisfying unmet needs anymore. Now it's "What am I leaving behind?" Usually this is either doing something that contributes to humanity, creating an awesome family with an awesome gal (possibly including that inter-generational wealth building / dynasty building), or both. I have had a lot of conversations lately with guys who are both financially and romantically successful about dynasty building. It seems to be a pretty common desire among "builder" types... "All right, I've built my stuff, now what do I do with it? Answer: use my girl success to get a really awesome chick, put babies in her, then use my business success to make sure those babies are set up to continue building even more success, down the line of descent." But there are other guys who pursue other paths. Andrew Carnegie, Warren Buffett, etc., donated most of their wealth to charities aimed at helping their societies in general meanwhile leaving their kids largely on their own. It's probably down to how grateful/attached to his society a guy feels, versus how independent from it and focused on building a lineage-based legacy instead he is.

  • They begin to want to build peer groups. It's easy to isolate yourself when you're focused on dating or business building / career. Maintaining friendships gets bumped to the backseat as you ratchet things up to the hilt. But then you reach the top of the mountain, satisfied with your success, then look around at who there is to share it with and realize most of your friends have drifted away with time. Then you realize that there are very few people you even know who share your life experiences and level of achievement in the fields you have achieved in. So you start trying to build new connections.

The spirituality aspect seems to depend on the guy. Some guys are very spiritually inclined, and get more so once they have the breathing room success gives you. Other guys just are not spiritual and no amount of success will change that. There are a lot of financially and romantically successful guys who get really into spirituality though.

Drugs & degeneracy -- this one is more younger guys who haven't reached true success. It's typically an escape... or they got hooked on it young, or have some sort of mental or personality disorder they are trying to run away from. When you see rich dudes going this route, it is almost always going to be guys who "struck it rich" (suddenly came into wealth, or inherited wealth, or achieved wealth in some other much-faster-than-usual way and didn't have to work a decade+ to amass it), rather than guys who slowly built it up over time with grit, sacrifice, and dedication.

But legacy, peer groups, and (on a case-by-case basis) spirituality -- those are the big three (or two) you consistently see as guys achieve their goals with women and wealth.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Purpose outside of self. Bill Gates.

Purpose outside of self makes sense but Bill Gates definitely didn’t master women lol

Useful article I’d forgotten about. Will re-read

@Chase appreciate the thorough response as always! Legacy & Tribe being the most popular 2 makes a lot of sense. Can see spiritual being a minority because most “spiritual” types don’t tend to be action takers (easily content) and most action takers aren’t that spiritual lol

The nuance on “builders” and independent types being more family lineage focused vs those who feel indebted by society was particularly useful.

Think I definitely lean more independent look after my immediate and extended family but society as a whole is none of my business.

That may change with age/success though.

Peer groups is huge! I’ve been consciously and unconsciously “recruiting” guys on the same path and slowly but surely building a circle I’m v happy with. Could be bigger but I guess what I’m into is niche, which is weird because seeing how much society flashes money & girls at you, you would think men would figure out how to get it!!

I digress.

Thank you!

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Agreed lol though you never really know what people's sex lives are like. As if he isn't running into beautiful women throwing themselves at him constantly?

He's in private circles away from cameras and could handle anxiety around beauty from enough exposure.

Then I'm sure there's very wealthy sapiosexual women turned on by a man still on a mission to better humanity... The guy whose tool still enables all modern business average people touch every day. Microsoft Windows... Excel...

Bill Gates fucks.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Dunno why i dont get notifications about being tagged 🤷‍♂️

@Chase hit a lot of good points, pretty much all of them? haha. I do have something to add.

If I look at my current goals and where I'm at, I'm not even close to "making" it.

But if I look back 7 years ago when i first started my self development journey, I have basically crossed everything I wanted to do off that list.

My brother (not secret society) joked the other day, that he saw in my old copy of "Awaken the giant within" by Robbins, I wrote in my goals "threesome", written 6 years ago. I had totally forgotten about that. And when I had my first threesome, i did say to myself "nice i did it". But I haven't really thought of it much ever since. Nor any of the other things on that list, including selling my business, X number of lays, living in Manhattan, etc.

Were always creating new milestones. And I think as we progress / age our values also change, which then changes our goals, giving us new things to work towards. Eg. I'm cuffed currently 😅 This is really important because without meaning, once you achieve your goals, its very easy to end up in your point B. That was kind of like me for the past 2 years except no hard drugs, just tons of marijuana, drunk every date 4-5x per week, waking up 3pm, uber eats every meal. But once I was like, ok im in my 30s, what now? Oh yeah I eventually want kids so I gotta look for a mother for my kids haha, and I want them SET for life, and my whole family, OK go time again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
Don't you think that you are self-sabotaging yourself with this question?

You can focus here and now on moving towards your current goals. Instead you are asking a hypothetical question regarding some more or less distance, possible situation in the future. It's not even clear that you will have this problem when you get there. Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Either way, once you are there, it will be pretty obvious to you what motivates and drives you at that moment in the future. You won't need to ask other people for that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Don't you think that you are self-sabotaging yourself with this question?

No. If anything it’s aids me because I’m *assuming* I will “master” both money and girls 😉

Instead you are asking a hypothetical question regarding some more or less distance, possible situation in the future.

Good to say this & I’ve said it to others in the past. Difference is 80% of my posts are me trying to be helpful or sharing existing insights & 20% are requests like this.

It’s good to know what’s coming ahead because then you’re better prepared… It’s like looking at maps for the new city you’ll be travelling to.

Orientation will click faster once you’re there.

It's not even clear that you will have this problem when you get there.

This is true. Which is why I like to know all potential problems now then position myself to be able to do deal with any once there.

For example when starting this I just wanted girl competence and to rack up lays. I then saw looking forward that most men will want an LTR as they got older. So I learnt those skills to deal with a problem I didn’t have yet.

Now I’m at a point where I would be open to an LTR I know I have the skills to run it and not starting from 0 had I not had that awareness.

It’s niche, few people think ahead but it’s just how my brain works & it’s helped me loads.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
I’m now retiring from being a business consultant. Between the passive income I get from owning (but no longer working in) that business and other investments, I have a ton of free time.

so what am I doing?

doing more cold approach than I have in years. It’s super fun again. Also currently mastering poker and my fitness.

Once you master both you move on and master something else becusse if you are the kind of person to actually get good at both, you aren’t the kind of person who is content sitting around doing nothing and just enjoying a job well done.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
  • A- Enjoy life and just keep growing the business and running through girls *shrugs*
  • B - A black hole of drugs and degeneracy because there's nothing left (it's a no from me lol)
  • C - Spiritual, law of attraction, run getaway retreats in Maldives to pass the time --> can't lie this lowkey appeals to me lol
  • D - Master fitness, health and aging well --> also appeals to me
  • E - Start a family and try build integrational wealth like the Rothschilds, Medici etc. --> I'm about 8-10 years off this route
"D" is something I started working on in my 20s, so I wouldn't put it in the "after business and girls" category, but ratherin the trifecta of foundational material success: "health, wealth, relationships" as laid out in the Venusian Arts Handbook (health wealth relationships is an ancient concept which Mystery took from occultism). Having more resources helped massively with the pursuit of health, and I'm more focused on it now than ever, but it's not a pursuit that came afterwards. All three need to go hand in hand and in balance: business, game, fitness.

"B" is the answer I chose once I had passive income and three figure pickup lays - I got lost even deeper in hedonism and degeneracy. I fucked my next several hundred girls using cash money, a lot of bottle service in clubs, a lot of jet setting around several countries with a hard party scene, a lot of drugs (though no hard drugs, I stuck to the "natural" varieties like cannabis and psychedelics). You will be absolutely shocked to hear me say: that way does not lie happiness. A lot of fun, don't get me wrong... but I dug myself a hole that it took me years to climb out of.

"C" is the correct answer, and it's what I've been focused on every spare second of the past 7 years of my life. That's about as much as I'm willing to share on a public pickup forum but if you're curious about details, feel free to send me a PM. (y)