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FR+  Tom&Marty's


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hello gents,

Here's one FR for you to look at.

The Beginning It twas Saturday the 1st of February. After a less than stellar Friday night I vowed to get some experience and accomplish something. My friend Zach had his girlfriend visiting and were going to go to Tom&Marty's a bar early to stay for family feud. Basically you can win free stuff by answering questions similar to the game show. We get there and 3 of our Fraternity bros were already there chilling and drinking. We relax there and start drinking from their beer tower, I get a healthy buzz and continue towards being drunk as we get another beer tower. At the same time the bar starts to become more and more packed as the game draws near.

The Blue motorcycle Gang Family feud starts but before that a group of girls take places directly behind me. There are three of them, Ashley, Maggie and a blonde whose name I forget. They all have a drink called the Blue Motorcycle(mad good) and so the name of their group for family feud is The Blue motorcycle gang.

I try and chat here and there. I learn Ashley's name and we talk to each other, I learn she live in my dorm on the 4th floor and that she knows Nads, one of the Frat bros I am hanging with right then and there. Then when our convo dies down and I look to the side, I see her with my peripheral and I notice her give me this look of pure desire and I was just like....... fuuuckkk. I would describe it as she had her head tilted down looking at her phone and then just looked up at me with those eyes.

Protip***Don't get in your heads guys when at bars or parties, god I did that so much where I would thinking all this shit like" what am I doing, am I fucking up, god I need to be doing shit" and all the while girls could of been looking at me but i would not notice because I was in my own little world.

Anyway Family feud is well underway at this point. Our team "I did Anal with Larry(bar owner) at the parking garage" won a pitcher of coke and rum. After a cup of this I was in the goldilocks zone of drunk, not retarded but feeling pretty damn good as well.

Then this happens, I go to turn to the girls behind and as it turns out Ashley is right behind me and turns around as well and we just start hooking up.... I don't even know how or why it happened but it did. This goes on for maybe a minute at must before I stop it because I didn't want to be just some makeout guy. At this point as well it is obvious that she is just as drunk as I am or more.

Now I am wondering how I should play my cards now... I need to do something I say to myself. So a little bit after this I take her hand and tell her to come with me. She says something that I cannot hear to her friends and complies and follows me to another part of the bar. We start dancing and then making out as well. Eventually I ask her if she wants to get out of here(BAD) which she then says... if memory serves me correctly she says " I have to go ask Maggie(her friend) if I can Fuck...."

When she says this I am like Hmmmmm OK.... She heads back to her friends and my goose cooked at this point. Later I ask one more time if she wants to head to another bar and she declines, I believe I acted too needy and let my attainability become way too low during this whole thing.

Falling Action
I eventually leave T&M's and head to JT's. The bar is a giant dance floor with loud as FUCK music. Can't hear shit in there. I tried some dance floor game but it really just blows. I see some of the Turkish girls who I am friends with though and dance with them.

They were pretty drunk and flirty though and I was unsure how to make moves in such a venue. Hell one of tried to get me to buy her a drink. I deftly deflected that motion since I am too cheap to buy drinks for myself, I'll be damned if I buy one for some broad.

Overall JT's is a shitshow, bunch of drunk people trying to get laid both guys and girls but no one can god damn talk to one another. I doubt I will be going there again.

Thanks for reading guys and how would you have handled Ashley?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 28, 2013
Re: FR+ Tom&Marty's

"Let's get out of here" = "let's go fuck". She had no plausible deniability, and even apparently went and asked her friends.

(1) Chase has a bunch of posts/threads on social circle friends, where you can basically get them on your side and helping you out; and/or
(2) Plausible deniability. "Let's go listen to that album/watch that show we were discussing." "I'm starved, you? Too early to call it a night; I've got this amazing [food/drink] and you should join me for a nightcap." etc
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: FR+ Tom&Marty's


That was a pretty bad one right there, plus I should not have made out with her at the bar on the dance floor in the first place as well. Live and learn, thanks for the input.