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Tommy's newbie assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 15, 2014
Kia Ora guys! So first who am i: I'm a 20 year old 3rd year at a university in Dunedin, New Zealand. Our university is well known for having a culture of drinking excessively. I've been reasonably successful with women and have slept with a good number because of my social circle i suppose, but i feel like I'm really that guy a girl gets with when she's punching above her weight so to speak. must be the drinking i guess. anyway last summer (our November) i met a stunning girl who i thought was perfect. i guess deep down i knew she wanted to be single but i battled to keep her and then was crushed when she left me at the start of this year. after sulking for a month or so (embarrassed about that by the way) i stumbled on girlschase.com which has already changed me: I'm a more confident person now who no longer drinks to excess (except last weekend, cringe) and who isn't bitter anymore. I am more conscious of my interactions with friends. Also i have a new-found dream to meet and bed beautiful women regularly and being in a uni part of town they are everywhere! But outside of bars and while out drinking i can't do the cold approach! I've always wanted to so here's my chance: the newbie assignment. By the end of this i hope to be able to do the cold approach well. I have no interests in anything long term, but I'd really like to be a fantastic lover and I've already improved remarkably since reading a certain couple of articles here ;) first thing though is meeting girls, i'm nervous as anything but super excited. I start tomorrow, wish me luck!

anyway tl;dr im 20 I'm doing the newbie challenge to one day consistently bed beautiful women and give them an experience they treasure; i want to add value to the lives of those around me. Frothing for tomorrow. chur :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take