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Calls & Texts  Too much texting


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
Right now, I'm seeing this girl, but even before our first date, she has been texting me incessantly. Now, I while I'm cool with using text to set things up, I despise having convos through a text based medium (sms, IM, Facebook, etc). However, she keeps insisting that I text her constantly. How do I get her to lay off the texting, or at least slow it down a bit. I don't want to be rude by not responding, but at the same time, I don't like text conversation.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Enigma,

In general, if a girl is doing this a lot, it's best to just start cutting down on the length of your answers. Also, you'll want to really try to not respond to texts that don't "require" a response. As a matter of fact, I've made my own rule that I always try to end a text conversation with the girl being the last one to text me. It has worked wonders for me. If the logistics for our next meetup has already been setup, then I just wait for her to send me that "last" text that allows me to "slip out" of the conversation.

For example:

Me: So we'll meet at my place at 7 then?
Her: Sounds good! Should I bring a bottle of wine over like last time? =)
Me: Sure! I'll make sure that we actually try to finish our glasses this time... ;)
Her: Haha, I'm not sure we'll get that far! I might accidentally "spill" again, lol
-- No response --

If she decides to actually call you out on your lack of texting (which it sounds like this girl might have), then just frame her addiction to frequently texting as something that's just not you, but do it in a very fun and light-hearted way.

For example:

Her: So you don't like to text back very much do you?
Me: Haha, I'm just a busy guy! If I had time to reply to EVERY text I received, then I'd probably smell pretty bad from not having time to take a shower!
Her: Hahaha. Oh come onnnn. It's not like replying to a text takes up THAT much of your time
Me: You'd be surprised... with all the typos I make, even Siri gets bored waiting for me to finish typing a text, lol
Her: LOL! I'm sure Siri doesn't mind waiting for you to finish!
-- No response --

I have a slew of text conversations that have gone extremely well saved to my phone that I was thinking about sharing at some point in a post on the boards. Lots of guys seem interested in how to text women appropriately and get results. I'll see if I can get something up on here soon.

Hope this helps!

- Franco