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Top 10 Most Found Beautiful Women In the World, Country


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I would like to travel around the world sooner than i thought i would.

I have check online, from various websites, Mainly, these are the cities.

Best looking women cities
1. Kiev, Ukraine
2. Stockholm, Sweden
3. New York, U.S.
4. Buenos Aires, Argentina
5. Varna, Bulgaria
6. Moscow, Russia
7. Tel Aviv, Israel
8. Amsterdam, Holland
9. Seoul, South Korea
10. Montreal, Canada

Feel free to share your travels.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
I have been out of country a couple times, and I spent a couple weeks in Amsterdam then in Paris not too long ago. I can confirm that Amsterdam really is full of beautiful women, it deserves a spot on that list, and it is unique in that (at least from what I saw/experienced) it has roughly equal amounts of beautiful women from many different parts of the world. I saw and talked to incredibly sexy southeast Asians, Koreans, Japanese, Indians, Arabs, Africans (Black and White), and pretty much any type of European you can think of. Amsterdam is a very open and diverse place, with plenty of very attractive females and no end of things to do.

As for Paris, it also had incredibly beautiful girls, mostly of the tall, skinny model variety which isn't really my type (I generally am not attracted very much to girls without much ass), but if tall and skinny with a pretty face is your thing Paris is the place for you. Also helps to speak French, I found the stereotype of the French disliking Americans is fairly true when you haven't bothered to learn the language there. It actually comically helps to pretend you are British...got a lay in Paris that way; try gaming with a fake British accent, its a bitch.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hmm. Not sure about the other cities, but generally speaking in the U.S., I've seen San Diego fairly consistently ranked as the city with the most beautiful people in the country (that's not a personal bias from having lived there 3 years, either; I've been seeing those stats since before I'd ever visited California!). Although, there did seem to be an invasion of large women not long before I left, but I think that's the case throughout the United States these days. Milwaukee has a fair amount of pretty girls, too, although I'm not certain I'd live there during the winter.

You'll find a surprising number of beautiful and well-endowed women with small waists in Beijing; a fair amount of tall women there too (despite the stereotype you get in the U.S. of Chinese people being short), because it's northern China, which is home to taller stock. Surprising number of stunningly beautiful Russian women in Beijing as well, though many are prostitutes.

The women in Florence, Italy I found quite attractive, although perhaps as much for their colorful dress as their physical features. It's a small city though (~300,000 people). Compared to San Diego at 1.5 million, and Beijing at 20 million.


A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Talinn, Estonia is supposed to be amazing. And I've heard Latvia too.

I lived in Florence for a year, great place but didn't find the women to my taste so much, too much makeup and high fashion on plain faces.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Lupo said:
Chase said:
The women in Florence, Italy I found quite attractive, although perhaps as much for their colorful dress as their physical features. It's a small city though (~300,000 people). Compared to San Diego at 1.5 million, and Beijing at 20 million.


Chase, I previously lived in Florence for several months. Italian women are extremely attractive. They are short, in great shape, with beautiful hair and eyes. However, they are typically very hard to get with because they are not very warm... They are used to extremely aggressive Italian men- the super natural PUAs if you will. Of course, this is all general talk. The only ones who will be interested in American men tend to be the girls who have a high level of English and are obsessed with everything red, white, and blue. Might help if you have blonde hair and blue eyes. I look very Italian which I believe hurt my chances- I did not look very distinctive. If you do close in on an Italian gal, you have to be bold. Leave all that nice timid American guy at home or she will literally be swooped up by someone else.

Moving on, Florence is one of the most popular spots for American students to study abroad. Break that down even further, and study abroad programs are usually composed of least 60-65% females. The nightlife is fantastic. Fun bars and clubs, especially in the summer. The city is not very big in size so it remains very accessible by foot. It can be a great place to do both night game (mentioned above) and day game (meeting girls in the spectacular art museums, enjoying gelato by the Duomo, Uffizi, taking a stroll down the arno, in all the shops by the Ponte Vecchio, outside of class in the piazze or at study abroad events, etc...). Totally recommend it for a prolonged vacation. Just expect to have a fairly American experience with the ladies.


Lupo is spot on. I studied abroad in Europe and spent an extended time in Florence. Italian women are beautiful indeed but they are pretty much off limits unless you have tight game and the girl is really into American culture. If you are exotic to what she is used to, then you will score big. A lot of the people I knew who tried to score with Italian women lacked even the basic fundamentals of game. It's funny seeing people who think that being a hipster will work on these types of women. The girls I knew had better luck with the Italian men for reasons that do not need to be stated. Anyway, Italy is nice. Great food. Great women. I do not like how Americanized some parts of Italy has become. I guess that can go for all of Europe though.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

Awesome, Seems like Amsterdam would be my first destination, although i love to go to Seoul, South Korea. I want to visit YG Entertainment though. :) BIGBANG

Btw Jay, I'm an Asian brown guy, i will get my a$$ kick pretending i am British. :)

Colorful dress and physical features. Seems like a cool place to go. San Diego, Milwaukee, Beijing? Wow, seems like everywhere there's beautiful girls. :) Life is good.

and Latvia too.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Lille in France wasn't too bad, pretty much hottie central.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Milwaukee is great for attractive women you just have to make sure you are on the "North side" which is the higher society end, where as South Milwaukee is ghetto and rundown

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
ZacAdam said:
Btw Jay, I'm an Asian brown guy, i will get my a$$ kick pretending i am British. :)

We have lots of British asian brown people here!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
I'm from Bulgaria, and I can say that yes, Bulgarian girls/women are amazingly beautiful AND the best part is that there are lots of beautiful girls.

if someone's interested here's a compilation of how some of the Bulgarian women look like



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
I haven't been to Montreal, but I've heard the girls there are great! Toronto is where I want to start doing pickup, as the girls there are gorgeous! The beautiful thing about Canadian girls is, you get all flavours of the rainbow ;)

Most people from the States think we ride polar bears to work and that we live in igloos, it's unbelievable! The thing with Canada is, you only find the polar bears and igloos WAAAY up north, in Toronto our lifestyle is the same as yours down south, except we don't have as much variety in food, among a few other minor differences. For example, I'll go to the grocery store in the states and you guys have like 100s of different cookies; here we have a more limited selection. I believe this leads to a correlation in the type of girls you find here as you can find a lot of fit/healthy girls, they take care of their appearance, and are generally, pretty nice/approachable. For anyone coming to visit, come in the summer, our winters are cold/snowy/grey/depressing, but our summers are unreal/warm/sunny!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
MisterX said:
if someone's interested here's a compilation of how some of the Bulgarian women look like

Bulgarian women are beautiful. Gah...!! :)

Garrett said:
The beautiful thing about Canadian girls is, you get all flavours of the rainbow ;)

all flavours of the rainbow, you make them girls sound like a cookies. :)
