I am out of school and its difficult making friends and firming a social circle.
All my conversations go like this.
(1) I have read the article on deep diving and when I try it with people they give very half assed answers and it almost seems like they don’t want to talk.
(At that point I generally ask them if they are comfortable responding to questions asked by me and if they still give half assed answers I stop the conversation).
[[ This problem doesn’t occur with family when I converse in the same way, so is it a trust issue? ]]
(2) Conversations become one sided with only me asking the questions or sharing stories or making statements.
I generally have a child like enthusiasm (not childish of course) when talking and don’t know whether this makes it seem like I am needy.
What are some things you changed in social interactions that made you more Charming/Charismatic/easier to make friends?
Any tips?
All my conversations go like this.
(1) I have read the article on deep diving and when I try it with people they give very half assed answers and it almost seems like they don’t want to talk.
(At that point I generally ask them if they are comfortable responding to questions asked by me and if they still give half assed answers I stop the conversation).
[[ This problem doesn’t occur with family when I converse in the same way, so is it a trust issue? ]]
(2) Conversations become one sided with only me asking the questions or sharing stories or making statements.
I generally have a child like enthusiasm (not childish of course) when talking and don’t know whether this makes it seem like I am needy.
What are some things you changed in social interactions that made you more Charming/Charismatic/easier to make friends?
Any tips?