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Tried hard not to get laid. Still got laid


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 8, 2024
So I went out with my friends to a local college bar and had decided to not go home with any girls later in the night(had a solid reason). I did still want to approach girls and work on my game however. As soon as we got to the bar, I open a set of 3 girls with a compliment while body rocking and we end up talking for about 7-10 minutes. This served as my warmup for the night. My friends and I then moved to the dance floor part of the venue after getting some drinks.

Side note: I recently realized that being drunk helps massively improve my game, especially at night. I had been night gaming sober all semester because of advice I got on here, but this would cause me to chicken out of approaches and be too sensitive to the chaos of night game environments. I do think it's good advice to game sober but I'm experimenting with using alcohol for now to lower my inhibitions and try to see if I can somehow force that state without alcohol in the future.

After dancing with my boys for about 15 minutes on the dance floor, I notice this blonde girl dancing with her friends was staring at me. To be honest, I wasn't fully sure she was staring at me so I almost chickened out of the approach (I later confirm from her after the lay that the staring was fully intentional on her part and she was giving me the go-ahead to approach). I decided to body rock and open while walking past her. My opener:
Me: "You know it's rude to stare?" (smiling and making eye contact)
Her: something along the lines of "sorry, i didn't mean to"
Me: "If you're going to stare, at least tell me your name"

After delivering the opener, we went into full on conversation in the middle of this very loud dance floor. Since I had decided not to pull that night, I got her contact and left the dance floor to meet up with friends/talk to other girls. A couple minutes pass by and I return to the dance floor with my friends, I notice her glance at me and decide to re-approach - we continue our conversation and she seemed plenty invested in our conversation. I ask her to join me in the sitting area outside and left to go be with some other friends. I fully expected she wouldn't show up but to my surprise, she did. I ask her to grab a seat near me and we continue our conversation.

At some point, she mentions her place and I automatically asked her where she lived (muscle memory lol). She lived about a 10 minute walk from the bar. I really did not want to pull but I also wanted to see if i could so i asked if she wanted to leave the venue to go to her place in a couple of minutes. She heartily agreed and we left the venue after a couple more minutes.

As soon as we get to her place, I go in for the kiss and we have sex. It wasn't the best sex of my life. I was pretty drunk and couldn't even cum. However, it was a good learning experience.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Good report!

The girl was very into you from the get-go, which made things smooth.

But note a couple of things here:

I notice this blonde girl dancing with her friends was staring at me. To be honest, I wasn't fully sure she was staring at me so I almost chickened out of the approach (I later confirm from her after the lay that the staring was fully intentional on her part and she was giving me the go-ahead to approach).

For all guys who chicken out on approach invitations, this is what you're passing up on!

After delivering the opener, we went into full on conversation in the middle of this very loud dance floor. Since I had decided not to pull that night, I got her contact and left the dance floor to meet up with friends/talk to other girls. A couple minutes pass by and I return to the dance floor with my friends, I notice her glance at me and decide to re-approach

Takeaway here.

She was very into you, staring, talking in the middle of the dance floor, then you... took her number and left.

Later, she was staring at you again, so you went back in.

She was probably pretty disappointed you left.

Then relieved/excited you re-approached.

That is how you ratchet up her excitement for you further.

- we continue our conversation and she seemed plenty invested in our conversation. I ask her to join me in the sitting area outside and left to go be with some other friends. I fully expected she wouldn't show up but to my surprise, she did. I ask her to grab a seat near me and we continue our conversation.

A second takeaway, but this time with instructions for her to follow.

When she does, that's very strong compliance on her part (which you then continued by having her sit next to you).

At this point, this girl has no illusions that she is going to make you chase after her.

It is 100% your game, and she is feeling it.

At some point, she mentions her place and I automatically asked her where she lived (muscle memory lol).

Blatant signal from her and absolutely correct call by you!

She lived about a 10 minute walk from the bar. I really did not want to pull but I also wanted to see if i could so i asked if she wanted to leave the venue to go to her place in a couple of minutes. She heartily agreed and we left the venue after a couple more minutes.

As soon as we get to her place, I go in for the kiss and we have sex. It wasn't the best sex of my life. I was pretty drunk and couldn't even cum. However, it was a good learning experience.

Smooth lay!

Half of it was simply you responding to the signals this girl gave you:

  • Staring at you the first time (triggered your initial approach)
  • Talking your ear off in the middle of a noisy dance floor
  • Staring at you the second time (triggered your re-approach)
  • Coming to join you outside
  • Mentioning her place in conversation

This girl sounds like she was looking for it and had her sights on you, so it's possible you'd have gotten the lay smoothly enough even without the two takeaways.

But it's also possible she might've still played some little games to test you a bit, see if you'd chase, etc.

You leaving a couple of times then telling her to follow you set a very clear frame of "I'm in charge, I'm the less interested party, this is my show" and she went right along with it.

Nice and educational lay!
