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- Jul 23, 2017
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Don't worry, this isn't political xD
Yesterday, I attended a university gathering for alumni international students.
There was lunch, followed by a few speeches and these fun group games which let people mingle.
As I walk in and register, they direct me to a box where you can pick an item to wear. They have funny, disportionately large glasses, masks, hats, etc.
I fumble in the box for a while and come across a MAGA hat. That's my pick.
There are around 100 people in a gymnasium kind of place. Good energy and good vibes. I socialize with a few people I remember from uni. Everyone high fives me and laughs when they see the MAGA hat, without making it political.
Anyway, I'm not American, nor have I ever been to the states.
Flash forward after lunch, they arrange us into groups of 9-10 people. They go through a game of truth or dare but no one comes up with anything juicy.
Sensing the vibe, I suggest we play 2 truths a lie. The enthusiasm starts spiking up.
My turn comes and I have to say 2 truths and a lie to the girl across me. She's a cute brunette from Nepal with anime eyes, dressed nicely but conservatively.
Me: Alright, let's do this! I'm James btw (I lean forward, extending my hand)
Her: Hey, hi, I'm Kamala (that's her actual name!)
Me: Cool to meet you (smiles at her)
She smiles shyly back.
Me: alright, let's go. So... here are my statements. you ready?
Her: haha yeah go ahead.
1. I once wrote an online exam while spending the day in Disneyland.
2. I have a German Shepherd.
3. I wrote my own novel.
Her: Hmm omg I don't know.
Another girl, one of my previous classmates, laughs.
Me: Shhh don't say anything.
Her (Kamala): What? does she know something? (turning to the girl) Any clues?
The girl shakes her head and keeps laughing.
I know why she's laughing. She was with me that day in Disneyland when I wrote an econ exam online. Fun day.
Finally, Kamala gives her verdict:
"I think.... the first one sounds like it should be a lie. But if it's really a lie, it's too obvious. So, i think it's actually true. Hmmm, I'd say, the third one is the lie? about you writing your own novel?"
I shake my head, smiling.
Me: "Good analysis on the first option! It's actually true! She (pointing at my ex classmates, who's now bursting in laughter) was here during the whole thing.
Classmate: Omg yes I can't believe you actually did that.
Kamala: (laughing) why would you ever do that?
Me: To be honest, I had totally forgotten about the exam.
Kamala: I can see you're a serious student (a slight smirk)
Me: Totally (a wink)
Her: So I won?
Me: Not quite... the lie was about the German Shepherd. I don't have one. Or rather, not anymore. Used to have one but... long story.
Her: Ohh so you wrote a novel.
Me: yeah.
Her: Can I read it?
Me: It's not in English but when it becomes a best seller, I'm sure they'll have the translation (wink)
She smiled quite warmly at me, giving me an overall feeling that she could be kinda into me (not sure yet)
The game proceeds and soon after a few speeches, the event comes to an end.
I'm chatting with a few buddies when she appears.
Her: Heeeey was great playing that game earlier.
Me: Totally!
Her: I'm actually heading out so... goodbye! cool meetin you.
Me: Any plans for today?
Her: Hmm I have to meet my sister in law tonight, we're going shopping for a new shopping bag.
I make an absurd facial expression.
Me: Shoppping... for a shopping bag? so in what will you put the new shopping bag if you don't have one?
Her: (she laughs) Yeeaah kind of chicken and egg problem right?
Me: Exactly. ( I pause a bit, laughing silently). Anyway... it's tonight right? with your sister in law?
Her: Yes.
Me: Doing anything right now?
Her: Hmm no just gonna go for a walk. maybe the mall.
Me: I know this amazing bubble tea place. let's go together.
Her: Sure, i love bubble tea.
Me: Great let's go.
We walk together and are about to exit the gymnasium when a voice calls out:
"Hey, can I have the hat back pls"
I turn and see a girl collecting the funny items back in the box. I laugh and take off my MAGA hat and toss it in the box.
Kamala: Hahaha there goes your Trump hat.
Me: My moment of glory has come to an end.
She laughs and we walk out.
I had a lot of Trump and Kamala jokes I wanted to use. They came to my mind the moment she had told me her name. However, as a rule of thumb, I never discuss politics with chicks. I stuck to that rule.
As we walk, I make small small talk. She tells me she's from Nepal and studied creative writing at uni. she's two years younger than me and just graduated. I talk to her a little about the novel I wrote, which she finds awesome, given her major. She mentions thinking about taking a master's and seems pretty hyped when she learns I have my masters'. She's the kind of chick who likes intellectual guys (I found out later). I casually mention I run a test prep tutoring business, which frames me as the academic guy (and I am tbh, I just don't always show it, depending on the chick)
I use the hand on the small of her back touch quite a bit, especially when crossing the streets. Other times, I lightly touch her shoulder as I make a point.
We get to the bubble tea place and take a seat.
After we order, I start deep diving her and she goes hard it. This girl loooooves talking. I basically sit there in silence, strong eye contact, occasionally pitching in to show her I'm listening (which I really was), and make some incidental touches as well.
The bubble teas come quite late, in fact, after the deep dive. They provide a natural break to the conversation, which I welcome. I know from experience that there was no need to keep deep diving, although it was tempting. We sip on our bubble teas for a while, mostly in silence. Then, I ask her very casaully what she woud consider taking for master's. Kind of random, boring question but that's what I said.
Her: Hmmm maybe something in psychology. But I'll need a bachelor for that. So maybe another bachelor.
Me: Hmm psychology. Fascinating subject. Always interesting to study people's behaviour
Her: Totally!
(btw, I've never met a chick who was not interested in psychology. Even if she did not want to study it, every girl is somewhat fascinated by psychology, at least the ones I've met. lemme know if you've met exceptions)
As you can guess, psychology is a great segue into sex talk.
I mention this peer reviewed journal I was reading (this works well as she gets excited by academic stuff) on human sexuality.
She pays rapt attention as I launch into the difference between male and female orgasms.
Now, I'll admit, I bullshited a bit there. I don't actually know the differences that much but it all led to me making the point that women can have multiple orgasms.
8, in fact
I launch the gambit right there and then.
After going in juicy details, her eyes widen a bit. I know from experience that it's a good sign.
Her: That was explained! You've really got that professor vibe to you!
Me: Yeah, clarity always helps.
She smiles at me while sipping her now almost empty bubble tea in a sexy way. Not super provocative but maybe because I was horny, I thought of her sucking a dick.
Me: I've printed the first draft of my book. Wanna check it out?
Her: Yes, sure, is it far? I have to meet my sister in law later.
Me: It's 5 min away.
It's actually 15 min walk but she doesn't notice.
We arrive at my place. I have her take her shoes off (classic GC tech) and guide her to the couch.
I propose a drink but she says she's fine, after the bubble tea.
She asks if she can use the bathroom. I direct her to it and sit on the couch.
She comes back and sits next to me.
I show her the printed draft of my book. She's really interested and tries to read the french words (she took a french class in uni)
While we're both perched over the book, I grab her face and kiss her.
Not the smoothest transition here, I admit. She's kinda shocked and goes "oh okaaay" right before my lips meet hers.
We make out for maybe 10 minutes or so. I reach for her pussy and she stops me.
Her: Uhm I was not expecting this.
Me: It's alright.
Her: haha no i mean... i'm not...uhm... shaved down there.
She hides her face in her hands.
Me: Totally not a problem.
Her: I feel shy
Me: Hey, no worries. we won't do anything you're not comfortable with, ok?
Her: thank you but i feel shy
Me; Personally it doesn't bother me. You're beautiful and frankly, very sexy.
She looks at me with wide eyes. I start kissing her again, doubling the passion.
Her: Omg ok, do you have a condom?
You can use your imagination to fill in what happened here
After sex, she told me she had just broken up with her boyfriend, who was in the group of people we were playing the game at the event. She described him but I could not recall at all. Apparently, they broke up a few weeks ago and she was dreading attending the event but relaxed when we got to the games.
Then, after a second round, she layed on my chest and asked me to tell her about that one time I wrote an exam while at Disneyland.
Yesterday, I attended a university gathering for alumni international students.
There was lunch, followed by a few speeches and these fun group games which let people mingle.
As I walk in and register, they direct me to a box where you can pick an item to wear. They have funny, disportionately large glasses, masks, hats, etc.
I fumble in the box for a while and come across a MAGA hat. That's my pick.
There are around 100 people in a gymnasium kind of place. Good energy and good vibes. I socialize with a few people I remember from uni. Everyone high fives me and laughs when they see the MAGA hat, without making it political.
Anyway, I'm not American, nor have I ever been to the states.
Flash forward after lunch, they arrange us into groups of 9-10 people. They go through a game of truth or dare but no one comes up with anything juicy.
Sensing the vibe, I suggest we play 2 truths a lie. The enthusiasm starts spiking up.
My turn comes and I have to say 2 truths and a lie to the girl across me. She's a cute brunette from Nepal with anime eyes, dressed nicely but conservatively.
Me: Alright, let's do this! I'm James btw (I lean forward, extending my hand)
Her: Hey, hi, I'm Kamala (that's her actual name!)
Me: Cool to meet you (smiles at her)
She smiles shyly back.
Me: alright, let's go. So... here are my statements. you ready?
Her: haha yeah go ahead.
1. I once wrote an online exam while spending the day in Disneyland.
2. I have a German Shepherd.
3. I wrote my own novel.
Her: Hmm omg I don't know.
Another girl, one of my previous classmates, laughs.
Me: Shhh don't say anything.
Her (Kamala): What? does she know something? (turning to the girl) Any clues?
The girl shakes her head and keeps laughing.
I know why she's laughing. She was with me that day in Disneyland when I wrote an econ exam online. Fun day.
Finally, Kamala gives her verdict:
"I think.... the first one sounds like it should be a lie. But if it's really a lie, it's too obvious. So, i think it's actually true. Hmmm, I'd say, the third one is the lie? about you writing your own novel?"
I shake my head, smiling.
Me: "Good analysis on the first option! It's actually true! She (pointing at my ex classmates, who's now bursting in laughter) was here during the whole thing.
Classmate: Omg yes I can't believe you actually did that.
Kamala: (laughing) why would you ever do that?
Me: To be honest, I had totally forgotten about the exam.
Kamala: I can see you're a serious student (a slight smirk)
Me: Totally (a wink)
Her: So I won?
Me: Not quite... the lie was about the German Shepherd. I don't have one. Or rather, not anymore. Used to have one but... long story.
Her: Ohh so you wrote a novel.
Me: yeah.
Her: Can I read it?
Me: It's not in English but when it becomes a best seller, I'm sure they'll have the translation (wink)
She smiled quite warmly at me, giving me an overall feeling that she could be kinda into me (not sure yet)
The game proceeds and soon after a few speeches, the event comes to an end.
I'm chatting with a few buddies when she appears.
Her: Heeeey was great playing that game earlier.
Me: Totally!
Her: I'm actually heading out so... goodbye! cool meetin you.
Me: Any plans for today?
Her: Hmm I have to meet my sister in law tonight, we're going shopping for a new shopping bag.
I make an absurd facial expression.
Me: Shoppping... for a shopping bag? so in what will you put the new shopping bag if you don't have one?
Her: (she laughs) Yeeaah kind of chicken and egg problem right?
Me: Exactly. ( I pause a bit, laughing silently). Anyway... it's tonight right? with your sister in law?
Her: Yes.
Me: Doing anything right now?
Her: Hmm no just gonna go for a walk. maybe the mall.
Me: I know this amazing bubble tea place. let's go together.
Her: Sure, i love bubble tea.
Me: Great let's go.
We walk together and are about to exit the gymnasium when a voice calls out:
"Hey, can I have the hat back pls"
I turn and see a girl collecting the funny items back in the box. I laugh and take off my MAGA hat and toss it in the box.
Kamala: Hahaha there goes your Trump hat.
Me: My moment of glory has come to an end.
She laughs and we walk out.
I had a lot of Trump and Kamala jokes I wanted to use. They came to my mind the moment she had told me her name. However, as a rule of thumb, I never discuss politics with chicks. I stuck to that rule.
As we walk, I make small small talk. She tells me she's from Nepal and studied creative writing at uni. she's two years younger than me and just graduated. I talk to her a little about the novel I wrote, which she finds awesome, given her major. She mentions thinking about taking a master's and seems pretty hyped when she learns I have my masters'. She's the kind of chick who likes intellectual guys (I found out later). I casually mention I run a test prep tutoring business, which frames me as the academic guy (and I am tbh, I just don't always show it, depending on the chick)
I use the hand on the small of her back touch quite a bit, especially when crossing the streets. Other times, I lightly touch her shoulder as I make a point.
We get to the bubble tea place and take a seat.
After we order, I start deep diving her and she goes hard it. This girl loooooves talking. I basically sit there in silence, strong eye contact, occasionally pitching in to show her I'm listening (which I really was), and make some incidental touches as well.
The bubble teas come quite late, in fact, after the deep dive. They provide a natural break to the conversation, which I welcome. I know from experience that there was no need to keep deep diving, although it was tempting. We sip on our bubble teas for a while, mostly in silence. Then, I ask her very casaully what she woud consider taking for master's. Kind of random, boring question but that's what I said.
Her: Hmmm maybe something in psychology. But I'll need a bachelor for that. So maybe another bachelor.
Me: Hmm psychology. Fascinating subject. Always interesting to study people's behaviour
Her: Totally!
(btw, I've never met a chick who was not interested in psychology. Even if she did not want to study it, every girl is somewhat fascinated by psychology, at least the ones I've met. lemme know if you've met exceptions)
As you can guess, psychology is a great segue into sex talk.
I mention this peer reviewed journal I was reading (this works well as she gets excited by academic stuff) on human sexuality.
She pays rapt attention as I launch into the difference between male and female orgasms.
Now, I'll admit, I bullshited a bit there. I don't actually know the differences that much but it all led to me making the point that women can have multiple orgasms.
8, in fact
I launch the gambit right there and then.
After going in juicy details, her eyes widen a bit. I know from experience that it's a good sign.
Her: That was explained! You've really got that professor vibe to you!
Me: Yeah, clarity always helps.
She smiles at me while sipping her now almost empty bubble tea in a sexy way. Not super provocative but maybe because I was horny, I thought of her sucking a dick.
Me: I've printed the first draft of my book. Wanna check it out?
Her: Yes, sure, is it far? I have to meet my sister in law later.
Me: It's 5 min away.
It's actually 15 min walk but she doesn't notice.
We arrive at my place. I have her take her shoes off (classic GC tech) and guide her to the couch.
I propose a drink but she says she's fine, after the bubble tea.
She asks if she can use the bathroom. I direct her to it and sit on the couch.
She comes back and sits next to me.
I show her the printed draft of my book. She's really interested and tries to read the french words (she took a french class in uni)
While we're both perched over the book, I grab her face and kiss her.
Not the smoothest transition here, I admit. She's kinda shocked and goes "oh okaaay" right before my lips meet hers.
We make out for maybe 10 minutes or so. I reach for her pussy and she stops me.
Her: Uhm I was not expecting this.
Me: It's alright.
Her: haha no i mean... i'm not...uhm... shaved down there.
She hides her face in her hands.
Me: Totally not a problem.
Her: I feel shy
Me: Hey, no worries. we won't do anything you're not comfortable with, ok?
Her: thank you but i feel shy
Me; Personally it doesn't bother me. You're beautiful and frankly, very sexy.
She looks at me with wide eyes. I start kissing her again, doubling the passion.
Her: Omg ok, do you have a condom?
You can use your imagination to fill in what happened here
After sex, she told me she had just broken up with her boyfriend, who was in the group of people we were playing the game at the event. She described him but I could not recall at all. Apparently, they broke up a few weeks ago and she was dreading attending the event but relaxed when we got to the games.
Then, after a second round, she layed on my chest and asked me to tell her about that one time I wrote an exam while at Disneyland.