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FR+  Tryhard Part I


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Summary: Walk into bar, walk right over to a girl and start making out with her, she gets randy, I still go home alone.

[Mary] Spanish [Rating: objective 6/subjective 5][Age: @30](closed)

Open: direct
I left the venue where I work with my friends, we had left with a few girls, but none of them was warming up to me. We arrived at another venue nearby, and I spotted [Mary] at the bar. Mary was about my age and just slightly overweight, but very inviting and giving me strong IOI's.

Escalation: natural
In the space of a minute or two, we were making out ("someone's watching us transition"), and [Mary] was getting quite hot and bothered. Kissing girls came up for some reason, and [Mary] actually started making out with her female friend too, which was just...hot. I pointed out another of her friends and suggested she make out with that girl too, which she did (they actually started getting into it), which was hotter. [Mary] maneuvered my knee between her legs and started grinding on me. "You're lucky I'm not wearing a skirt." She said, and showed me the thong she was wearing. She even started feeling my crotch outside of my pants at one point.

I suggested we go home, but [Mary] said she was there with a friend, who was new to the city. I suggested she let her girlfriend take care of the friend, and come home with me, but she insisted that she had to take care of her girlfriend as well, who had gotten herself drunk, and was letting some idiot guy hit on her. I decided to just go outside the venue and be done with it.

I tried to bum a cigarette of some guy on the way out, he said he didn't have any, but turned to ask a girl he had been talking to, and she gave me one. I shook her hand and thanked her. "Wow, it's so rare to get a good, solid handshake here in China, where are you from?" She asked, invitingly.

I just barely glanced back at the guy who was still sitting right across from her, "Uhhh, New York--yeah I gotta go, thanks for the cig." (I didn't want to AMoG the dude, and it would have looked bad right in front of [Mary] anyway).

I hung out outside the venue for a bit, and [Mary] came out, she came up and kissed me and I suggested again that we just go home. She brought up her friends again, complaining that her girlfriend had managed to lose her bag. I went back into the venue to help find the bag. I asked the bartenders in Chinese, got nothing, then I actually managed to spot the bag in a corner. While some douche drunk dude was trying to talk to [Mary] about some nonsense and would not leave her alone about it. I was physically pushing him away, but didn't say much, because I didn't want to get into an altercation in the bar. I also did not want to whiteknight, because unlike in the movies, that always turns out horribly.

Close: N/A
I left the venue and walked home. I considered the interaction closed, but [Mary] actually ended up texting me days later. I merely suggested we hook up, but [Mary] wasn't into it. She did send me a picture of herself, but I couldn't receive it on my phone, god only knows what it was. [Mary] texted me yet again a week or so later, suggesting we get together, but I didn't engage, because I was pursuing someone else.

[Interaction Rating]: 4
It was interesting to see how quickly things could escalate, but that was about it. In retrospect I realize why getting so sexual with [Mary] at the venue was a bad thing, and ultimately counterproductive.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take