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FR+  Tryhard Part II


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Summary: Meet a girl at the venue where I work, with some management, everything falls into place.

[Nancy] American/Norwegian [Rating: objective 6/subjective 5][Age: @25](closed)

Open: passive
I was at a concert and had actually run into [Fiona] there. [Fiona] was with some other guy, and also her female friend, a German [7/7]. I hung out around them for a bit, because I was there alone--and to be honest, I didn't want to seem affected or cut up in front of [Fiona]. I drifted away from the group after a bit and just danced by myself, enjoying the concert. At this point, I felt someone tap me on the shoulders from behind and turned around and saw [Nancy], who was ok looking, but slightly overweight. She was also beaming IOI's at me like a strobe light. We started dancing together, and she was very warm. We went to get some drinks at the bar, and decided not to go back to the dance floor.

Escalation: passive
[Nancy] seated herself on a small ledge encircling the dance floor and pulled me toward her, wrapping her legs around me. I just continued to talk and joke with her, and we paid some attention to the performer. A few minutes later, [Nancy] kind of leaned in and brushed my neck with her lips, I responded by kissing her, and she was quite into it. The concert ended and I told [Nancy] I would just grab my coat and be right with her. We swapped numbers and I went to grab my coat.

Move: fail
It ended up taking me a full 20 minutes to get my coat (technical game/logistics). I could only hope that [Nancy] was taking as long to get her bag and stuff, but when I came out of the venue and texted her, she said she'd already left because she had to take a drunk friend home.

I just barely glanced back at the guy who was still sitting right across from her, "Uhhh, New York--yeah I gotta go, thanks for the cig." (I didn't want to AMoG the dude, and it would have looked bad right in front of [Mary] anyway). Yet another dude approached me as I left the venue. Yo, I need to be hanging out with you man, what's up? I chalked this up to this weird thing that's been happening to me where random people take an interest in me for some reason, and just blew him off with a couple of jokes.

Close: N/A

[Interaction Rating]: 4
Seeing [Fiona] still stung quite a bit, and those feelings transferred to the fail with [Nancy], who I wasn't really all that eager to go home with anyway. The only halfway decent thing was that I knew I had changed quite a bit since I had interacted with [Fiona], even if she had no idea.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take