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Trying to find the best Meet Markets in Colorado with a High Ratio of Women??


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
Does anyone live in Colorado on here??

I've been hopping around a lot, from different venues at night to different spots during the day to meet women. Trying to do a hybrid of Day Game and Night Game. And after doing this for almost 5 months, I still have not found a great place I can call an "oasis" for finding women. Everywhere I've gone, the male to female ratio has always been higher. So, I was hopeing to see if people on here that do live in Colorado could recommend good places to go to meet women, places they have been or still going to practice their skills. Perhaps places with a lower men ratio and high women ratio. Thanks


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2013
Where in Colorado do you live? You gotta be more specific lol

I did a little bit of night game in Boulder and Fort Collins. They're both college towns. Tons of young hot chick's. Downtown Pearl Street in Boulder has some bars for sure. Also the hill area. I Forget the name of the street with all the bars in Fort Collins. Should be easy to find though. Downtown Denver has tons of bars in the area near the baseball stadium.

For day game, downtown Pearl street in Boulder was alright. 16th street mall in Denver would be good too
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
Ya so I live in Brighton, pretty far from Boulder. I’ve been to Denver a lot just because it’s closer. I’ve been to Boulder and Denver multiple times and even different part of the days and times I went there. I’ve only seen a few girls from time to time in groups. But everytime do I go to either Boulder or Denver to find girls, it’s always like the older people with there kids or family groups. And when I do go to bars like in downtown or Boulder I run into more guys then girls or girls that already have relationships. I mean just trying to find a place with a lot more higher girl ratio then guys is a lot harder 😅


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2022
Have you had a hard time at all for Days or Nights looking for girls Dlyweed?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2013
So I lived in Colorado for 4 years and was dating someone for 3.5 years that i was there. So I didn't do a ton of game. I did wish that during the day Pearl street in Boulder had more chick's out who were alone without family but it was good enough. Same with bar game. I went out one night to bars in Boulder because a friend dragged me out there. I was sober and not planning on doing game but there were so many hot girls everywhere I couldn't stop talking to them. Got like 5 numbers without really trying that hard and 2 of them turned into dates. That was just from 1 low effort night. My brother had an instant make out during the day on pearl. I have no idea what Brighton is like. I've never been there. But Boulder ain't bad. I never tried pick up in bars downtown Denver but it has to work I've seen so many girls at those bars