Does anyone live in Colorado on here??
I've been hopping around a lot, from different venues at night to different spots during the day to meet women. Trying to do a hybrid of Day Game and Night Game. And after doing this for almost 5 months, I still have not found a great place I can call an "oasis" for finding women. Everywhere I've gone, the male to female ratio has always been higher. So, I was hopeing to see if people on here that do live in Colorado could recommend good places to go to meet women, places they have been or still going to practice their skills. Perhaps places with a lower men ratio and high women ratio. Thanks
I've been hopping around a lot, from different venues at night to different spots during the day to meet women. Trying to do a hybrid of Day Game and Night Game. And after doing this for almost 5 months, I still have not found a great place I can call an "oasis" for finding women. Everywhere I've gone, the male to female ratio has always been higher. So, I was hopeing to see if people on here that do live in Colorado could recommend good places to go to meet women, places they have been or still going to practice their skills. Perhaps places with a lower men ratio and high women ratio. Thanks