I've got a fairly byronic personality so I've never really struggled with getting women to chase me, but what I have struggled with is meeting women that I want as a girlfriend. This is my actual goal. What gets my dick hard isn't wet puss, it's a woman who bears her soul to me. Google is the provider of solutions to any goal, and so I ended up here.
There is so much amazing material here! This site has explained why so many of my own behaviors have worked without me understanding, and helped me shore up my fundamentals in every category. But there's one thing that I'm really struggling to integrate into my understanding.
My struggle is with the idea that presenting yourself as boyfriend material torpedoes your chances of actually turning the girl into your girlfriend. My understanding of the way this interaction should go based on what I've read here is this: The faster I get a girl into bed, the faster all her walls go down and she becomes willing to do everything that I want a girlfriend to do. So in the interest of this, I should present as a lover beforehand to get through all her barriers that she would set up for potential boyfriends, then afterwards reveal "oh hey I am actually interested in a relationship" when she pushes for one.
So I understand how this dynamic works, but my problem is that I'm only interested in women who believe sex is for bonding with a life partner. So I feel like following the narrative that GC is recommending here will screw me with the girls that I'm genuinely attracted to, because I'll strike myself out by tripping her anti-manslut screening trigger.
So this brings me to what I want advice on: How do I work the (clearly correct) narrative that I need to bed a girl as quickly as possible together with my actual tastes in conservative women? How do I reconcile this conflict into my seduction style?
There is so much amazing material here! This site has explained why so many of my own behaviors have worked without me understanding, and helped me shore up my fundamentals in every category. But there's one thing that I'm really struggling to integrate into my understanding.
My struggle is with the idea that presenting yourself as boyfriend material torpedoes your chances of actually turning the girl into your girlfriend. My understanding of the way this interaction should go based on what I've read here is this: The faster I get a girl into bed, the faster all her walls go down and she becomes willing to do everything that I want a girlfriend to do. So in the interest of this, I should present as a lover beforehand to get through all her barriers that she would set up for potential boyfriends, then afterwards reveal "oh hey I am actually interested in a relationship" when she pushes for one.
So I understand how this dynamic works, but my problem is that I'm only interested in women who believe sex is for bonding with a life partner. So I feel like following the narrative that GC is recommending here will screw me with the girls that I'm genuinely attracted to, because I'll strike myself out by tripping her anti-manslut screening trigger.
So this brings me to what I want advice on: How do I work the (clearly correct) narrative that I need to bed a girl as quickly as possible together with my actual tastes in conservative women? How do I reconcile this conflict into my seduction style?
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