so, some news
regarding the first girl, Astra Zeneca, we scheduled date for Wednesday, she asked me before on my
instagram, I
told her i do not have one but she can give me hers, I would love to see more of her pics 
She gave me her ig, but it was private, then little chit chat about what I would love to see her wear -> then check msg night before date, and of course few hours before date.
You can skip to
Important part -> in the middle of this word goulash I would appreciate some next steps suggestion
We met near to metro, she was on time, she knew we will go for a drink but she was dressed very causal and the bar where we went was more classy (she is model..looked stunning,she is beautiful and sympathetic..she did not know where we are going).
We hugged, kissed on cheeks, I told her she looks adorable, I like what I see. She was laughing, and very openly said she is also very happy what she sees. She is funny, I like her.
From start she was very ...airy, direct (also..she multiple times mentioned work and school, she did fuck up few things..she looked in stress from it, explained me later in detail). But nice confident vibes, not bitchy.
Little shit test here and there, about paying on our way to date. She was willing to.(hmm..heh, no idea if really). Talked about ex..exes..I was just listening through it, she already mentioned she had guy of my nationality and we are very..interesting. Few jokes about that. She laughed and all night she was saying how funny I am, but in million different ways, really impressive and generous compliments,("
i wouldn't be able to think of it, wow you have really creative read a lot and then you can connect all of these different topics.....etc.) she is big fan of..being fan. Pleasant girl. Needed to say, I was not very funny , objectively, nor attempting many jokes. She has innocent humor, i have piece of shit cancer humor.
Bar where we end up has advantage that we can sit opposite but I will always sit girls into sofas and I can sit next to them. Usually going for sitting next to each other straight away, but some times, girls are really shy (once we had meetup with girl IN the bar, I walked to her, greet and tried set next to her but she very aggressively was against it...makes sense, it's about calibration, it was tinder..)
So we were coming to the table and on the way she straight up asked me If we are going to sit next to each other, before I had a chance to ask. So we set next to each other, ordering alko cocktails.
We talked about nothing, smoking, big noses, faces...that I am good at texting and how she was impressed. I told her with her it is going natural, I dont have to think. Not immediately, but we had deepest intense eye contact, she smiled. We had these multiple...she asked what I see there(in her eyes)..I told her goodness (i mean it), she said I was first person who ever answered that question.
We smoked together from her iqos (I am drink smoker), she offered me multiple times. The issue... she talked lot about her exes (not specific that her love life sucked..she sometimes replied something negative as a answer to some hint of compliment towards her, or just randomly mentioned them without me asking, which was causing trouble)
I could write more about that part but is already too long.
Somewhere during this sad deep anti-sexy anti-date topic she put her hair into ponytail, after few minutes she let her hair down, I told her that I liked her so much better in pony tail and she happily put it to pony tail and I complimented her neck. She told it's sorrow -> touch how hard it its.
Normally I would go for more touching and kiss but...i suggested massage (but my delivery sucked..and it was tooo obvious). Can't remember her reaction, it was positive but not ...nothing extra. We talked more about how we look. (hah..unbelievable)
She was trying to get some info from me (what I do...I said I have two jobs, quickly described my boring real one and the second one is "tinder consultant", tinder is paying me to go on dates with girls -> she laughed at it generously and said how the fuck can I come with shit like this, that she would never be able to make joke like this..., sometimes I get laughing reaction but never like's mediocre joke at best) relationships, friendships infos..
So, I was trying some gambits, tried perverse one, she liked it (it was probably too late, she talked about relationships, we had deep eyes contact...I felt like in boyfriend territory even if was only few minutes in) she said she is little perverse...but she was shy to go further, she was smiling and saying "not on first date"...we joked how I am perverse, I mentioned g spot, to go for g spot or orgasm gambit but we are...she straight up said she had problem to orgasm with guys(also, she never said I love you..), I tried to bring some light into that with "right guy will make you happy and relaxed in your head, in head is the real g spot" she agreed but she herself told how she went to sexology doctor and then boom, I did not have time to answer and she transitioned that -> she never seen her father and mother to show lover and affection towards each other, mentioned how exes cheated on her (fuck, she said she would be ok if only once or twice..). I semi seriously semi funny hugged her and kissed on cheek (we were touching lightly each other). with her reciprocity.
I stayed in sex talk, I told her she know a lot about sex. Blushed plus some interesting eyebrows skills. She read lots of books about it, I asked her about kamasutra, what she liked from there, and then how she was describing it with laughter, i was trying to make impression of it.
Unfortunately, lot of deep and serious talks, about family values (she was playing conservative cart on me).Sister infidelity..MARRIAGE.
I was from start able to be playful (I did mostly things from T
DOWNPLAY PROVIDER FRAMES suggested by TomInHo (mostly, except dressing good and good bar...she is younger then me and that bar is close to my place and very convenient, so I didn't go all in) I mentioned I am from poor family when she was admiring some of my expensive things (really thoughtful and nice compliments from her..). Relationships I mentioned I have commitment issues (but..i believe i ruined this perception when we talked about MARRIAGE)
I really did my best to not go to deep topics, I even played dumb..but it looked like she was sabotaging herself (btw, she told me she was one who ended all relationships..but..when somebody is cheating on you, who is actually ending it...)
I replied to her compliments with question what she likes about her appearance most..she know she is beautiful. (she had acne on her back and I told her I like it a lot..she blushed & laughed her ass of and we made it internal joke through the night in next conversations). Then she asked me, i told her i have soft skin on face, try it..she tried, I mentioned ma crispy ass-> again, crying laughing..she said she really like my face, voice, shoulders..) She mentioned my face when we talked about her favorite movies, she like my type..(i am 7/10 at best)
Then talking about cooking, making plans for restaurants, she will make me a burger or some korean,we talked a lot about cooking and plans.
So I went again with sex stuff, again, she looked excited but had very strong frame/was too shy.
Important fuck up note -> we are 2 hours in...
Recently I read article from chase about indirect invitation, asked, we went for walk in park (i live close) and i proposed on way to park to continue at my place and she said no way on first date.
Walking through park, vibe was another fuck up. (no vibe change after her refusal to go to my place, she looked like she expected, the deep eye contact was really frequent, touching)
I told her I will walk her to her place, she was happy with it . We walked a lot, another fucking 40-50 minutes, I was tired. We went for McDonalds, waiting for uber. She was still asking me about me being sleepy.(I was fucking tired, long days in stuff..)
But finally was able to open her up about dreams...she gladly spoke about it for 20 mins, car we flirted, she always gave me compliment! for some of my playerish talk I used, then showed me some pics of her on her phone (she told me she will wear what I asked for next time.."but I have also this" sexy style but then...she mentioned one commercial she made..she was not able to play the video but there was her ass in bikini)
Important part:
On way from car to her apartment house she asked me if I want cigarette, I told her let's no smoke, she smiled and asked why not? I told her your head will be spinning, she smiled, changed topic about flat. Some small talk in front of the door, how great was tonight, SHE WENT FOR HUG, i told her with smile "you will not have it so easy" she smiled, I went for kissed, she smiled dodged and kissed me(fucking quickly, just really like grandma kiss) on mouth. We were smiling, I told her bye, after few meters she said again she enjoyed it.
After cca 15 minutes, I am sitting in car and she sent me the commercial with bikini which I mentioned before (I told her she doesn't have to send it...i stopped her and told her multiple times during date she don't have to talk about something etc... honestly, she was very talkative and honest about some really intimate shit..but it didn't felt like typically self absorbed person who is sharing life story after one beer)
I replied "go sleep!

She "I am going I promise!"
I just sent wink.
Situation after date
Next day, in the afternoon
she asked me "how did I woke up".
I replied: yesterday I i had great date with model...i had good sleep. And you? (
She sent hearts and replied: not good, I wake up very late...I am usually early bird
I asked: how so ?
I was not sure what to do,...I decided I will just nonchalantly reply one time and call her after work.
But she was texting back quickly, i did not want her to reject, but I did not want her to ask her out over text, I wanted to call her.(also, I did not have plan what to do and shit ton of work). So on her next msg I did not reply.
Then, before call I just replied (nonsense convo about sleep)
I called her in the evening, she answered and told me she can't speak she is on team building(true, she mentioned it before..). I told her "sending good energy"(our joke about esoteric).She laughed and I politely hanged up.
10 mins later she replied on my msg (question about slight flirting sleeping topic)
I gave her seen, answered next day on lunch with decision to call her after work immediately. She did not pick up but sent me msg she cant right now. I went to metro later,
she called me...I did not hear it. Then I
called back, nothing. So I went to gym, replied to her msg that I am going to gym, i do not have good signal there, I will call you later.(again evening..friday..)
She answered she can't speak later (it was already half past seven)., if I need something specific from her?
I called failed, not sure if my phone or signal ..did not look like she hanged up on me..I did not called again,didn't want to look needy and let her with multiple missed calls
So I replied : yes 
No I was thinking...I will wait another day to call her? I felt like I have it, so I sent her msg:
If you can't speak, no worry,.. this weekend.if you would like to take a break from all stress you have, I would like to see you (I did not want her to auto reject but..)
She replied in minute ->
I was procrastinated last days,I really need to work on my xyz (project and shit)
little bit 
but thank you for asking
I replied : good luck, i will contact you later
she replied right away : thanks
seen from me, no reply.
I plan to call her on Monday. No idea what type of date I should propose...we talked about cooking, I am thinking asking her to let's make pancakes at my place and then act accordingly , if she will refuse, go for bar again. She likes panoramas..
She mentioned no bf was taking her to restaurant(I was mentioning i had fight with one girl in restaurant.. in a funny way, she was laughing, and actually complimenting me that I went with girl to that specific restaurant)
But probably no. I don't mind to be in bf territory, I like her ..but it will lead to...friend at best. If I am not already there...
I honestly can believe she is going through shitty times(mentioned multiple deadlines in september) and doesn't feel like going out over weekend, maybe she wants time..., however, now when she is failing so many important projects and I failed to fuck her yesterday's probably over
Date was long fucking 4 hours and going from bar she was very careful with her body language. She talked about next dates, or that she has some issues what I dont see now but..
What do you suggest cowboys?
regarding the second IG girl, will report later,looks like date next week (but I am fucking in love with Astra so maybe not
