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Turned rejection into a pick up


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 20, 2015
Quick story, I was at a coffee shop, got out and saw this chick, she seemed kind of dirty and fun so I approached her, used a direct approach.
Told her that she screams feminine and hot/fun energy, she seemed pleased but kind of stand-offish and thought I put her on a pedestal so she kind of brushed off the whole approach with a "no thanks" kind of vibe.
I saw what was going on so I just wanted to force myself feel the rejection as just a little breeze so I talked about it to her, I told her "yes yes, reject me, hurt my ego, make me feel it", she started laughing and said that I was crazy and out of my mind, to which I replied with "give me your number, let's go out and you'll see how crazy I can get", and she gave me her number. I guess being persistent through the whole thing really paid off nicely, and she appreciated it.
What I can take away from this is, be persistent, women change their minds, I've heard mils of stories where a girl says that before she hooked up with her boyfriend she hated his guts and didn't wanna see him in her line of sight.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take