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Turquoise's Newbie Assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Ok I'll jump right in:


Sleep with at least 3 women over 120 days (4 months), starting from tomorrow. Currently a virgin so I think this is a reasonable, and exciting goal :)

I've already done day 1 (over the course of several days)

DAY 1: Observation:

Good places to meet women:

1) School: This one's obvious. Lots of beautiful girls at school, but I haven't lately used this being busy and also I used to skip lunch because I wanted to save some money. But basically here are the common spots where there are beautiful women:

a. Cafeterias : Lots of beautiful girls here but I need to pick a time such as mid-morning (if I'm free) or late afternoon since lunchtime is super busy. Nevertheless, I'll try chatting up girls whenever I'm here. Indirect game with strong fundamentals seems the best for busy afternoons, while maybe direct-inderect for more sparse and relaxed settings.

b. Libraries: the bigger libraries in my uni have a lot of girls plus it's a bit noisier there too so it's ok to chat. Again unless the place is deserted, indirect-direct is the way to go.

2) Street: I put this one bc it's the easiest to meet new women here and approach them. BUT it is winter right now so it may be a bit harder to approach them but I'll see how to overcome this.

3) Residence Dining Hall - Easiest place to meet girls with a more or less given social context, plus logistics wise it's great. BUT given this is late into second semester maybe the girls might see me as a regular? not sure. But that could change if I drastically improve my fundamentals.

4) Two Lounges nearby: These two lounges look good for some night game where I can practice being direct and sexual ;) BUT I live in residence and I'd feel kind of uncomfortable with the thought of bringing a stranger in late at night (you need to check them in, and after 11 PM or so the front desk is off anyways) so logistics wise I'm screwed from my side but maybe I could suggest inviting myself to the girl's place.

5) Coffee shops - there are a ton of coffee shops nearby with beautiful women. Go figure.

6) Bookshop: located in a mall nearby. Has a starbucks too so I can see an insta-date working here. Subtle direct game with strong fundamentals would work best I feel. Also the cute girls here are fun to talk to since I love reading so I'll feel more connected with them.

Alright that's it for now. My plan is to get to day 7 or 8 by the end of next sunday. Given that I am not totally a begineer, I should finish the early days (days 2-4ish) fast and then I can go a bit slower when I'm more focused with my other projects. That sounds a reasonable goal.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Well well... ;)

Basically a week after I posted that I had the roughest semster ever, been done a few days now oh god I still have nightmares about those late nights, exams, shitton of assignments etc.

Anyways, gonna get back into the swing of things and resume this tomorrow. Gonna do days 2 and 3 combined. WIll update this tomorrow night.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Alright today was a frustrating day... deets below.

Days 2 & 3 (combined)

Honestly I've focused on fundamentals and approached before so these two days were easy and I planned to combine them. I'll talk about both of the days in two separate sections

Day 2 - Posture: I'd say I have good posture while walking and sitting when in a social setting (ie. when I'm with friends or planning to meet people), it goes to shit when I'm working long hours on a project or whatever but it never seems to leak in to my social life (whatever little there is of it haha). Anyways so this part was cake. And honestly I'm satisfied I didn't skip this day cos it was a good feeling to walk around with good posture and just enjoy the atmosphere, observe people, women and men alike. I hadn't done something like that, without worrying about grades or anything in a long while.

Anyways when I walk around with good posture I don't notice a great big difference in attraction. Actually I'll put it this way - the times when I had very poor posture (deep in semesters when I'm riddled with exams and assignments and girls are not on my mind) I would get ignored easily by girls, so I guess posture does make a difference in you getting noticed - but it's not a magic bullet to attraction (which is obvious).

Day 3 - Eye Contact: Since I'd lost a lot of social momentum over this semester I realized toward the last few weeks I was retarding, socially. I wouldn't look people - chicks especially- in the eye and I knew I needed to fix this right away. So this was a good troubleshooting session and I observed some things I may have given a fleeting thought to before. So I'll list out the most notable instances of eye-contact.

1) Gym - Receptionist: Yeah this was a hired gun but I needed to start my day so why not. Just made small talk and then I looked at her and held eye contact directed toward the bridge of her nose. Interesting thing was she was on autopilot the whole time but after I held my gaze for maybe 3-5 seconds she "warmed up" to me? I could she her eyes begin to notice me more, etc. Honestly I could have stayed and talked to her, but really, I was more interested in my workout, she wasn't too cute and besides I have a don't-shit-where-you-eat policy for gym (for now)

2) Woman in subway: so after I'm done working out I'm subwaying back to home cos I'm too tired and hungry. I'm standing in the subway train and suddenly I realize this woman, maybe about 6 metres away from me, is looking at me and smiling. Well, wow! Anyway though, she looked 30-ish, not stunning but not bad looking at all. However I'm too far away from her and honestly I didn't press myself to approach her. But I thought I could try out soething so I try to do the "come hither" eyes, or my version of it -> a. Look at her, flash out a quick, sexy smile then whip out my phone, then look at her from the corner of my eyes (she's still staring!) and then a playful smile. Didn't really work (but could have been bad timing + a host of reasons) Anyways, it's something I'll keep working on. Afterwards she's still looking at me, so I just look at her and maintain eye contact. The she takes out her phone and then I break eye contact to the side. I reach my destination soon.

3) Old Man in restaurant : I grab food at a restaurant near home. There's an old man there too and he looks at me and I look at him back. After a while I feel it's getting awkward so I just say "Hey" and then get my order and move on.

4) Blondie walking on the street: I take an evening walk, I'm enojing myself on a windy day, my scarf's blowing the right way and I'm feeling like a cool cat, walking with ma charmer's swag. Catch a blonde walking the opposite way. Feeling too cool so I'm with my head tilted upward, smile on my face and she looks and me and I look back, but then she looks away and she's gone. Hmm. I realize I eye contact when both parties are on the move is a harder thing than I expected. Something to work on.

5) Brunette on the street: Keep walking past a hotel and out comes this well dressed, pretty brunette walking the same way I am. Then we cross paths but meet again at a later junction. We're at a crossing waiting for the light to turn red. She looks and me and I look back and hold eye contact with a neutral expression. She looks away.
Lesson: need to find a "genuine smile" to deal with these forms of eye contact. Otherwise I'm gonna lose a lot of possible opportunities, and besides I'll probably have a fun time if I'm smiling.
Props: for not looking away when she looks at me. Gotta snuff that ugly habit of jerking my head away when a girls catches me checking her out. At the worst, just breaking eye contact slowly is fine. But honestly I realized, girls dress to the nines (usually) or at the very least do their hair, make-up etc so that guys check them out. So go ahead and look and them will be my policy, and as long as I got my fundamentals handled (a work in progress which I will master in time), they'll actually be happy a handsome guy is giving them attention.

6) Businessman on street: Passing by me and I initiate eye contact. Looks at me, then breaks eye contact slightly dismissively/brusquely. Whatever.

7) Salesman on the street: it's starting to rain so I'm gonna head to a mall, besides I feel I'll have a better chance making eye contact by not having to fucking move so much. I'm at a crossing near the mall when I catch this bunch of salesmen just talking to passersby. This one particular salesman is trying hard, toooo hard. Almost ends up begging a passerby who's walking away to stay. Then he see me looking at him. I burst out in a smirky grin, look at him for a few seconds then head my way. Honestly it was pretty funny, not because I thought him pitiful but because I empathised with him, another person who was probably making his bones in a people's job. I'll be facing similar social embarrassments, I mused as I crossed the street.

8) Beauty in the bookstore: I head to the bookstore in this mall, one of my favourite places. The bookstore is on an upper floor with an attached Starbucks, and I soon as I get off the escalator I see what I think is a cute girl (I wasn't wearing glasses and I could only roughly make out her figure which was appealing, but couldn't see details properly). Hmm this could be fun. Anyways I quickly grab a book that looks interesting and then head to the Starbucks.

Here is when I realize, I've actually never directly gone up and sat next to a hot girl in a cofee shop, subway, even the library etc before. I've always vaguely felt uncormfortable (as if the chick would be shocked/disgusted that this guy came up to sit and creep up on her) to do so. But right now the cafe's packed, and the only empty chair is beside her. So great, I don't even have to face my fears, I've got a great reason to go ahead with my plan already.

As I move closer and sit next to her, all I can think of is "Wow". Very breathtaking girl, she has beautiful brown her and wearing a cute sweater. And she's not hot like a model or high-maintenance girl, she actually looks like a chill gal too. I love what I see. BUT I'm also super nervous now. I look at her, she's sipping up her coffee and she looks at me and smiles (I think my heart skipped a few beats at that moment). However I'm big time pussy on this one, and I'm making excuses like I don't know how to approach her (my main gripe was the place was so busy, it would have been hard to talk to her in a low-key way without people who were sitting very cloesby looking). As time went on I'm there reading my book. I kinda feel like she's there sitting and not doing much. Then I look at her notebook which is titled "I'm not busy, I'm awesome" and I chuckle in my mind. FUCK ME, I missed a chance to start a conversation and talk about that book. She puts the book in her bag soon and then leaves. I'm pissed.

Observations: There are some girls who I just look at and I go "Wow". I need to approach these girls on a consistent basis. I've done it once before but I had a lot of momentum going then (last fall) but I got a very warm reception. So the key is to keep squeezing as much social momentum as possible so that I am confident to go for chances like this.

I also need to develop more situtional awareness so that I can get the ball rolling with conversations.

Also, I have no idea if the girl was interested in me or not. Did she leave disappointed I never talked to her, or did she never even register me? I don't know. Well I need to find out and approach girls.

9) Bearded guy at dollar store: At this point I'm feeling quite mad at myself. Anyways I need to buy soap, so I go to the store and over there I see this guy with jazzed up hair and an unruly beard. I look at him for a long while, my mind still on that beautiful girl I lost by being a pussy. He looks at me questioningly, I acknowledge him then glance away.

10) Kid on the street: As I'm walking back home I see this mom carrying her kid (maybe 3-4 years old). I look at him and he looks and me with curiosity. I flash an easy smile, thinking whether this kids filled with wonder at what he sees. Haha.

So there it is.

I'll be busy tomorrow with work (I need to prepare hard for next year to mitigate this terrible semester, plus I'm gymming hard rn) so I probably won't be doing day 4 tomorrow. Day 4 will be quite intimidating. Planning to do it day after a big gym workout. I feel that if I'm a bit faitgued I might not overthink as much and plus the post gym high my just help me reach out on some daunting moments. Stay tuned.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Yeah like I thought I preferred to do work today, and I'm happy to say I got it done :) So feeling good right now - I'm the kinda guy for whom success in any field of my life translates to a lot more confident in other fields too (I'm sure it's the same for all people, but I'd say for me even more so than usual).

So tomorrow will be Day 4 : Saying Hi.

Pre-Day 4 Thoughts:

Goals: Say "hi" to at least 6 attractive women I don't know. Break the ice with them.

Now this will be a daunting task for me so to make things easier and encourage myself I'm gonna make a gameplan.


1. I'll be honest I'm pretty nervous about this. I mean I've approached girls before, and yeah I've been nervous then too. But, if I want to succeed tomorrow I need to have a winning mindset, so why not put a positive spin on things?

Maybe when I see that girl, I'm not getting nervous due to fear, but due to excitement!

Maybe she could be a great girl. And the only way to find out is to go and say hi.

2. Genuine interest is an easy way out : for me. I've actually cold approached girls before sporadically, mainly with a genuine interest since that seems the most genuine approach (duh) for me. I guess it's still saying hi, so it counts. But what I want to get experience with is to make eye contact, return her smile/gaze if she reciprocates and then say hi and break the ice. It's something missing from all my approaches (unless it's fully social circle) and I need to expand my skills.

Plan to succeed: Doing this would be harder when I'm walking on the street, honestly over there the more direct and upfront the better, so I can just use genuine interest there. I will try and implement the eye-contact-hi thing indoors if I am stationed at one spot. I guess going to a mall and trying this stuff, and keep rotating at similar places (bookstore, coffee shop, library, grocery etc). The main issue I can see with this is it might take a few opportunities to get the girl returning my eye contact (like I realized with Day 3). SO two things to keep in mind: i) I need to be patient and realize it may not always work out, but the whole day is there in front of me, and ii) In the end, all I'm doing is saying hi with a smile, and if I wanna justify myself I can ask how her day's going.

3. I'm not going to go to my usual places that I mentioned in Day 1. It'll be easier if I go somewhere far away so that there's less likelihood of bumping into friends etc, social embarrassment will be less of a big deal. Downside is I'm gonna have to do a lot of walking tomorrow, but it's summer so who cares.

4. Hired guns are cool : they won't count, but they'll let me build and retain momentum throughout the day, and make the task much less daunting.

5. Gonna do this day in two halves: yeah I know the assignment says "don't come home until you've found your 6 women" but I'm gonna sandwich my workout in between the day. So in the morning I'll go out and try to meet a few women. Then I'll do my workout, freshen up and then I'm on the streets till I come out successful. The thing is, having a tough back workout in the midst will divert my attention from stressing and overthinking about the task at hand. And the post gym high will help for sure.

The Reward:

Apart from the possibility of meeting beautiful women, if I don't pussy out and succeed tomorrow I'm gonna reward myself. Given I would have also had a demanding workout, gonna have a midnight feast if all goes as planned. And if I succeed, I'll be feeling like a winner tomorrow night. :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016

Fuuuuuck. A tough and frustrating day.

So I woke up a tad late which meant I didn't have much time to approach in the morning before my workout which I scheduled for noon. Anyways, no excuses so before going to the gym I just head to the mall (I had to return something). As I enter the elevator while leaving my building there's this ok looking Asian chick, I'm excited since it's an instant opportunity. I try to make eye contact but she's zoned out. Fuck. Next time I need to just say hi when I enter the elevator I guess.

Anyways I'm not too pissed at this point, the day's just begun.

On my way to the mall some hired gun/saleswoman approaches me, might as well get some momentum so I say hi, no thanks to whatever she's selling and wish her a good day.

Anyway at this point I'm kind of miffed since I'm a bit late for my workout and also not feeling in the groove (there are some days where you know you're just gonna kill it in the gym, other days you feel like a wreck going in).

Anyways I have an ok workout, was pretty good because I didn't puss out and stuck with it till the end. An interesting thing happens here: at the tail end of my workout I'm preparing to deadlift and this woman, I think she was 24-27-ish (with a killer ass) interrupts me (I'm listening to my music and all pumped up). Once I realize she's talking to me, I'm like..."oh oops sorry, what's up?" and turns out she's offering me blocks so that it's easy for me to change plates. I misinterpret this first thinking she's telling me to pull from the blocks, and reply "nah I'm good I like pulling from the floor" and then she's smiling at saying I didn't understand her. Just talk a bit more about it, and as I'm changing plates, she's hanging around a bit. I figure I could ask her about her training and then introduce myself, and get to know her, but in that split second she's walking out and she's gone. Ahh fuck. So I won't really count that because she approached me and I didn't have the presence to push forward the interaction.

On my way home I drinking my bottle of water as I’m walking, as I’m almost done, I want to slip it in my bag but I’m too lazy to take it out of my shoulders and slip it in. I see a girl walking past me. I stop her, “Hi! Do me a favour, slip this bottle into my bag?” I say. She obliges I thank her and hen she leaves.

Then I come home, cook lunch etc and basically gather my thoughts for the task at hand.

I set out at 3:30 PM and immediately I realize this is gonna be a long, tough day. It's raining buckets. Which means street game will be hard to do.

So I head to the mall there. Not much luck as a lot of people are in groups and it's real crowded. There was one opportunity where a chick was resting on a balcony on her phone. But I pussed out and didn't stand close enough to her. Fuck.

Anyways, this mall was close to home (and is where I usually frequent) so I was a bit uncomfortable there as there could be people I knew passing by. So I plan to head to another further up north. And at any case the rain would subside in a few hours and I could get back to street game. As I'm walking to the mall, it starts to rain menacingly, I spot a Starbucks nearby and I plan to stop there for a bit.

Here's where it gets interesting again. Barista asks me for my order and she's chatting with me. I'm thinking yeah this is a hired gun again maybe I could use some momentum so I place my order then just make some small talk. But as I'm waiting for my coffee this girl, I ask how her day was and she talks about this exam she just finished writing, turns out she's from the same uni as I'm in. So I make a game out of it and try to guess what major she's in (usually when I'm actually talking to chicks I get them to guess what I'm in, it's better for mystery that way but this time I was bored myself and she was hired gun so whatever) but she played along with it, at the time I felt it was her job so she was being warm for just that reason. As I get my coffee I ask for her name, and then greet her goodbye saying maybe we'll see each other around in campus 4 months later, if she remembers me ;) And then she said she will. Anyways I was pretty nonchalant about this but as I was leaving and headed for a seat, did I hear her whisper to her co-worker "He's so ho.." couldn't catch the rest of what she said. Hot? Could it be really, I don't know, I've never actually heard a girl say that to me. (I've made out with a girl before and even then she didn't say that explicitly :( ) Still don't believe it really.

Anyways, I’m having my coffee and the place is packed. SO I go up to an Asian chick who is using two tables and say “Hi, can I sit there” pointing to the extra table she was using, but she says no sorry her friend would be coming soon.

There’s another spot between two girls, again I ask one of them “Hi can I squeeze in?” and she’s like sure. She’s pretty good looking, and she’s busy writing down some notes. I observe her for a while, and to my interest either she has the shittiest handwriting or she’s writing in some weird mix of English,, roman numerals and some other shit. Part of me wants to engage in conversation with her, the other parts full of approach anxiety. Fuck it I think, why should I be so worried about inconveniencing her at worst? So I touch her upper arm, gesture her to take her earphones off and ask her what she’s writing. She says it’s some notes about internet marketing . I then mention how I couldn’t make out a single word she wrote, and she was like half smiling and saying she had the shittiest handwriting ever. Fuck, in hindsight I could have teased her and upped the banter here but I was a bit nervous, and it’s one of my weaker points with strangers. Anyways we introduce ourselves, but throughout the conversation I get the vibe she’s just replying out of politeness. Let’s see what I can do about this, I think, and I try deep diving her by asking why she plans to get into internet marketing, but she deflected it with a non-answer (I also asked it in a fail voice, my voice needs work again) and then motioned to put on her headphones again. Again in hindsight should have persisted but I got the vibe she wasn’t really interested anyway, so I say “I’ll leave you to your notes”. Then I get back to my coffee, finish it and get out of here.

I’m actually feeling pumped at this point since I have some kind of momentum so I head to a bookstore. Here I miss two chances: the first a very beautiful woman is searching for some book, I’m in the same aisle and I try to make eye contact. She glances but then picks a book and leaves. Again I guess I could have just said hi and seen what could have been.

The second one is so embarrassing. I’m walking around the store, looking at various books and this young girl, maybe my age or older by a few years passes by and smiles warmly at me. I say “Hi” except I don't……my voice fails me and not one sound was heard. Holy fuck I wanted to smash a bookshelf at that spot lol.

I wait for maybe 10-20 more minutes and see how traffic is but unfortunately not many people were coming to this place. So hoping the rain subsided, I leave. because walking around would be wonderful then and I canfind more opportunities on the street.

Alas, no such luck. The rain was going strong as ever. And I’m miles away from home, and I don’t know if there’s a mall around or no. So I wander a bit, get drenched and not a single attractive woman my age in sight. It’s about 8:30 PM and I’m feeling super hungry. I planned to go to the restaurant thinking I’ll be done by now with the task but I hadn’t factored the rain.

As a last chance I plan to head back to the mall near home. Since it’s almost closing it’ll be less busy. On my way back I passing these women’s fashion stores and out comes this pretty blonde. Again, I drop the ball and instead of stopping her and asking if she’s single, all I do is watch her walk away in the rain.

Again at the mall, it was less busy but people were in groups. There were a few women alone but not in situations you could/would want to approach → the store guard was nearby, she was busy on the phone, etc.

So overall I engaged only 1 girl really apart from the hired guns and warm-ups. Pretty disappointed about that but well this day was always going to be hard.

As I’m writing right now it’s STILL raining and it’s expected to rain all the way to Sunday evening. I’m not doing another day like yesterday again so I plan to take the weekend off and focus on gymming and some offseason work for my next academic year and will try again on Monday (supposed to be super sunny from next week on). So the plan is to redo this day and talk to 6 new women again. One big lesson I learnt from my semester in university, also from the gym is that half assing work never yields you the full benefits of the lessons you need to learn. So I want to go slowly and do each day well so that I build true confidence and hone my skill-set better.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Damn I think I missed an opportunity to approach a girl!

Basically went to the grocery to buy some raisins after my workout, I was kinda tired and this bombshell blonde passes me with her grocery basket slung over her shoulder, I accidentally hit her basket with my elbow, and she turns around and apologizes in a similing, over-the-top playful way "I'm so sorrrryyyyy!!", I just pass it off but damn I could have continued the conversation with some banter (usually when this happens to me like at school or whatever I reply with a playful"You better be ;)" Girls seem to love it?)

Note: need to be more present in general. There's times where I'm tuned off (usually after a workout or when I'm not thinking about approaching), need to be on all the time at least when I'm a beginner so that I can take the opportunities that present themselves to me (in this case, findout out whether that women was interested in me, taking note of her signals and body language and gaining experience in furthering such interactions).

Gah. Feels bad.

On another note, the weekend was off but since today morning it's been beautifully sunny and I foresee a bright, bright week coming ahead. Honestly this weekend was so boring with me slopping and lazing about I'd rather have approach anxiety or get rejected. So excited for tomorrow and I'm gonna be repeating day 4. Goal is 6 women to say hi to, and my personal goal is to further the interaction and get a date out of at least one gal (remembering that the goal is to play to win and the end goal is sleeping with them, saying "hi" is just a means to an end).
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Well, walked around the city for 3.5 hours, braved the cold but no approaches. Well I won't make any excuses - I pussied out on the few chances I got. Additionally, the fact that not many chances were there in the first place means I need to review wtf the deal is with the places I'm planning to meet women, AND at what times.

I feel even though I'm disappointed and a bit ashamed to write this stuff in public, it's a good learning experience if I make note of what mistakes I made and some other key points:

1. There are three main areas where I planned (originally) on meeting girls these days = a lake-shore area where's it's nice to walk around, another sub-urban-ish (not really bc it's downtown lol) area which is on the other side of town, and occassionally malls. Now this isn't the main place where I plan to meet girls all year round - since it's summer break I don't meet girls on campus or on residence - a HUGE percentage. Anyways, I just realized while walking today that the first lake-shore area, while fun to walk around, has a LOT of tourists and that means women in groups. So not really a great place for going out with the sole intent of approaching. The sub-urbanish place is actually quite good for street game, but it's far from home (no biggie), anyways I feel this is best in the evening when it's quite more secluded. The mall is good too, but I think I need to go early in the morning when it's not too crowded, or right at the close of the mall.

2. Groceries are cool! Best time to go here is evening right after work hours cos I see a lot of beauties shop around.

3. Related to the above, I had a situation where I was in line with a real cute girl, very stylish, in front of me. The conditions were perfect, no one behind me in line, not too crowded, etc, BUT I didn't know how to approach/open her! Note to self: could have complimented her on her scarf, etc. For some reason I still feel like direct compliments are too bold, need to practice more so it feels more low-key. Any tips on how to open girls standing in front of you if you're not making eye-contact with them? Getting the feeling nudging them from behind is kinda creepy or at the very least surprising.

4. Maybe I was a bit hard on myself over these last two attempts for day four, because I expected to get a phone number/work towards a date. Which is what caused the AA for me. The one situation where I did conquer my anxiety/nerves was the girl at Starbucks where I reasoned out that asking her what she was writing was no big deal. So let's go baby steps, and if I say hi to six non-hired guns tomorrow, or make some small talk, then I've achieved my goal.

5. Fundamentals were good today and I was rocking a good summer style (I can say it's good because it's based on SSFJ outfit, although I had it before I saw it on that site ;) ) but it was far too cold and the fact that I walked 3.5 hours in that bare-bones outfit was insane (my hands went numb by the end). So opt for a more spring style.

6. I notice my failure has been due to overthinking things WAAY too much. "Should I pre-open her", "She's not giving me eye-contact", "She doesn't seem too interested". It doesn't help because not only does it make me much more nervous, but that hesitation also prevents me from being in the moment and grabbing valuable chances. I CAN'T AFFORD TO DO THAT.

So failure's not an option tomorrow, it's good I tried to do this day two times already but I can't give myself free chances like this forever.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Ok I did it! Feeling good because at the start of the day I was a bit nervous since this was my third time trying it.

So woke up and then got ready, headed to the bank and as I was talking to the teller I was quite happy since my voice was in good shape! Anyways, after I did my stuff I head over to the mall and plan to try my luck there.

Girl #1: Anyways I'm walking and I see this beauty, she goes into a gift-store and I figure what the heck, I'll follow her. She goes into an aisle and I'm thinking let me walk past the other aisle so I can meet her at the other end. However when I turn around, she's disappeared!

So my mind is trying to process wtf just happened, and I randomly walk to an aisle and they have these these gift-cards for mother's day. I'm still confused but I notice there is a pretty good looking girl just beside me. And at the same time I spot a card saying "I'M NOT A STRIPPER..." in the Mother's Day section...so curiosity tempts me to pluck up the card and I'm just laughing at the thing. Apparently the girl beside me notices it too and I see her looking at me. So I'm like "Hi!" and she smiles shyly. Inside I'm like "yeaaah" but in hinsight I could have continued the conversation. Anyway, she hangs around a bit, then moves away, and that's #1.

Girl #2: Was at the bookstore for a bit in the morning, a girl is sprawled on one the aisle, so I walk towards her, say "Hi..." she says hi back, but I kinda puss out and continue after a pause, "can I pass through?" and she's like oh sorry and then I walk away slowly. Not my finest moment but ah well at least I approached her and said hi.

After this I head to the gym

Girl(s) #3: I need to do Bulgarian split squats so I need a bench, unfortunately the gym's packed. But there's one girl at a power rack but she's doing hip thrusts (hehe), and her friend's sitting beside her. So I go up to the chick who was doing the hip thrusts.

"Hi!", she greets me back with a smile. I ask her if she's using the bench, she says no. "Well in that case you're blocking my way!" I say with a playful smile, but I feel my voice itself wasn't playful enough. Anyways, the girl doesn't get offended, but she simply smiles, I ask her to move her weights out of the way, take the bench, and then do my shit. Again, in hindsight could have done things better.

Girl 4: I'm waiting at the water fountain, and there's a girl next to me, we look at each other and I say "hi" and she says hey back in a disinterested tone. So I just wait till I get a drink

Back from the gym, head out for "a walk". I head up to the more secluded part that I mentioned but on the way there's (another) bookstore which I head to. On the way I see a girl I could have approached, but pussied out. Ah well.

Girl#5 : Anyways in the bookstore I find another girl as we pass by she smiles and I say "Hi", but apparently she doesn't react to it. Hmm.

Then I keep walking around for a long time.

Girl #6: As I'm waiting at a traffic sign, I see a (slightly older, must have been in early 30s) woman passing thrpugh. Not an outright stunner but I like the look of her. I stop her, greet her "Hi, quick question...are you single?" she thinks for a split second, "No" and I reply "Ah well. that's a shame", she giggling now, after a bit she heads her way and I bid her farewell as she does so (ugh).

Anyways I hit the number and on the last approach I definitely swallowed my fear so happy with that. A ton of silly stuff I did, and lots of mistakes with pretty much everything so there's lots to learn from. Well after I came back I fucked around for a bit and then also did some chores so I'm sleeping late now, which kinda sucks since it impedes gym recovery but fuck it it's summer. So gonna sleep now and tomorrow will be Day 5, saying "How's your day going?" to 6 women. However tomorrow I will be pressed for time since I want to focus on gymming so I'm going to modify the challenge a bit --> at most 3 hired guns and at least 3 new women (who are not hired guns).

Also I will post my observations for today and tomorrow combined.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
Well, the last two days have been a failure...haha until a few hours ago.

Yesterday was probably one of the worst days one could ever have........I did absolutely nothing. Woke up late, did jack shit, then I got bored + pussed out to go out and meet girls so stayed home and binged on porn for hours. Fuuuuuck. But then I was determined to go out still, ended up going for a walk but pussed out on meeting a single girl. Came back home and lazed around. Still get disgusted typing all that.

Today was more of the same, although no porn. Anyways, I'm staying in this city for only a few more days, and at one point I contemplated quitting this fucking thing, what's the point?

Then I remembered all the "success stories" I had read: nino's newbie assignment, a few others too, and I realized NONE OF THEM QUIT. I was losing hope, but I told myself I had to try one last time.

So I go out, but unfortunately I'm still in approach anxiety mode. So I basically fuck around for 2.5 hours, not plucking up the courage to talk to ANYONE (not just cute women). I'm basically feeling like shit, so all I do is sit next to a fountain and ponder life. This is me basically for 45 minutes. All of a sudden I see a really cute woman walking past me. I actually get up and plan to walk up to her, but then I choke AGAIN and I'm like screw it I'm done with this shit. I head back to my spot. As I sit down another woman's there, walking her dog.

"That's a cute dog!" I say. She smiles, "thank you!", after a brief pause I ask her how her day's going, and she's like good, but only out of politeness. Nevertheless I felt happy, idk it was luck, whatever.

Soon after as I'm walking alonng the street I see a cute Asian girl walking the same way as I am, she's a bit ahead of me. Anyways I walk casually and as I am sideways, maybe a bit ahead of her I pretend to "suddenly notice" her, then greet her, and ask her how her day's going

Me: "Hey"
Girl: "Hi!"
Me: How's your day going?
Girl: "It's going good, how about you?"
Me: "Not too bad. Honestly I really liked your style, and I wanted say to hi! What's your name?"
*she blushes, warm smile*
Girl: "Oh I'm blah" - I don't make out what her name is, so I lean closer to her as we're walking and she repeats.
Me: "blah (repeating her name). Cool, I'm turquoise :). So what you upto?"
Her: Oh I'm just going over to a friend's right now
Me: Oh
*keep walking together a bit*
Me: So what do you do, study or work?

And then basically she says she just graduated, from the same uni I'm studying in. We bond on that a bit. She asks what major I'm in, I tell her to guess and see if she can figure me out ;) A bit of teasing over her (wrong) guesses.

At this point we've reached a junction. Here's where I slip up - I assumed she was going the same way and start heading to cross the street, but she is going the other way. So I just greet her farewell with a parting hug and leave.

So that was only two girls (not counting random hired guns). One was a shitty interaction to get things going, the other was actually a solid 2-3 min conversation with a girl, was reasonably smooth. But for a day where I was downright terrible with approaching and planning to call off the whole thing, not too bad for my level.

A few notes:

1) I realized while doing the second approach, approach anxiety is just a lack of momentum. When you lack social momentum you make excuses as to why you won't go out and meet girls, why you won't make small talk with the cashier, and why you start making reasons why you shouldn't approach that cute woman.

2) What were those girls' deals? That's the question I should be asking myself all the time. It's easy to make out that the first girl was just replying out of politeness. Additioanlly, my weird half-entrance could have put her off, not really creeped her out since there was nothing creepy about the interaction but certainly wouldn't have sparked her interest. Seems like the second girl was perhaps into me, she warmed up after my compliment. Problem is now I need to find a way to escalate in those 2 minutes. But it's fun.

3) I realized I haven't been working on this newbie assignment as diligently as I should be. There's 24 hours in a day, and rather than spend 5 hours aimlessly walking I should aim to gather momentum quickly and try to meet my goals (3-4 girls, the other 2 I can do over the course of the day) sooner in maybe 2.5 hours instead. I still have 3 days left in this city so I can still forget all my past mistakes and go hard.

I will be redoing this as I want to get this down completely. Yeah, I won;t be able to fully complete the assignment before leaving for home, but if I get down this skill (to start small talk with women and start escalating toward dates/numbers), that's good progress.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 14, 2016
So in the last two days I was in my city I did day 5 of my assignment sporadically. BUT I had signigficantly improved, I was easily able to initiate conversations with new women.

Example: I was heading over to an interview and all of a sudden a girl enters the elevator. I get into small talk with her, ask how her day’s going and expand on commonalities (she studies at the same uni as me) etc. Feeling really good about that aspect. Basically approach anxiety seems kinda distant. Still get nerves but it’s more excitement than fear.

But given I had only a day left in the city I stopped approaching and anyways I had to pack too. So I cut decided to cut short the newbie assignment to focus on studies and just chill in the vacation. I was wrong.

Check out my field report over here where I approached a girl at the airport:


So I completed day 9 of the assignment when I had given up on the assignment.

Side note: I'm technically almost done with the newbie assignment but I might have to cut it short for real now cos I'm in a Muslim country lol AND barely have a social circle anymore here (all my friends from high school left) so approaching would be much more difficult. But even though I didn't get any GREAT results (like even a phone number, much less get laid), I got a lot of momentum out of this and learnt some neat stuff. I feel like less of a beginner now in the sense that I don't feel like restrained to a set method of approaching women.

I'll be focusing more on my fundamentals over the summer which I need to really perfect. But if I got any wild updates I'll add on to here on as an FR.


1) Lot smoother interactions with girls now
2) Approached girl in airport when I least expected it -> insta-date but got semi-clockblocked by awkward fucker. Also couldn't close + slightly weak game I feel but it was a great learning experience.
3) Won't be able to meet much girls for the rest of the summer :(. But will work on fundamentals.
4) NEWBIE ASSIGNMENT WAS WORTH IT, anyone who's just getting started should do it because even though it's kind of scary towards the end it's really fun to see yourself making progress!