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FR+  Two days of FRs- One a FR+/FU and the other a FR++


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I had a busy and crazy weekend. I decided to combine these two because I was too busy to put them up last weekend. This isn't a LR (both days probably should have been), but I'm not too down about it. I've been pretty consistently getting girls in my room and making out with them. This is a pretty good situation to be in, and if I keep getting these chances, I'm going to get a good amount of LRs too. I've also been improving pretty quickly. In four days I went from a FR+, another FR+ and then a FR++ (what really should have been a LR- at least). I'm starting to get back into shape.

The downside is that I'm making the same mistakes that I usually make. But at least I know what I have to work on.

Day 1: FR+/FU

I had pretty high hopes for this day because there would be tons of sorority girls at this party, and one of them I had already slept with (see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4015), I also had a girl who I know likes me, and another girl who I knew and I figured I could escalate with. So I had a plan A, B, and C. And then I figured I could always approach for a plan D.

My goals were:

Approach 5 women
Be smooth
Move two girls

I actually accomplished all of my goals. I got the approaching out of the way in the first hour (there were a TON of girls there, and they were all horny). But I never moved anywhere beyond the initial approach. Also, the girl who I was hoping to have sex with stumbled in drunk (more like trashed), and ran right into a guy, who she immediately made out with. Her friends immediately cockblocked and took her away, but I didn't think it was a good idea to go for her anymore. So plan A down.

What makes this a FU is that I stopped approaching. I had at least 4 girls giving me CLEAR approach invitations and I ignored them all. I didn't have a clear plan of what to do and instead of just going for it, I waited and missed out. Just psyched myself out and didn't go for it. I know if I did try, I could have gotten them. And I didn't make anything happen on a day that should have been easy. I literally couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about all the chances I missed.

I was figuring out how to beat my approach anxiety when the girl I knew was into me came up and started talking to me. I immediately moved her and sat with her. But I messed up WHERE I moved her. We went to the closest couch which was still loud when we should have gone to a quieter place. In all honesty, I should have just taken her to my room. But after a quick conversation, she ran off (missed escalation window) and we didn't really talk again. This is like the 6th time that this has happened. I have no idea how this girl isn't in auto-reject. The next time we meet, I just need to invite her to a quiet place, have a quick convo, then invite her to my room. Too much sexual tension to do anything else. But anyways, Plan B down.

I was walking to get another drink when a girl asked me to get with her friend. Unfortunately, she wasn't good looking, so I left. I tried to get myself to approach again, but nothing. This was the worst A.A. I've ever had. It sucked because girls were being so blatantly obvious. I knew I was missing out.

What was even crazier was that I wasn't the only one struggling. My fraternity brothers, some of them my good friends, weren't doing anything either. I really got a good idea of what it means to be an average vs exceptional man here. The exceptional guys aren't the best looking, they're the ones who take the initiative.

But I finally saw a girl I knew (plan C), and I got to talking with her. We got into a really good conversation. I was deep diving really well and she looked like she was into me. She offered to give me her number. I invited her back to my room and she had no problem with it. Really easy and smooth pull. I went to the bathroom first (I really had to go) and her friend had shown up. I think me leaving caused her to have second thoughts and broke the spell. Shoot.

But even then, I did a great job of talking to both of them. Her friend even left the room. I wasn't sure if I should escalate (I should have, duh), and I hesitated and lost the moment. Her friend came back and I missed my chance. I thought I would get another though (NEVER think this). When my roommate came into the room, he talked to her friend and I talked to her. More deep diving, but eventually they left. Bummer.

I think I'm going to try to get her out on a date and see how I can do. I think we have a good connection. Moreover, she was never really drunk. She didn't need to use alcohol as an excuse to want me. Very intelligent. My best deep dives are with girls who are smart. I really like a girl who can keep up with me, and I think a date with her would be fun.

The rest of the night went just as badly. No more approaches, but plenty of approach invitations. It was a pretty disappointing day.


I got a girl's number so easily
I have my fundamentals (at least the physical ones) down.
I got a girl in my room and alone
Plenty of interest
I accomplished my goals


Really bad approach anxiety (although I did approach 5 girls)
Didn't escalate
Didn't move a girl well (first time that's happened)
Missed out on tons of opportunities

That's my first FR+/FU report. My second one I will post below.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Two days of FRs- One a FR+/FU and the other a FR++


Day two of partying. Another day, another sorority, another plus on the FR ;). I like the way this semester is going. But I also made some mistakes here and I would love some input on them.

I was pretty excited for this second party because the sorority we were partying with are known as the party girls. At first things are boring, I get food, and then the cops show up. But eventually, things start to heat back up again.

My goals were:

Shoot first. This came from a really great article on the main page. Check it out here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/shoot ... ions-later
Be smooth
Build sexual tension with one girl
Take a girl home

I accomplished most of my goals, but still made some mistakes and questionable decisions.

The first mistake was not talking to a girl I had hooked up with last year. While she might have been cold, she still could have been useful for pre-selection or maybe more. You never know. I should have approached her, even if I wasn't getting much interest.

I also got to know a couple girls from playing drinking games with them. One was around my height or even taller than me by a bit. But I was getting some good vibes. Kept her in the back of my mind (she'll reappear later)

Another girl was really giving me interest. I was going off and trying to talk to her, when my friends came over. She started talking to my friend and while they danced, she had a boyfriend and she wasn't giving him much. Jokes on him.

Here is where I'm not sure if I went right or wrong. I think I didn't do the right thing, but it was better than nothing. Still not something I want to do often. I told a girl about her friend and how I had no idea what she was doing. This is the plan B girl from the FR+/FU above. I told her that she had texted me to come over and then backed out once, and I wasn't sure if she was into me and if she was just shy. She said we were both shy, but she could talk to her if I wanted her to. I told her no way. I wanted to do it myself, but I knew she'd tell her anyways. I wouldn't recommend doing this. Its just not what a real man does. It is better than nothing though. Her friend was pretty excited and I could tell that I needed to get plan B girl out on a date and make things work. But yeah, right move in taking action, wrong way of doing it.

As the one girl left, the tall girl came back and had been sort of floating around. I immediately realized what she was doing. I hadn't spent more than 15 minutes interacting with the tall girl, but she was clearly into me. Even though she was taller than me, I figured what the hell and went for it.

I looked right at her told her to sit down. No fancy compliment or line. Just, "X, sit down"

She smiled and sat down. We talked for a little, just some light banter. I helped to build sexual tension though teasing. She pretended to be mad and told me we were in a fight (yeah that's why she keeps hitting me). Her friends told her they were leaving and asked her to come with them. She said she wanted to stay. My instincts going off telling me that I needed to invite her home. I said, let's get out of here and we left. Along the walk back, she declined another invitation to go off with friends.

I thought there might be a problem taking her to my place, but she had already declined two invitations. This girl wanted me to take her home. And she had no complaints when I led her into my house, then to my room. I really didn't even ask. I just did.

Once we were in my room, I poured her a drink, and escalated quickly. Pretty usually escalation, pull up her shirt, didn't bother with getting the bra off (although I can now do get it off with one hand). Pants came off really easily. She started grabbing me and really getting into it. But as soon as I tried was taking off mine, she stopped and said in a really serious tone, "I don't want to do this."

Well then why the fuck did you come back with me? Anyways, from there not much else to say. I ended up talking to her too much and killing the vibe.

It was really strong LMR and I had no idea what to do. I think if I had to do it again, I'd just say, "You can leave anytime you want" and keep escalating. I gave up too easily. But it was just so direct and certain that it threw me off. What was weird was that when I escalated a little later I got her bra off, but after the first LMR, I never really went for sex again. She told me that she'd like to have sex with me later, but not now.

As we are making out, I get a text. I think its my roommate, but its the girl from earlier (plan B girl), and she wants to hang out. Nice. Guess talking to her friend got some result. I waited a bit, and then texted her that she should stop sometime soon (this was like 2 am, and I had class the next day). It felt damn good to be getting with one girl and have another chasing me.

After a bit more talking and touching, my roommate wanted to go to sleep and I wasn't gonna make him sleep elsewhere, so I walked her out. As she left she said, "its been real" and left.

No idea if this girl wants to see me again or if she felt incredibly awkward. Not really my best work. But it is progress.


I got a girl back in my room, kissed her, pants off. If I keep getting myself into these situations, one will work out
I pulled a girl really quickly
I could tell she was into me quickly and took action
I've always wanted to make out with a girl taller than me (seriously, this is a life goal accomplished)


Didn't get a lay
Really strong LMR
Didn't talk to a girl I had hooked up with before
Got a girl pulled away from me (guy did the high energy vibe, but he's not interested in girls, he was just trying to have fun)

I would love some advice on where to go from here with these three girls. The main girl from this FR++, the Plan B girl (who's friend knows I like her and wanted to hang out), and Plan C girl (who I talked to in my FR+/FU above and had a good connection with).

Any advice about my FRs, approaching despite anxiety, LMR, or how I should move forward with the three girls would be great.

Every day is an opportunity,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Re: Two days of FRs- One a FR+/FU and the other a FR++

Hey man, every step is a step forward.

Just crack that approach anxiety as soon as possible man, don't let those opportunities go to waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Re: Two days of FRs- One a FR+/FU and the other a FR++

xcrunner said:

I looked right at her told her to sit down. No fancy compliment or line. Just, "X, sit down"

She smiled and sat down. We talked for a little, just some light banter. I helped to build sexual tension though teasing. She pretended to be mad and told me we were in a fight (yeah that's why she keeps hitting me). Her friends told her they were leaving and asked her to come with them. She said she wanted to stay. My instincts going off telling me that I needed to invite her home. I said, let's get out of here and we left. Along the walk back, she declined another invitation to go off with friends.

I thought there might be a problem taking her to my place, but she had already declined two invitations. This girl wanted me to take her home. And she had no complaints when I led her into my house, then to my room. I really didn't even ask. I just did.

Once we were in my room, I poured her a drink, and escalated quickly. Pretty usually escalation, pull up her shirt, didn't bother with getting the bra off (although I can now do get it off with one hand). Pants came off really easily. She started grabbing me and really getting into it. But as soon as I tried was taking off mine, she stopped and said in a really serious tone, "I don't want to do this."

Well then why the fuck did you come back with me? Anyways, from there not much else to say. I ended up talking to her too much and killing the vibe.

It was really strong LMR and I had no idea what to do. I think if I had to do it again, I'd just say, "You can leave anytime you want" and keep escalating. I gave up too easily. But it was just so direct and certain that it threw me off. What was weird was that when I escalated a little later I got her bra off, but after the first LMR, I never really went for sex again. She told me that she'd like to have sex with me later, but not now.

I learned this from a few interactions and from some advice from Ross: let her take off your pants, or at least start the process. Have her feel your dick outside your pants, rub you really hard, and then start to unzip your pants, inviting her to dig, or place your hand on your pubic area and let her reach down. Much higher success rate, since if she continues after the hint, she's chasing your dick. She definitely wanted sex, you just should have backed off, cooled down, then re-initiated after a burst of passion kiss.

Your dominance in the beginning of the interaction, however, is great. Her declining invitations was definitely her asking for sex; just work on your LMR skills (try the suggested tactic above) and have her chase sex more, and the LRs will start rolling in.

xcrunner said:
As we are making out, I get a text. I think its my roommate, but its the girl from earlier (plan B girl), and she wants to hang out. Nice. Guess talking to her friend got some result. I waited a bit, and then texted her that she should stop sometime soon (this was like 2 am, and I had class the next day). It felt damn good to be getting with one girl and have another chasing me.

Anything happen with this later? I would have said fuck it, I'll go to class tired as hell if I can get laid. But that's passed; get her on a date SOON.

xcrunner said:
I've always wanted to make out with a girl taller than me (seriously, this is a life goal accomplished)

Same here; I've kissed girls taller than me, but never a full make-out.

Good shit, xcrunner! Sounds like you're progressing. I know we're both at smaller schools and I feel like our initial worry of a bad reputation might be inferior to a different worry: running out of girls. But fresh new classes come in every fall, so probably not much to worry about.