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Socializing  ugly faces ugly attitude


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
The beauty of being in the field is that you can see a more honest side of the person you are interacting with.

physiognomy, what I've noticed is if a dude is weird looking(ugly), at the initial phase you just feel like they are too friendly and your gut is telling you it's wrong. same as to the girls you are seeing, after you've banged a lot. you just know they're bad apples, or is it truly one you like, which I feel is RARE?


long term wings are very firm on their style, (except for one who's a veteran mid-40s now), and don't want to think too much about the technical aspect of the game, also don't care to learn, whereas I'm the opposite. They are my best wings and I still game with them because we respect each other's approach, we don't see eye to eye on everything, but we just understand when it's time to put in the calibration for the 2sets or more, we got each other backs, and they could bitch about how "you" stole their girl the next day, jokingly of course.

your wing gets jealous/envious of your results but is honest with it at the same time.

hidden/upfront jealousy is totally from my experience,

I could do another post, but they are inconsistent with their preferences, and topics, have erratic moods for their likes or dislikes, always changing, lazy with super high ambition. also retards I've seen from the self-help community teaching people a bunch of things they misapply to life and friendship, etc.

****ones that you see adding too LONG of silence during conversation. you can think but, thinking too much or the brain just isn't working, wtf....*** I think they are trying to apply to grab frame or some shit, thinking you'll wait for a response, in my mind, your just a retard and I'm going to be distancing myself from you.

We focus on bad girls, BPD, feminists, "ugly girls", and fatties, avoiding them in LTR, or at all approaching them. what about a friend that could influence your emotions, subconsciously ruining your vibe,

ugly/snake dudes could be more dangerous, it could fuck your mood for a long time. mostly they're under the radar because they are within your social extension

for example, the recent discord incident came in the leader of man type of guys, I don't have to see their faces to know their faces are feminine, sometimes they look like posers trying to mean mug in their profile picture but they are feminine dudes.

Also with my recent circle of fallouts with some supposed neutral relationship acquittances exhibiting behavior from a different angle.

"help your brothers out"
"You supposed to advise those in need"
"Reach to the ones you admire! they will help you"
"help me help me help me"

without putting too much value or work front to deserve it.

homeless dogs coming to beg for food, The only thing different is that dogs are dogs.

a homeless begs for money and is upfront about what he wants, money.

Dudes like these, asking in a vague directionless, needy type of way are just, trying to be close to you without much to offer.

In my mind, who the fuck owns shit. just by you posting that it comes from a needy without reference, actually tried in the field, value sucker.

weird looking ass dudes I avoid actively, maybe God's giving you a sign. God created him to be repulsive so you should be repulsed! Run

my wings are some of the most focused people, they don't try to act like experts in every field, they just love picking up girls who care less about technicals, fair enough. But they are focused on those 1-3 things not like wanting to make millions in a week or some shit, running 50 businesses.

those self-help dudes refer to what Bruce Lee once said,

"be like water, my friend"

well you dumb fuck you're not Water or bruce lee

I wanted to post this because I'm still learning, and don't have the years of a veterans. I feel like veterans are more subconsciously aware and are more closed off to establishing new relationships, because their BS detector is a lot more on alter. An elder on here actively close off/distancing themselves to some people we both know, the elder was steps ahead. I put up with the idiot for a longer period before blocking the him.

chip on shoulder, insecure about his race, HIGHly AMBITIOUS, can't seem to be good at game (bad calibration), whinny ass bitch, can't talk about anything else but pussy/money, how to cheat the law, mainstream redpill/self help dude,

funny thing about this dude he rarely gets laid^ LMAO

people call them snakes because they slither in without being detecte

by no means i'm an authority to be dogmatic about my reads but it has it's references. be happy to hear about your guys experiences too ! :D
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 26, 2024
Interesting thoughts was a funny read as well, but what are you speaking about here in general?
I cant really seem to make a connection between some of these paragraphs, who is it aimed at?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Anyway, on the physiognomy thing... yeah, it is true more often than not.

People who repulse you visually tend to also be repulsive people.

I tend to think it's not exclusively genetic looks, either. People wear their personalities on their faces. There is a big visible difference between the face of someone with a warm personality versus someone who is a snake.

Every now and again though you will meet those people who dissemble REALLY well... attractive, charming, disarming, but turned out to just be extra-slick snakes.

I have also occasionally met ugly people who flipped my warning signs, but turned out to be totally cool/okay folks. Probably they were acting or feeling needy or something at the outset and my brain interpreted ugly + needy as a warning... but they may just be nervous talking to new people, etc.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
It comes down to 2 cognitive biases... the Halo and Horn effect

I pulled the following description from online

Halo Effect
Conventionally-attractive' people tend to be perceived as being competent and successful. Essentially, one redeeming aspect of a person leads us to cast their whole character in an inherently positive light.

As a result, any negative characteristics are therefore overshadowed, such poor punctuality and communication skills, or frequently missing deadlines.

Horn Effect
The horn effect is essentially the complete opposite of the halo effect. The horn effect is a cognitive process in which we immediately ascribe negative attitudes or behaviors to someone based on one aspect of their appearance or character.

A common example of this is overweight people, who unfortunately are often stereotyped as being lazy, slovenly or irresponsible. Whether it’s how someone looks, speaks or even their body language, hiring managers may quickly have a ‘bad feeling’ about them.

Therefore, you won't really get a fair assessment on someone's character based of initial impressions or looks alone. Those first impressions could be correct, but it's also possible that your intuition could be totally wrong. So it's best to approach new relationships cautiously and analyze their actions over time to get a better read on their character
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Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
It comes down to 2 cognitive biases... the Halo and Horn effect

I pulled the following description from online

Halo Effect
Conventionally-attractive' people tend to be perceived as being competent and successful. Essentially, one redeeming aspect of a person leads us to cast their whole character in an inherently positive light.

As a result, any negative characteristics are therefore overshadowed, such poor punctuality and communication skills, or frequently missing deadlines.

Horn Effect
The horn effect is essentially the complete opposite of the halo effect. The horn effect is a cognitive process in which we immediately ascribe negative attitudes or behaviors to someone based on one aspect of their appearance or character.

A common example of this is overweight people, who unfortunately are often stereotyped as being lazy, slovenly or irresponsible. Whether it’s how someone looks, speaks or even their body language, hiring managers may quickly have a ‘bad feeling’ about them.

Therefore, you won't really get a fair assessment on someone's character based of initial impressions or looks alone. Those first impressions could be correct, but it's also possible that your intuition could be totally wrong. So it's best to approach new relationships cautiously and analyze their actions over time to get a better read on their character
I was about to type something similar. The halo and horn effect affects us more than we actually think. If you consider someone as being unattractive, you are more likely to view his or her flaws and mistakes as being bigger than it actually is. The same applies to people whom you consider attractive, when they do anything "nice", you are likely to view it as being bigger than it really is.... when in fact average and unattractive people do the same thing regularly but you don't notice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2023
I'm not sure this is a case of physiognomy. I think it's a case of beautiful people having tending to have charmed lives that results in them always having a reason to smile.

"Chads" are always smiling and radiating positive, abundant energy. This results in them having better personalities, probably flowing from the fact that they have nothing to be better about.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
@Swati, your account has apparently been hacked by @ZacAdam, man.

(inside joke there... there is no actual hacking going on, FYI)
oh shit, this can't be good! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

has he asked about face structures before?

Every now and again though you will meet those people who dissemble REALLY well... attractive, charming, disarming, but turned out to just be extra-slick snakes.

I have also occasionally met ugly people who flipped my warning signs, but turned out to be totally cool/okay folks. Probably they were acting or feeling needy or something at the outset and my brain interpreted ugly + needy as a warning... but they may just be nervous talking to new people, etc.


For the attractive people who tries out to be snakes, I can't say I could immediately experienced many... I could definitely see it tho. with the ugly switching over, I have noticed that myself too, but they can't be too ambitious.

I've found people's "mirror neurons" are receptive to your first impression, even if you try to hide it. That is why it'd make sense with the "love at first sight" thing when you find some to be super attractive


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Therefore, you won't really get a fair assessment on someone's character based of initial impressions or looks alone. Those first impressions could be correct, but it's also possible that your intuition could be totally wrong. So it's best to approach new relationships cautiously and analyze their actions over time to get a better read on their character
well, that's speaking in general

Have i met a fatty who was nice to me didn't cockblock, yes, are they rare of course, because of they are known to cockblock. which is why you get your stereotypes

my intuition is more right then wrong, which why i found the patterns of recognizing these things

I feel repulse by them, I get the fuck away... OH wow dude you "might of" missed million dollar opportunity, IDGAF lol, I'll find another opportunity else where
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
I'm not sure this is a case of physiognomy. I think it's a case of beautiful people having tending to have charmed lives that results in them always having a reason to smile.

"Chads" are always smiling and radiating positive, abundant energy. This results in them having better personalities, probably flowing from the fact that they have nothing to be better about.
you'd hear emotion is a currency, a less stressful person is considered high value and better fundamentals

Interestingly, you mentioned smiling, I've asked those supposed "Chad blondes" from a more Westernized European background why they can always be positive. I see them being more happy and positive.

one of them quotes from their father

"you have a choice to make your day, you either be down, unhappy, or tell yourself you are going to be happy, it's your choice"

of course, there are the extremes of you thinking not being happy is not normal, they end up taking antidepressant pills and shit.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Swati, your account has apparently been hacked by @ZacAdam, man.

(inside joke there... there is no actual hacking going on, FYI)
I don't want to scare swatti but he reminds me of chitownmaverick, i forgot his name in your blog (the dude that became a hard core christian)... This post yea is close to Zacadam only missing the charts...

Good thing he actually became a good seducer, bad thing is he also became a hard core christian and quit for good....

My point is you need some type of inner game balance, don't go too much to the dark side (seen it many times, different faces), i get vibes you may go there, balance...


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I tend to think it's not exclusively genetic looks, either. People wear their personalities on their faces. There is a big visible difference between the face of someone with a warm personality versus someone who is a snake.

I've noticed this too. I believe when we look at someone's face our minds don't really see the physical features, at least not at first. What jumps out immediately is a sort of ephemeral visage of what is represented by the emotions we see there. Someone can be downright ugly but alluring and attractive because of the sense of what lies behind it.

I've also noticed that when I go out and my head is in a bad place, even if I think my face is perfectly neutral, girls will often be closed off before I even get close. And when my mind is in a very good place, and I am full of enthusiastic, forward leaning energy about my life and what I'm doing, women will be almost physically pulled in, and stare at my face when we make eye contact.

What we men perceive about this stuff, women probably perceive 10x more.


Feb 3, 2020
Someone can be downright ugly but alluring and attractive because of the sense of what lies behind it.

Reminds me of this fairly average guy I once met at a happy hour. Physically/facially he wasn't impressive but his aura and natural magnetism was crazy. And I barely talked to him for less than a minute. I figure it's his inner feelings radiating out through body language. There's definitely something to it


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
I don't want to scare swatti but he reminds me of chitownmaverick, i forgot his name in your blog (the dude that became a hard core christian)... This post yea is close to Zacadam only missing the charts...

Good thing he actually became a good seducer, bad thing is he also became a hard core christian and quit for good....

My point is you need some type of inner game balance, don't go too much to the dark side (seen it many times, different faces), i get vibes you may go there, balance...
I don't know chitownmarverick. You guys are free to call it out. Christianity is reserved for my 80s, not just yet

I just genuinely think that being aware of the faces was a good variable to take note of and I have my patterns of to understanding.

sure, I'll be think more about the posts more next time.

also it seem @Chase had some good responses to it, could i have posted in a way "less" in the dark side?
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I don't want to scare swatti but he reminds me of chitownmaverick, i forgot his name in your blog (the dude that became a hard core christian)... This post yea is close to Zacadam only missing the charts...

Good thing he actually became a good seducer, bad thing is he also became a hard core christian and quit for good....

My point is you need some type of inner game balance, don't go too much to the dark side (seen it many times, different faces), i get vibes you may go there, balance...

ChiTownMaverick was Drexel Scott.

There's a tendency for some subsection of PUA guru-type figures to change into spiritual guru-type figures.

  • Drexel Scott (ChiTownMaverick) --> born again Christian
  • David Tian (Asian Rake) --> committed Confucianist
  • RooshV --> hardcore Eastern Orthodox Christian

Kind of makes sense when you think about it. If you can be an outspoken, opinionated guru in one area, you can be one in another.

People in general go through a hedonist phase from around 14 until about 30-35, then many of them have this gradual spiritual awakening and repent of their earlier wicked ways.

Everybody forgets that St. Augustine started out as a day game pickup artist who fathered a child out of wedlock with some chick he probably picked up on the streets of Carthage in the mid-4th Century. He was a wordsmith, too, who studied and mastered rhetoric... very helpful in both PUA and later establishing himself as a spiritual guru. Augustine is the one who (during his PUA days) jokingly prayed "Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet." He ditched his baby mama to marry an heiress, before he finally got religion and decided to just never marry. Dude was the prototypical PUA turned spiritual guru.
