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Unbridling the Stallion


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
So I was out on Sunday approaching with a wing. Been focusing on reducing my investment, while keeping interest and interestingness high. That plus focusing on being less hesitant, more dominant, and more instinctive.

So I’m walking around, and I notice a girl walk past me. Cute body type. Busty with a nice butt. A little older than me probably, but easily fuckable. I open and we have a much more shallow conversation without deep diving, and more some light teasing and playful banter. It’s a pretty good interaction and I number grab on a high note. Then leave.

Texting is straightforward Chase style. Given english-second language, and relative coldness of her messaging style, I just frontloaded an ask out, and set up a date. Followed up with her the day before the date as per Hector’s advice on keeping leads warm.

The Date

I’ve managed to come up with the perfect pre-date routine that always has me arriving late. So the girls have been arriving first to locations. She’s dressed in a maxi dress with a strapless top, revealing some wonderful bosom. I’m turned on.

The early game is good, again following my new script to avoid deep diving too early. Instead it’s more a survey over a bunch of different topics, mainly traveling. Also using advice from @Skills to keep the first venue conversation a little lighter-at least to start. Mostly social, with some kino going on. I up my dominant touch a couple of times on high notes to pull her into me or to touch her leg. Felt natural. She’s receptive. At one point I make a few sexual direct jokes, specifically when she reveals to me that she’s actually 5 years older than me. She asks how I feel about it, so I tell her I’ll take her home with me right now. She smacks me in the leg and laughs.

After that it’s mostly light conversation with some teasing, though the cultural differences mean that some of my teasing doesn’t really hit the right way, so I do have to backpedal a couple of times on some stuff that she takes a bit more seriously. Mostly I just skip over when that happens though.

I do bring up some sexual conversations, specifically trust and comfort gambit, and then talking about dating in the city and also her experiences. Given that her frames she sets are that she has no expectations and that she doesn't really have reservations about sex, I mostly focus on sexual prizing aspect of the gambits as opposed to any that are related to ASD.

We end up going to a second venue after that. I have her hold my arm on the transition to the next venue. It’s louder here, and the vibe between us is still solid. I’ve stopped touching her, and now she’s initiating a lot of the touch with me. We actually finish the drinks relatively quick, and I’ve seeded the pull a few different ways, so I go for it here on a high note. She says “maybe later, it’s too early”. So I back off, and go back to the drink and normal conversation. She asks if we can go somewhere else, because she wants to buy us a round. I suggest two different alternatives and let her pick between them (both with good logistics). We walk there, and I don’t push to have us have any physical contact on the walk-felt like I’d be forcing it.

So we go to the next spot, and she orders us drinks. I don’t want more alcohol, so I tell her to get me a mocktail, and she has a glass of wine. She also orders us some fries because she wants some food. This place the conversation does die down a bit between us, and I let it settle. There is a moment where it changes when I make some specific point that she really, really vibes with. I use that moment to pull her into me, and she melts. Now I suggest we grab some dessert nearby. I hold her hand on the walk there, because I know I’m about to go for the pull soon.

We go there, and I order us some dessert, and while we’re waiting, I stand with my back to the counter, and pull her between my legs, having her wrap her arms around my neck. A homeless guy walks by asking for money, so I use the moment to pull her even closer. She’s absolutely ready to be kissed at this point, but I’ve learned my lesson and just let the sexual tension build instead. She says she needs to use the bathroom, and I tell her we can take the dessert to go and use the bathroom at my place. She gives me a look as if she’s going to object, but I grab the dessert, and hold my arm for her to grab, and just start walking. She follows without objection.

At my place, I give her a tour, let her relax, and eventually go for the kiss. The moment my lips touch hers, she backs off and says that she has a barrier. I use my learnings from my coaching with hector to talk with her, and she reveals she’s actually 12 years older than me. The objection she has is that she doesn’t believe I could actually be turned on by her. So now that I have the objection, and that I know she’s attracted to me, and wants me-the solution is incredibly obvious. I just push her down and start going crazy. Then have her feel my hard cock to show proof that I’m turned on. Then I just push her onto my bed, and she asks for a condom and it’s game over.

Major learnings-I feel like I’m starting to coalesce a lot of the major techniques that make “kvothe” seductive. It involves me being present, not putting too much pressure on myself, and following my instincts. I have enough reference experience at this point that I know how to deal with most normal scenarios, so just relaxing and not trying to force things is super important.

Also fixing my early game to reduce the emphasis on going deep will likely help more too, because now my early investment better matches hers, which means we are more on the same page and can work up the seduction together.

Don’t think I’ll see this girl again, just a bit too old for me, but she’s very attractive, and I gave her a great night. So I’m very happy.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake