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Unintentional tactic? - the old switcharoo


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
I was talking to a girl on tinder, whose number I closed on in less than an hour.

I first messaged her, only a few messages went by, we talked about how she likes to travel, then she said she didn't want to seem rude but she has to go to study, I said no problem, get back to me when youre free.

So she did. I asked what class your studying for, she said accounting, I said "oh is that your major." etc etc

Then it hit me, this is the same stupid shit EVERY college student says to one another. So I said "you know what, school occupies enough of our time, tell me more about where youd like to travel."

She seemed to have a warm reception to it. Does it come off like she feels more cared about if I were to suddenly switch topics, or does it come off as abrupt (and she was the exception to the rule)?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

This was more good situational awareness on your part, realizing intuitively that you'd opened up on a strong topic earlier, then when you recommenced conversation you led her inadvertently onto a boring one, and course corrected back to the more substantial earlier topic.

It's a great tactic for when you've inadvertently struck off down a boring side path that you know (or suspect) the girl is not that into... just be careful you don't use it accidentally with a girl who actually IS excited to tell you about her major (or whatever the subject is) and you cut her off to move to a less-interesting-to-her subject.

But yeah, this is a great "save" to employ whenever the conversation's gotten sidetracked (usually this happens if she says something and you automatically start deep diving on it, like what happened here, and then your conscious mind checks back in and says whoa, what are we talking about this for, it's boring).

The social savvy it demonstrates when you do this is attractive to women; it's both a promise of a good time, and an indirect signal that you are social proofed and preselected (since less socially confident men won't know how or when to do this, or will be too unsure to, even if they suspect they should put it into action).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
Thanks for the response Chase, I thought this topic was going to just fall by the wayside.

So it's not necessarily a tactic more so than it is just me being self aware of a boring conversation? Is it something that can be used consciously as a tactic to further your goal, or is it more like "if you find yourself straying off the path, only then should you use this tactic"?