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LR  University Assistant


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Hey guys , this is my first LR where i used nothing but things i learned here , from start to finish.

Short story before LR:
Before i get into it let me just say that few months back when i started working on improving myself and reading GC i had no clue about girls , a guy who no one would ask for dating advice, and now my friends are actually asking me for advice and following me around when i approach to hear what im saying , so it goes without saying that it is possible to do a 180 degree turn in few months. I know i did.


I met this girl 2 weeks ago, she is an assistant at university, around my age, possibly the most intelligent girl i met. I invited her for a drink , it went very well and we arranged 2nd date two days after. (i know its best to invite her to your place on 1st date , i screwed that up so i went for backup plan). I called her to ask if we are still up for 2nd date and she said she just got back from work and invited me to her place instead. (for newer guys : if she invites you to her place its done deal , dont screw up like i did countless times)
Now because i failed in escalation with another girl few days before , it was time to burn my ships, so i popped something along the line of Viagra (less potent tho) , there was no going back now , even if it takes 4h to break LMR.
When i got to her place , i introduced to 2 of her friends and we went to her room. She started talking about her job , showing me some website (and my pants were about to explode). We talked for about 20 minutes, made out and whatnot, and she told me about some guy at work that told her : "you are turning me on mentally but not physically" . She was insecure about her looks (she is my type , not too skinny , and not fat)
Now comes the Shit Test part.
So in my effort to give her some value , i stood up , pulled her towards, between me and my member who was about to break the zipper, and told her
ME: what do you think , how are you turning me on right now, mentally or physically ?
SHE: I dont know ,you tell me
(she was not supposed to answer that , i have fallen in my own trap). If you say either or both you fail , so i did something it took me so long to figure , NOTHING
ME : Silence ... sexy smirk... laser eyes...
She smiled back , like i said everything she wanted to know

She is very ambitious person and i noticed talking about my own ambition turns her on. I did not spill my beans right up until she said :
SHE: I told you everything about me , can you tell me something about you
(this was the point where if you do not say something about yourself, she may auto-reject. Until now i told her only that i was in marketing)
ME: I do not talk much about my business , because i do not want to sound like a brag, but me and my friends have a marketing firm , which is at this point among the best ones in its field of work in country (its true, i did not made it up). I can not do anything without my friends , they do most of the work and i only find clients (i toned it down with this , so i do not look like a brag, and it worked very well)
SHE: *Doggy Dinner Bowl Look* You have no idea how that turns me on

It turns out that is is one of those 1-2% of girls that are logical about sex. This was very weird for me and i bet it was another test , you tell me.
SHE: So , *claps her hands, like we are about to make terms for a deal* we can have sex now.But before we do i must tell you something.
ME: Silence...head nod
SHE: This can be a one night stand , it can continue as friends with benefits or it can be something more , its up to you to decide. But if you decide you just want sex , you will be nothing more then a toy to me , when we are done, you go away.
*(i was in shock , whatever i say it was not going to be the answer she wants. If you say you want a relationship you look weak, if you say sex you better be good at it, which i can't say i am at the moment) So , i did it again
ME: Silence ...bit of bored look, bedroom eyes (like i was going to say "are you sure you want the answer right now")
SHE: *smiles* OK

After that we had sex , i am not too proud of my performance , lasted about 15 min or so ,but considering how horny i was i would call it a success. After sex we stayed in bed for about one more hour , talked and then i went home.
I can certainly see myself in something more then a friends with benefits with this girl, so i texted her tomorrow to ask how it went on her job , because she said she had to go to CEO. I hope that was not too needy of me , i wanted to answer her question indirectly that i am interested in her more then just for sex.

If you have anything to point out , recommend something or just give me your insight , please do so.

Best of luck
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Now because i failed in escalation with another girl few days before , it was time to burn my ships, so i popped something along the line of Viagra (less potent tho) , there was no going back now , even if it takes 4h to break LMR.

well done!

(i know its best to invite her to your place on 1st date , i screwed that up so i went for backup plan).

this is what ive been in trouble with. what i noticed is that if you are with a lower quality girl whos obviously sold on you its totally OK to take her home and do stuff. but if she is even arbitrarily in the set of "hot girls" i think we need to proceed with caution. im losing girls because of this(?) consistently. FR++... and then another one... and another one... ahh there goes an LR- great! fck it.

an article on this might worth a shot - determining the odds in a date1 pull. maybe its ok to take her home and do romantic stuff and kissing and then set up the fckdate? and second question - how to handle PR after an FR++/LR-?