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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
So This was from an event from Downtown, i could use some advice on this!

So my friend called me up and said his buddy decided to meet him up for drinks, who was a long time friend but was only in town for a week. Well he wanted to cut out early and my friend called me up. I was looking for an excuse to go downtown! I obliged to meet him and was on my merry way around 7 o clock. I got downtown and met him up, had a few drinks flirted with the bartenders with no success. I had no fear though as it was still early in the night!

I got to the one bar i usually have most success at and had conversation with my buddy and a few girls who stood beside me but kept getting pulled away by their friends. i told my buddy lets walk around and take in the scenery. He also wanted to leave as it was getting late and now 11:30. I told him no hard feelings he was free to leave. As we completed this part of conversation i noticed three drop dead gorgeous woman walk in whom i knew from the bar i bounce at. the one i had my eyes set on was tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and just had the tightest body on her like she worked out everyday all day. I approached her and questioned (already knowing) that she looked familiar and if she went to so and so bar frequently. she said yes and she thought she also knew me from somewhere as well! so i talked to her and she introduced me to her friends who were, beautiful and very snobby when introducing themselves as in they thought they were better than everyone. i continued to talk to her and knowing i had to work at six am i really had to go. so i asked the girl i was interested in if she was single, she said at the moment yes but has been on a few dates. we exchanged numbers!

so i texted her that it was nice to meet her and hope she had a good night to where she text back almost immediately that it was and she agreed to grab coffee with me. This is when it started to go down hill. I asked her what her availability was and she just responded it was crazy. well it went back and forth for a while with the text messages getting shorter and shorter to where i just said

me "listen, i think you are beautiful, but do you want me or not?"
Her "i think you are really cute. but my schedule is just crazy"
me "well tell you what, just meet me up monday and we can grab coffee, five minutes, i mean you can brush your teeth in five minutes"
her "i cant monday"
me "so when can you?"
her "dont know my schedule is crazy"

i didnt respond and text her today

me "hey i feel like i was being a little too pushy but figured i would get to know you a little bit through text"
Her" hey dont worry about it, how are you"

blah blah blah trying to grab anything to start deep diving her
me "so what are you studying? lawyer? biology? princessism?"
her "lmao, princessim, i think you might know me already! i'm in for criminal justice"

still trying to make a link to anything i can deep dive with

me "oh, well what got you interested in that, going from princessism to criminal justice, there has to be a cool story."
her "lol"
me "touchy subject eh? listen if your just trying to give a polite hint, i can always talk to someone else."
her "sorry i am in class, i will text you when i get out!"

Last i heard from her...... any suggestions or ideas?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR

dear self, after thinking about it long and hard..... you are not getting any investment....... you are expending way more effort then she is. Let it go!

agh sometimes this is extremely hard to do..... stepping up to model looking woman is harder than i thought.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2013
Re: FR


I don't know if her schedule is actually crazy, but it seemed like you were chasing through her schedule a bit. It's good that you were trying to make something happen, but if a girl keeps saying her schedule is too crazy/busy and isn't offering up any days or counter-offering, then it seems like she might not bet that interested. I think that if you try to find out what her schedule is and she doesn't let you know when she's free, then you could just say something like, "Hey <girl's name>, I'm not too good at chasing people through their schedules. So when you're free, let me know and we can go get that coffee." Something like that, and if she doesn't respond to that or doesn't say anything that would indicate she really wants to do something with you, you radio silence her for awhile. You could always try again in a week or two, but honestly you should probably just next her.

I think what may have helped is if you got her to agree to coffee in person, that way all you had to do over text was figure out the date and time. Another thing, I'd stay away from the deep-diving over text and do it in person. Keep your texting interactions to a minimum, and do the deep-diving when you first meet her and when you are actually with her on a date. One last thing, I don't know if it was smart to apologize to her, but I don't think it changed anything in this case. Not much else you could do, it may be that she just wasn't that interested.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR

Great advice im glad someone could get back to me.... I did not even realize i had apologized. Thanks for.pointing that out. I did get her to agree to.coffee in person and she was vert warm and open but in the text messages very cold. I tried what you said all i got was an ok. So ill take your advice and next her and keep in mind to never deep dive through text. I really appreciate the advice my friend.

Thank you!



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Re: FR

Sup Max.

Sounds like you're getting started cutting your teeth here and you don't seem like you have a ton a approach anxiety, so good on ya!

Just going to point out a couple things not to do next time.
listen, i think you are beautiful, but do you want me or not?"
Here you gave her validation and then threw the ball into her court to decide whether or not yall were going to go on a date. So she was probably like cool another guy that treats me like the other 100 guys that are chasing me right now. And its cool this is how we all start out.
Next time just infer from her actions (her giving you her number) that she's into you (even if she just gave it to you to screw off... which will happen).
She already agreed to grab coffee when you first texted her so I would have tried to transition into setting up a date when she's free to do so immediately. Don't chit chat over text or try to get to know women over text because you become their texting buddy and that puts you in the friend zone.

There are a couple of really good articles Chase has on texting I highly recommend you study them up. This is a good article : https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-text-girls-20-more-tips-and-techniques



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Thank you very much! I usually don't chat chat over text, I try to go in for the kill however I sometimes get the feeling that im not being warm enough. So this was an experiment to show myself that I was doing it right.

However I did not notice the beautiful thing I will read between the lines more. That will probably help my game out a lot! Thank you for pointing that out.