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FR  USC Football players


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 18, 2014
So I decided to go a Frat Party on Saturday night @ a local college called USC. I head to university village and run right into what I'm looking for a massive rager filled with inexperienced ladies top 20 hiphop and cheap (booze) . There policing the door like its the grammy's so I have trouble getting in my inside connect phone is dead . As I wait outside near the entrance watching the gangs of ladies stampade in.. I having random girls run in and out to get me beers I postion my self well for girls to rub against my body atleast 1 to 4 do after about an hour goes by I see people pouring out As I assumed they run out of beer.

I see this group of Huge black guys with a group of girls so I ask them where they are headed they say another party. So I wonder how fast I can get accepted by this group. I proceed to start walking with them and all the girls in the group cling to me instantly they pick up on my presence. Mustang pulls up why we are walking full of more huge black guys an says the party is wack and to head to the apartment where they have 4 bottles of ciroc and medical Now all the guys are asking who I am and who I know .. I tell them nobody and they ay they don't usually hang with randoms because there all on the USC football team. Now there size makes sense might I add these guys had extremly good fundumentals stronger than mine. I don't why but the girls fight for me to come they say they like me so we proceed to the crib.

We all start drinking and I proceed to open the first girl the "DD" she a stone cold bitch and I bang my sword on her bitch shield 3 times she even tells me my game isn't working but keeps talking to me .. I'm trying to deep dive she sees her self of a higher social value I can tell.
She tells me to please not touch her when I'm trying to use light kino I proceed to any way she doesn't say any thing .. help with this one guys should I have continued to push ?

At this point and time there is 3 joints in rotation and we all switch girls now I'm talking to Blonde we both lay on a couch watching the game she seems disintrested every time I try to engage her. We are pretty close and touching. I wait and try again .. I was asking her about the game other stuff I can't recall any thing to hook she eventually sits up then lays backs every time I shut up. Should I have went sexual earlier ?

At this point this USC football player who is also sitting on the couch with another girl beside him reaches over his girl to whisper something In my girls ear she giggles and he grabs her ass and has both of the girls smiling.

Sidenote these guys games where extremly solid & competitive and there confidence was stronger than mine it was quite frustrating. They moved faster than me which never happens.

At this time I try one more time with the girl sitting next to me .. its a lost cause she moves closer to football player.

I signal another girl over she comes an sits next me we start talking its actually going well. Now more football players are pouring in bigger ones with no girls I see a problem occuring with a lack of ratio. So I put my process in overdrive and she hooks when I tell her we should just do what we feel ... and at the momment one of the MLB comes over and says you have to leave I say ok because I understand the game of process of elimination..

I learned a lot though


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: USC Football players

That's a tough situation. You're with guys you admit have tighter fundamentals and have higher social proof, preselection, and perceived value than you. Football players get girls,and every girl wants to be with a football player. Plus, these girls are going with their minds made up to fuck football players. You don't have a great shot here.

My fraternity used to be close with the basketball team at my school, and invite them to parties. But while they were there, I was NEVER worried about losing a girl to them. For one thing, football > basketball on any college campus. For another thing, most of the girls weren't coming to fuck basketball players. They were coming to fuck us. Lastly, it was our house and they were on our turf. They had to respect us (and when they eventually didn't, we banned them). So we had advantages you didn't have. But I have experience trumping athletes.

But there is a reason the girls invited you. You had intrigued them. You asked to tag along, which is a pretty ballsy move. And they didn't know you. They probably thought, "Who is this guy? Is he just some average guy, or does he have some value that allows him to hang with these guys?"

I would have recommended sitting back and waiting for one to ask you why you came/ what makes you special, while of course still staying involved in the group. I'd have tried to show the girls that you have something that they players don't. Maybe a musical/philosopher vibe. Its the opposite of what they bring, so it creates interest.

Obviously, you didn't do this and came off a little creepy and needy. By going and hitting on a girl and failing, you lost your intrigue. They thought, "oh this guy just wanted to tag along to get some" and lost a bit of interest. When you started to get things going (great job signalling her over) and bringing in a little deep talk, the players saw your success and told you to leave.

One question: If she had hooked, why didn't you ask her to come with you?

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take