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Using neuroscience to learn game fast and efficiently….

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
A Neuroscience Approach To Learning Game

Anyone who has been involved in the community for a long period of time has no doubt came across decently normal guys who have studied pickup and seduction for over a year and yet still has lackluster and inconsistent results at best.

I believe these lack of results often stems from learning and practicing seduction in a wrong and inefficient manner. Here is what normally happens…

Guy stumbles onto the whole concept of “game” and PUA stuff.

Guy reads, watches, and listens to everything he can all at once.

Guy goes out and approaches women and tries to implement everything he ”learned” from those resources.

Guy realizes he can’t remember a thing while in set.

Guy post questions on seduction forums and receives lots of conflicting advice.

Guy continues to meet women and “brute forces” and grinds his way to slightly better results over a period of time. Its inefficient and slow.

Ive seen countless men, most of whom were normal with no huge issues, go through this process and still have lackluster results even after a year (sometimes more) of hard work. This SHOULD NOT be the case. Having sex with women is one of the most natural things in the world. While its not rocket science, there is a science to learning complex skills quickly.

I’m not a neuroscientist but I’m going to briefly explain, in overly simplified terms, what happens when a man attempts to learn game.

When he crams all the material into his brain he is putting it into his short term memory. For a short time after reviewing the material he feels as though he understands it and feels confident. So why does his mind freeze up when hes out talking to women?

1) He never made that information real and transferred to to long term memory where it becomes a skill he can access on demand. Our brains are actually horrible at learning so much information at once. We have to chunk complex skills down other wise there is a “traffic jam” at the door that connects our short term memory to our long term memory. All that knowledge gets jammed up at the door and very little of it gets through.

2) He is trying to run before he walks. Before Navy Seals are taught close quarter combat techniques inside buildings they first have to master the basics of keeping their finger off the trigger, knowing how to hold the firearm, how to bring it up into constant and consistent sight alignment, etc. They need to learn the basic fundamentals before they can do more advanced close quarter combat. Why? Because our brains can only focus on so much at once. If their brains are to busy trying to process how to do the basics, they can not effectively perform the advanced task required of close quarter combat room clearing. You must get the easy stuff down to where you brain can acccomplish it without much conscious thought before moving onto harder stuff. This isn’t what the average guy does. He tries to apply everything from opening techniques to advanced sexual escalation techniques all in the same night. It just wont work.

This is great and all but how does it actually apply to you getting better results faster and more efficiently?

Here is the process that men should use to quickly advance their game and start getting laid consistently.

The Rapid Learning Process:

  1. Before anything else the student must begin working on his fundamentals. These include things such as: His physical looks and appearance, basic social skills and ability to have normal conversations, his posture and body language, ability to hold eye contact, his voice tone, applying the law of least effort, etc. Chase and others have some great stuff written about this. Most guys try to skip the fundamentals because they are “boring” but this is a massive mistake that will prevent you from having good results.
  2. Pick ONE dating coach/guru to learn from right now in order to avoid confusion and conflicting advice. Get his flagship product be it a book, course, audio series, whatever and stick to it only for now.
  3. Quickly go through their entire product (book, course, whatever) and take good detailed notes. This is designed to “prime” your mind and not actually make you into a skilled expert on it. There is a lot of science behind why priming your mind on the material is important but we are skipping this for now as its not important for our purposes. Just follow this step.
  4. Go through your completed notes and on a separate sheet of paper write down every single major concept you took notes on. Opening, hooking, rapport, sexual escalation, etc. You will have a list of all major concepts at the end of this step.
  5. Now go through each and every concept and apply The Feynman Technique. This works as follows:
    1. Under each concept attempt to explain it in your own words without looking back at the notes. Pretend you are teaching it FULLY and IN DEPTH to someone else. What this will do is help uncover any gaps in your understanding. For example: You may find that when you try to explain the concept of “hooking” to your invisible student, you are having trouble articulating it in very simple, clear, and concise terms. This means you dont fully understand the concept.
    2. Circle any concepts that you feel you dont fully understand well enough that you could teach others.
    3. Go back and study those circled concepts again from the same source material.
    4. Repeat step 1 with the circled concepts until you have a good theoretical understanding of all these concepts.
  6. Go out and work on getting good at ONE concept at a time. Start in a order that makes sense. For example: You will practice and get good at Opening before you try to master sexual escalation. Dont over complicate this step! You are simply CHUNKING the entire process down to single steps and getting good at each step before moving onto the next. Once you get good at one step your brain can put that step on “auto pilot” in the future and it frees up brain power to focus on other steps. This is called ‘Automaticity.” You want to be good enough at something that you brain can do it without much conscious effort. When you get good at one step before going onto the next it will allow you to free up brain power to focus on learning the next step. Again, follow the process and CHUNK it down. Go out for a week or two and practice getting good at OPENING, then once you are decent at that, practice only HOOKING (you will automatically use what you learned from opening), etc. Dont overthink this… You are simply focused on learning, applying, and good good at once single step at a time and overtime you are applying each step without having to think “what do I do next and how do I do it?”
That’s it. It may seem like a lot, it may seem like hard work, but if you follow this advice you will make rapid progress and improvement. Getting a good coach who understands the source material you are learning from can help reduce your learning curve even further. Its up to you to decide if the price is worth it.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’m not on the forum a lot these days but I try to log on at least a couple times a week.

P.S. I feel like I need to add an important disclaimer onto this article: If you do not yet possess basic social skills and have the ability to engage with friends, coworkers, and other people you happen to meet naturally, trying to learn cold approach pick up is a waste of time. You must first learn how to connect with people in a normal way before trying to seduce random women. Trying to make the jump from “Scocially Awkward“ to “Smooth Seducer” is skipping the important step of being a normal socially well adjusted guy.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Marvelous post, @Warped Mindless.

This is how I do it (minus the Feynman technique... might have to try that out though; that looks handy), and how I have always learned things.

If I'm not giving full attention to a specific teacher, course, and method while going through it, it sort of feels like I'm personally disrespecting the teacher while simultaneously just wasting my time. I know I won't retain much, so why wouldn't I just go goof off or do something else then?

I've been taking a copywriting course this week with a billion-dollar copywriter... guy who's one of the best in the business. I don't know what the other students have been doing but I spent each lesson taking notes at a furious pace, have reviewed them multiple times, and have spent the last several days completing the assignments he had for us in the order he gave them. The first one was TEDIOUS... I probably put a half a dozen hours into it or more. Part of my brain was going, "There's no need to do this; you already know this!" but I knew it was BS resistance, and lo, even partway into the assignment I could tell it was immensely valuable (and finishing it drove that home even harder).

I went through this process repeatedly while learning seduction. I have gone through it repeatedly with lots of areas.

It's a high up-front cost of really front-loading your attention. It can be mentally taxing and a bit repetitive. But it speeds your learning up so dramatically that while other guys are still floating around months later saying, "I don't get this... why isn't this working?" about the most basic things you are already way ahead of them and they think you have some special gift or something.

It's no special gift. You just lasered in on the specific lessons, did the annoying/tedious parts of the learning process, and, with focus, made it through a chunk, then another chunk, then another, until suddenly you were many chunks ahead of the guys who were floating around poking at the lessons with a stick trying a few things out here and there and completing several of the assignments but not all them.

It often seems like a remarkably rare behavior... applying a modicum of steady focus for what is in the grand scheme of things a pretty short period of time to simply doing the stuff you need to do to get where you want in a reasonable amount of time.

You can always tell yourself, "I'll get back to goofing around and slacking off some and enjoying leisure again in N weeks. But for the next N weeks I just need to be lasered in and focused while I get through this and get it all burned into my cerebrum."


Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Marvelous post, @Warped Mindless.

This is how I do it (minus the Feynman technique... might have to try that out though; that looks handy), and how I have always learned things.

If I'm not giving full attention to a specific teacher, course, and method while going through it, it sort of feels like I'm personally disrespecting the teacher while simultaneously just wasting my time. I know I won't retain much, so why wouldn't I just go goof off or do something else then?

I've been taking a copywriting course this week with a billion-dollar copywriter... guy who's one of the best in the business. I don't know what the other students have been doing but I spent each lesson taking notes at a furious pace, have reviewed them multiple times, and have spent the last several days completing the assignments he had for us in the order he gave them. The first one was TEDIOUS... I probably put a half a dozen hours into it or more. Part of my brain was going, "There's no need to do this; you already know this!" but I knew it was BS resistance, and lo, even partway into the assignment I could tell it was immensely valuable (and finishing it drove that home even harder).

I went through this process repeatedly while learning seduction. I have gone through it repeatedly with lots of areas.

It's a high up-front cost of really front-loading your attention. It can be mentally taxing and a bit repetitive. But it speeds your learning up so dramatically that while other guys are still floating around months later saying, "I don't get this... why isn't this working?" about the most basic things you are already way ahead of them and they think you have some special gift or something.

It's no special gift. You just lasered in on the specific lessons, did the annoying/tedious parts of the learning process, and, with focus, made it through a chunk, then another chunk, then another, until suddenly you were many chunks ahead of the guys who were floating around poking at the lessons with a stick trying a few things out here and there and completing several of the assignments but not all them.

It often seems like a remarkably rare behavior... applying a modicum of steady focus for what is in the grand scheme of things a pretty short period of time to simply doing the stuff you need to do to get where you want in a reasonable amount of time.

You can always tell yourself, "I'll get back to goofing around and slacking off some and enjoying leisure again in N weeks. But for the next N weeks I just need to be lasered in and focused while I get through this and get it all burned into my cerebrum."

Sounds like you and I go about leaning much the same way!

Back forever ago when your book first came out I was pretty much done with seduction materials but you came highly recommended from Woodhaven so I read it. Even though I suspected most of it would be a refresher I still took typed notes on every chapter because that’s my method. Ended up with a ton of notes and came away with a few cool new ideas.

Wish you would have written that book back in 2006!!! Would have saved me a lot of trouble lol


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Back forever ago when your book first came out I was pretty much done with seduction materials but you came highly recommended from Woodhaven so I read it. Even though I suspected most of it would be a refresher I still took typed notes on every chapter because that’s my method. Ended up with a ton of notes and came away with a few cool new ideas.

Wish you would have written that book back in 2006!!! Would have saved me a lot of trouble lol

No way! That's really cool to hear.

I fell out of contact with him after 2007. Knew a bunch of folks who still knew him but never got to talk anymore.

Didn't know he kept any tabs on me or recommended me at all. It's always nice to hear someone who taught you recommending you.

Coincidentally enough, the training class I'm going through now is with the guy who worked very closely with him to develop his killer offer way back in the day. It changed the seduction products space forever. I don't take a ton of live classes either... <1 per year.

I guess that's synchronicity in action, eh?

I'm happy to hear you found the book worthwhile!

It's the same way for me with everything too... "This'll probably just be a refresher... probably all stuff I already know..." followed by: "Oh wow, that's a great new way of putting it. Oh hey! I never really tried that technique..." Etc.

That was actually my attitude toward my first training with Woodhaven in 2006 as a matter of fact: "We'll probably just be covering stuff I already know..." Instead I got my mind blown!



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 4, 2021
Regarding books, courses, coaches... which ones qualify nowadays?

I am under the impression that everyone is teaching way simpler and watered down stuff nowadays and that the really interesting stuff is to be found back in the beginning of the seduction community.

For example right now I am digging into Real World Seduction by Swinggcat, because from my experience "being the prize" is really important in most seductions. I have succeed the ones where I have intuitively managed to be the prize, and I have failed the ones where I have been in position of the chaser. And I see the same phenomenon happening around me with some friends.

Nowadays everyone seem to talk about SMV which implies that value is kind of objective and thus it implies a kind of disempowerment, whereas the prizing concept make value subjective again and it sounds way more empowering.

So my plan is to stick to Swinggcat's book and concepts for a while. Am I doing it right?
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Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Regarding books, courses, coaches... wich ones qualify nowadays?

I am under the impression that everyone is teaching way simpler and watered down stuff nowadays and that the really interesting stuff are to be found back in the beginning of the seduction community.

For example right now I am digging into Real World Seduction by Swinggcat, because from my experience "being the prize" is really important in most seductions. I have succeed the ones where I have intuitively managed to be prize, and I have failed the ones where I have been in position of the chaser. And I see the same phenomenon happening around me with some friends.

Nowadays everyone seem to talk about SMV which implies that value is kind of objective and thus it implies a kind of disempowerment, whereas the prizing concept make value subjective again and it sounds way more empowering.

So my plan is to stick to Swinggcat's book and concepts for a while. Am I doing it right?
The way the redpill guys teach game is watered down, neo-direct, BS. They have some good relationship management stuff (depending on the teacher) but ignore them for straight up seduction advice.

As far as products go:

Girlschase.com blog. Click the “Start Here” tab and get reading.

”How to Make Girls Chase” is a great book that covers the basics. If I were new I’d buy the book and then any concept from the book I wanted a deeper understanding of I would find a blog post from Chase on it. Sometimes reading about the same concept, just worded differently, can be a major help.

Swinggcat’s book is also very good.

@Gunwitch has an audio course called Seduction MMA that is also very good.

Captain Jack had a book on sexual framing back in the day that is also good if you can find it.

60YearsOfChallenge had an ebook called “Complete Game Revision System” that gives a stupid simple night game method that is great for beginners. No idea if its still for sale.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
No way! That's really cool to hear.

I fell out of contact with him after 2007. Knew a bunch of folks who still knew him but never got to talk anymore.

Didn't know he kept any tabs on me or recommended me at all. It's always nice to hear someone who taught you recommending you.

Coincidentally enough, the training class I'm going through now is with the guy who worked very closely with him to develop his killer offer way back in the day. It changed the seduction products space forever. I don't take a ton of live classes either... <1 per year.

I guess that's synchronicity in action, eh?

I'm happy to hear you found the book worthwhile!

It's the same way for me with everything too... "This'll probably just be a refresher... probably all stuff I already know..." followed by: "Oh wow, that's a great new way of putting it. Oh hey! I never really tried that technique..." Etc.

That was actually my attitude toward my first training with Woodhaven in 2006 as a matter of fact: "We'll probably just be covering stuff I already know..." Instead I got my mind blown!

Not to get too off topic but since you are learning copywriting and offers, have you read “$100M Offers” by Alex Hormozi? If not, read it! Amazing book on creating offers. If you have ever been a student of Dan Kennedy you will recognize a lot of it but there are still great nuggets of gold in there.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Awesome post @Warped Mindless! Keep em coming :cool: This will be a strong copy paste to the many in here facing exactly what you outline.

Just one thing ill add.
To extend the 6. point a lil - i find mixing "Getting to know the material as you outline diligently" with actual "doing it training" to help a lot:
  • Home training - recording yourself, training verbal techs and stacks or riff training, training movement styles etc.
  • Training in social circles or w. acquaintances - can give a certain volume and safe field for verbal techniques, lock-in training, in set movement etc.
Seriously enables you on another level on "Automaticity". This is a physical practice of mind and body to get it into our active system enabling us to enact it more readily. Should be added to and never replace actual field training that you outline.

Another practical tip is that I like to organise the doings as doing a sport, This creates a weekly rhythm of training for short term and long term gains.

+ A certain resolve to understand each concept is really useful as well. Not making fast conclusions but seeking deeper into the concept to "get it".
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Not to get too off topic but since you are learning copywriting and offers, have you read “$100M Offers” by Alex Hormozi? If not, read it! Amazing book on creating offers. If you have ever been a student of Dan Kennedy you will recognize a lot of it but there are still great nuggets of gold in there.

Looks like a great recommendation. I've read a lot of copywriting books over the last 11 years. Never heard of this one before though. The author looks legit and reviews are excellent. I'll check it out!

I wouldn’t say having sex with women is one of the most natural things in the world. If it was, this site wouldn‘t exist.

It's natural.

But in nature, a lot of males of every species fail to reproduce as well.

It is also the case that the way modern life is structured in developed societies is in such a way that it takes people away from nature, suppressing 'the natural' with heaps of conditioned rules, laws, and logic, that make it much harder to tap intuitive processes.

Then there is the fact that even in nature there's a learning curve. Young males tend to fail in their mating attempts across many species as they figure out the proper way to court the females of their species.

Just be glad you're not one of these guys!:

There's a lot of learning & practice to do, regardless the species :cool:
