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Using spreadsheets and then analyzing....EXCELLENT WAY TO KNOW MISTAKES!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hola all ya charming bastards (including me of course)! ;)

Recently I've started to put everything in an Excel Sheet, and I've come to some pretty solid conclusions that hold true for most occasions. These are:

1. First of all, just now I realized that out of the 20 approaches listed, only 1 approach was single girl walking alone in my case. Even she was with her sister, but since the sister was about 5 years of age or so, doesn't matter. Other than that, another girl was in a group of girls near an open stage, possibly wasn't friends with anyone since she was there to ramp walk. So she can be considered as alone too, but within pressure and earshot of nearby girls. So out of 20 approaches, only 2 were alone, and 18 were in groups. I knew I approached groups, but I didn't know the difference was so huge! NOW I KNOW WHY THE FUCK I'M NOT GETTING RESULTS! LOL! CLOSED ONLY 1 NUMBER OUT OF THOSE 20.

2. I've noticed that when I open girls who are walking either toward me or in opposite direction, they have the tendency to keep walking, even after little talk. On the other hand, when a girl is sitting with a group or whatever, generally they do not move, and I am the one who walks away. Better to approach while sitting.

3. In my area at least, it is best to approach when the sun is shining brightly, as soon as the lights come to life and daylight decreases, the positive open rate goes down.

4. When the girls keep eyeing me, and finally I approach them, the positive response rate (despite good or bad final result) is almost 90%!

5. Two lines work really well, first is 'Excuse me'....wait for the girl to look at you, and look into her eyes.....'Are you single?' and second is 'Excuse me......wait for attention, hold eye contact.....'I just noticed you from there.......and I thought.......I should come and say hi'!

Hope you guys start putting everything in spreadsheet too (I know Chase did in his initial days), you will come into some pretty astounding revelations, I promise. Also, hope the above conclusions help you, except for the daylight vs night conclusion, which is not likely to be true in every place.

- Kevin


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Better to approach while sitting.

Not necessarily. Review Chase's articles on stopping girls. The ones who are receptive at the time will stop. They'll just be fewer in number, on average. Also, don't you approach girls walking alone? Group approaches yield less results on average if you're alone, I've found.

In my area at least, it is best to approach when the sun is shining brightly, as soon as the lights come to life and daylight decreases, the positive open rate goes down.

I agree, unless it's Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night in a city. On those nights, girls either started drinking already, or are planning to. Also, street approaches near areas where bars are usually go great for me at those times too. By "great" I only mean that more women will stop for you, on average. Maybe you're in a rural area?

Hope you guys start putting everything in spreadsheet too (I know Chase did in his initial days), you will come into some pretty astounding revelations, I promise.

I started this because of your suggestion ;). Women older than me by more than 5 years don't seem to respond to me too well. Girls at 5 years older and below are much more receptive. Chase has written an article about something similar to this. I imagine this is more relevant for guys like me who are 19-21.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey GP! Glad you started using spreadsheets too! ;)

Well, I totally get the part when you say opening girls who are walking works too. But sadly, I open mostly in parks, and sometimes, restaurants. In the area where I live (not a city, as you pointed out), not too many girls come alone in those places. However, the times I've opened walking girls alone, I've mostly gotten positive vibe from those who stopped to talk. So yeah, your advice totally makes sense. Also, haven't tried older than 5 years yet, so don't know. Although I believe since my age is similar to you, the results will be similar.

- Kevin