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Vanilla Journey


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2018
--Intro and Motivation--

Dear skilled seducer,

I want this journal to have two purposes:

1. To serve my own personal growth and skill in seduction– by being a “success journal” of pieces of action and success I've taken.
2. To inspire and be of use to every comrade who wishes to improve their life, spirit, and happiness via seduction.

I don't know if these two goals can always be in harmony.

But we'll see what happens.

–Motivation for Seduction–

Here is a new belief I have. For a while, I didn't believe this, but now I do.

-If women are your friends…
-And you love all your friends…
-And you want to stand for something– to stand for excellence in the face of every woman and friend in your life…
-Then you will learn to seduce like crazy!

Excellence in seduction means something different for everyone but here is my explanation for my belief:

Earlier this year, I fell for a really awesome woman. She was my dance teacher and I learned so many valuable things from her.

I tried to pull her into my life as a friend… but completely fucked it up.

It made me sit back and reflect.

“How did this happen?”
“I couldn't let go of my love for this woman for like 7 months, and it culminated in a really stupid moment.
And now we won't ever be friends and I won't ever receive any guidance in my embodiment and letting go practices from her, or have the opportunity to be a good person and supporter for her.”
“What the fuck?”

Ultimately, I told myself–
“if… I had an abundance of women in my life… to the point I could let any woman go… I maybe wouldn't have made the missteps I made in this situation.”

I believe my lack of growth as a man caused me to act in a way I didn't want to.

And so I'm going to change that.

For her and for myself and for my friends and for women and for humanity and for happiness.

I want to inspire the beautiful women in my life (and the ones not in my life)... so I'm going to show them something awesome..!!

(Watch this!)

I'm choosing to move towards excellence even if it forces me to face and let go of a ton of nasty emotions. And I have decided that learning to meet women anywhere, and creating an awesome connection, and seducing them… is equal to excellence for me, at this point in my life.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2018
--Ground and Burst--

I am a genuine cold approach noob.
But girls really like me and I really like them.

Girls give me life energy! And I give them inspiration and belief.

Thus, cold approach (specifically day game) will be the bridge that connects me to an abundance of beautiful and awesome women.

It is a key part of my goals for the next year.

Here is the plan and vision for this next school year (my final year in college):

There are 6 key points that are the foundation of how I want to live.

  1. Every day I do an hour of my embodiment/letting go practices.
  2. I'll make awesome memories with my friends
  3. I'll live a healthy lifestyle (food, sleep, exercise)
  4. I do good in school (and learn all I can about computer science)
  5. I keep up my approach routine and keep improving my seduction skills
  6. I keep up my freelancing routine (for web development)

All of these are passive except the approaching and freelancing. But the freelancing one might make things more difficult, and I may have to put it on pause for a bit… maybe. We'll see.

Now back to approaching and seduction.

I am going to go out to approach (on my college campus + maybe a couple other places I can find) 3 days per week.

Each day I'll approach 3 cute girls and 1 cool guy.

I'll follow Chase's book, “How to Make Girls Chase” for now. Probably until I get a solid “meet to bed” process.
I'll also be working on other stuff, like fashion, and embodiment, that helps boost my seduction and social ability.


I want to make meeting and seducing women my greatest skill by February 20th, 2025.
(Other than drawing. I don't think anything will ever top my drawing skill)
But it will happen in its own way.

And also pay close attention to this→

Wisdom to the reader:

My little approach habits and improvement process may SEEM simple, but it's not.

Every day that I go out to approach, there are a lot of little details to address. Things like: social momentum, how happy and open I feel, how much I'm letting go of neediness, whether I'm having fun, whether I'm giving value, etc etc.

The key thing I want to say is that these are all specific to me. I'm focusing on being more open because I walk around campus kinda pissed and closed off (maybe it's a young person thing but also I have felt a lot of negative feelings towards school). I'm focusing on being casual and letting go of neediness because I want women to feel comfortable and safe around me. And so on.

It's all stuff that I've noticed in myself. I'm starting from my specific skill level, and letting go of all judgment and expectation.

To the reader: I recommend you also make your journey and your thoughts and everything very specific to you. Because only you know you.
Occasionally, a mentor's insight will blow open your progress (make sure to be open to that) but the performance and little details are all you.

End of wisdom.

–Successes on day 1–

I went to a small city 1 hour away from my hometown.
I was meeting up with a woman but wanted to do some approaching before.
Here's how it went.

  • I did my embodiment work on the train ride. I focused on grounding and self esteem (feeling in your stomach area), and also let go of whatever current thoughts or feelings I had towards women. I'm getting into a great routine for this stuff
  • When I got off the train, I was chilling in the waiting area a bit. These two women walked in. They were confused about how to purchase a ticket. I liked the energy of one of them (she had beautiful woman energy). At some point I chimed in, and they turned around and we made eye contact. I was focused on being relaxed and speaking without expectation. The woman with beautiful energy (she's older, and still good-looking, but I could tell she was a beauty when she was younger) goes and sits next to me as I explain how to buy a ticket. We start pulling in other people into the conversation. Eventually I steer it off the train shit and ask them where they're from, and if they know any cool places to go in that city. The vibes are good. Eventually I exit and wish them a good day and tell the woman with beautiful energy “I'm gonna go explore🙂😏” and she gives me a very cute smile/smirk. Her smile made my day (until the other thing that made me day). What a nice and wonderful interaction!
  • Then I'm walking around and it's Sunday so people are out to church. I tell myself I'm gonna give one girl a compliment. I see a girl going to church by herself in a pretty dress. We cross paths. I was too scared to compliment her. Soon I will start releasing that fear!
  • Then I walk around to this place that the other woman recommended me. I'm focused on being open and feeling good (and my posture lol). At some point I see a milf walking her dog. She has a similar body type to my ex dance teacher (my oneitis). I really want to talk to her! And she seems somewhat open. I was about to pull out the “are you single” line. But again, I didn't do it. I should start with openers that create less tension, probably.
  • So I'm walking around and most of the people there are families. But whatever. I make a commitment again to approach one girl. Eventually I make a situational comment to a chubby girl and she laughs and responds and walks away lol. Hey, practice is practice 😂
  • Then I take an Uber to where I'm meeting up with my date for the day. There are just tons of moms around. One of them is hot. She's also on a phone conversation with her husband
  • Eventually I meet up with my date and my full focus is to make her feel good.
  • The vibes are awesome! We converse and have a very fun time. We're friends and are both glad to be spending time with each other
  • We go to eat. It's a wonderful date. I feel really good and I'm vibing a lot. Fun times!
  • A lot of fun details and moments happened on that date. Very cute moments. I liked it a lot.
  • Eventually we go to our private place. And uh. We kinda just take all our clothes off. Fun times!
  • My performance was extremely “OK”. It was a bit uninspired. But given the context of our dynamic, it was great and wonderful.
  • We fuck a couple times
  • The most beautiful part of the day was our after-sex talk. It was very cute. I told her we both had to make a wish for each other. We talked about where we saw each of our lives in a year, and a specific goal we had. Hers was a secret. But I'm sure her goal will come true (I have very powerful wishes..!)

  • My wish? My wish was to meet and date a dancer-- a brunette. The replacement of my oneitis. I told her how I wanted to meet her copy except awesomer, and cooler, but also super embodied and quirky and creative and an amazing person and more beautiful and sexier and of course– 10 years younger.
  • I told the current woman I was in bed with that I was gonna meet this other girl and then break her heart. She said “I can't pray for that”. I said I was just kidding, that I would let her go as gently as possible if we separated, OR I would bring her along on my plans of international adventure.
  • The woman in my bed and I locked pinkies and she promised to pray for my wish and my peace and happiness. I promised her that her wish would come true (it will).✨
  • Our parting interaction was pure wholesomeness and beauty. Very honest and authentic and pure. A real blessing of human interaction. We embraced and kissed and I wished her a wonderful day and when we parted ways she said “I'm getting emotional, I have to go 😜”.
  • Thus ended my special moment of connection

  • I went to a restaurant by myself after and bought some soup lol. I felt good.
  • Then I walked around and bought some juice and went back to sleep.

The next day, another fun moment happened (it's a secret :D)

I've met and had really cool connections with a lot of strangers over the past few weeks. It's been incredible.

For now, I'm focusing on my successes. I approached. I connected with strangers and friends. I'm getting more open. I'm more attractive overall (definitely) than when I was at my peak years ago when I actually tried with women, and in terms of specific skills (eye contact, flirting, deep diving, etc) I'm either better or almost as good as I was before.

And then, now I have new skills like embodiment and more emotional intelligence (which is awesome because I was already very emotionally intelligent in the past!).

Good things. Good things.

And now?
Now I gotta go to the hospital because my sister's baby is about to be born! Holy crap!
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake