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Videos and Some Reads that can expand your life.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I hope you find all this links useful, good reads for your day and the week.

Accelerating Universe. Why Time moves faster today

Accelerating Universe

The Interpretations of Many Worlds.

Many-Worlds Interpretation

Neville Goddard books, and videos. Check out on his tips on imagination.


Why She also said "we just friends" (Girlschase)

Why She left you for that "Burger King guy"

Why You should not push girls too far. (Girlschase)

Keeping Women Around

Sun Tzu - Art of War. What he really said behind his philosophies. You can find great links, by writing his book name on google.

Sun Tzu

Why the Art of War?

Women's erotic fantasies.

My Secret Garden

Fifty Shades of Grey

One of the few websites i found on Women's erotic fantasies


Forget what you know

Don't Overthink!!!

Gregg Braden on "The Matrix" and interview on himself

The Matrix explained with evidence and sciences

Who is Gregg Braden?

Singer P DIddy on dreams

You have to be crazy



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Cool list of links Zac, has anyone actually read the 50 shades book themselves?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Whizzy said:
Cool list of links Zac, has anyone actually read the 50 shades book themselves?
I do. Not all of it but i am hopeful to take some time down to read it. I understand "sexual tension" now, that is from a female perspective.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
This is great!

I came to the Lifestyle-Boards to write up a thread on this exact topic. Right on.

I have read in numerous e-books and articles, on seduction, and have experienced myself, that having an interesting life can not only help you in your self-development as a man but it can also aid you in your interactions with people, especially women.

One of the recurring topics that I had noticed in these articles was the overwhelming suggestion to read books. Non fiction books mostly, but reading lots of books nonetheless.

The universe, the brain, physics, human behaviour, culture, etc. are interesting and engaging topics to discuss with people and ones that I happen to enjoy the most.

Here are some books I recommend that I have read/are reading, hope you enjoy....

Anything in the John Brockman/Edge.org series:
"This Explains Everything"
"This Will Make You Smarter"
"What Should We Be Afraid Of"

Steven Pinker:
"How The Mind Works"
"The Blank Slate"
"Language, Cognition and Human Behaviour"

A.C. Grayling:
"The Good Book"

Lawrence Krauss:
"A Universe From Nothing"

Sam Harris:
"Free Will"
"The Moral Landscape"
"The End Of Faith"
"Letter To A Christian Nation"

David Eagleman:

Dr. Robert Melillo:

Cheers. -dcl
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers