i had an interesting story on my short trip to vienna that made me realize a few things.
story short:
met a girl from my favourite online source as i really have a hard time with approach anxiety - she was completely different than the photo she posted but i was like `meh, why not, i have nothing better to do`. we went to a bar which was full so walked over to another one. as soon as i took the jacket off i noticed attraction in her eyes. we sat down next to each other so that our legs could touch and indeed she put her leg to my leg - within 20minutes of arriving to the bar we were on our way to my flat where we had sex and i was surprised how good she was - you would never guess a cute conservative-looking girl can be a real demon in the bed probably because she need to perform better in bed than her more awesomely looking colleagues. respect to her. after 3 hours she left - she knew what this story was about.
some remarks to the bar interaction:
- my fundamentals which improved a lot in the last year handled the whole situation, fundamentals are 85% of the whole process
- pauses and bored looks work, it puts a lot of pressure on the girl
- implicitly pointing out that youre not boyfriend material by mentioning dating with other girl makes the right expectations in girls, this girl was absolutely happy with the situation and knew it was a one-off story sho she doesnt feel bad about herself - i never pointed out the no-boyfriend material stuff before but it is really important
- i used the technique to make the talk sexual ive read in one of NJ`s lays - speaking about friday nancy - secret garden and about shy conservative looking girls being absolute badass was the final nail in the coffin of boredom for the rest of the night. it works.
- on the audio tape the guy SixTwo Chase interviewed spoke about wearing tight fitted clothes is working, i have consistently better results despite being overweight in tight clothing, also polarizing, eccentric clothing style that men despise and laugh at works well with girls
- she was so obvious that i basically skipped all steps and signaled green flag to sex by mentioning how i love viennas architecture and that i rent an
awesome flat that she should check out for which she said yes
some remarks in general
- despite not mentioning to her that we should have sex ever she mentioned that i was absolutely blatantly obvious about what i wanted to do. the interesting thing is that i never had problems with taking girls home, it was always LMR that ruined the nights - maybe the others didnt get the hint?
- we talked a bit as well and she confirmed what Chase wrote in the `how girls sign interest` that if a girl asks about where you live, if you live alone etc essentially means "take me home and make me yours",
- she also pointed out if he is dating a guy he sometimes sleep with him asap but with others she is just playing around meeting 3-4-5 times before sleeping with them because she knows she has them - if they disappear she never writes to them because "it is not meant to be" - girls are fatalists.
- there is absolutely no correlation between the looks of a girl and the experience in bed, i mean i was with gorgeous girls who reminded more of a dead tree than a girl - looks matter until you take them to the bed. just close your eyes and imagine you are with the best girl ever born on earth
personal remarks
- being an easy lay i enjoyed the intercourse a lot and i realized girls giving me (and possibly others) a hard time just cut the wood under themselves - the more i need to work the less im satisfied especially that an average girl seems to be completely clueless in bed and even experienced ones had problems with their skills department. girls who sleep with you on date1 should be awarded some medal.
- quiting from porn & masturbation worths the time and effort, it does wonders
- despite my successes from online sources i have crippling approach anxiety and probably related execution flaw - dont know what im going to do with this
- 10mg cialis seems to be the optimal dosage if you are fine otherwise - its a good balance between stamina and sensibility though i will try 5mg too. just cut a 20mg tablet half.
story short:
met a girl from my favourite online source as i really have a hard time with approach anxiety - she was completely different than the photo she posted but i was like `meh, why not, i have nothing better to do`. we went to a bar which was full so walked over to another one. as soon as i took the jacket off i noticed attraction in her eyes. we sat down next to each other so that our legs could touch and indeed she put her leg to my leg - within 20minutes of arriving to the bar we were on our way to my flat where we had sex and i was surprised how good she was - you would never guess a cute conservative-looking girl can be a real demon in the bed probably because she need to perform better in bed than her more awesomely looking colleagues. respect to her. after 3 hours she left - she knew what this story was about.
some remarks to the bar interaction:
- my fundamentals which improved a lot in the last year handled the whole situation, fundamentals are 85% of the whole process
- pauses and bored looks work, it puts a lot of pressure on the girl
- implicitly pointing out that youre not boyfriend material by mentioning dating with other girl makes the right expectations in girls, this girl was absolutely happy with the situation and knew it was a one-off story sho she doesnt feel bad about herself - i never pointed out the no-boyfriend material stuff before but it is really important
- i used the technique to make the talk sexual ive read in one of NJ`s lays - speaking about friday nancy - secret garden and about shy conservative looking girls being absolute badass was the final nail in the coffin of boredom for the rest of the night. it works.
- on the audio tape the guy SixTwo Chase interviewed spoke about wearing tight fitted clothes is working, i have consistently better results despite being overweight in tight clothing, also polarizing, eccentric clothing style that men despise and laugh at works well with girls
- she was so obvious that i basically skipped all steps and signaled green flag to sex by mentioning how i love viennas architecture and that i rent an
awesome flat that she should check out for which she said yes
some remarks in general
- despite not mentioning to her that we should have sex ever she mentioned that i was absolutely blatantly obvious about what i wanted to do. the interesting thing is that i never had problems with taking girls home, it was always LMR that ruined the nights - maybe the others didnt get the hint?
- we talked a bit as well and she confirmed what Chase wrote in the `how girls sign interest` that if a girl asks about where you live, if you live alone etc essentially means "take me home and make me yours",
- she also pointed out if he is dating a guy he sometimes sleep with him asap but with others she is just playing around meeting 3-4-5 times before sleeping with them because she knows she has them - if they disappear she never writes to them because "it is not meant to be" - girls are fatalists.
- there is absolutely no correlation between the looks of a girl and the experience in bed, i mean i was with gorgeous girls who reminded more of a dead tree than a girl - looks matter until you take them to the bed. just close your eyes and imagine you are with the best girl ever born on earth
personal remarks
- being an easy lay i enjoyed the intercourse a lot and i realized girls giving me (and possibly others) a hard time just cut the wood under themselves - the more i need to work the less im satisfied especially that an average girl seems to be completely clueless in bed and even experienced ones had problems with their skills department. girls who sleep with you on date1 should be awarded some medal.
- quiting from porn & masturbation worths the time and effort, it does wonders
- despite my successes from online sources i have crippling approach anxiety and probably related execution flaw - dont know what im going to do with this
- 10mg cialis seems to be the optimal dosage if you are fine otherwise - its a good balance between stamina and sensibility though i will try 5mg too. just cut a 20mg tablet half.