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Virgin VS High Body Count Girl. Which one is truly a better value? A math formula 😉


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2018
After going through the now infamous "Why the disdain for virgin hunters in seduction?" thread, I thought it raised another interesting question. Is a person's value inversely proportional to the number of sexual partners they have?

It seems to me that there is a prevailing view in the community that this is true for women. For example, @Chase has repeatedly stated that he would not take a woman who has had many previous partners as a girlfriend.

If we consider that statement to be true for women, but also for men, most of the guys here would be the last guys on the planet that a woman would want to get involved with. These same guys in the community, however, consider themselves much better partners than a "normal" guy could ever be.

I had a very different experience. Two of the "0 body count" virgins I had as girlfriends when I was young turned out to be just average (or even less so) in terms of personality.

On the other hand, I had a year and a half relationship with a French-Canadian woman who had so many flings that most PUA guys would blush with shame. I think she was the most beautiful human being I have ever met.

My reality completely contradicts the equation where value = (1 / hookups_count). PS The value of a virgin would be 1 / 0 = infinite :)
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Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
@reeax you're comparing apples and oranges with very little experience. You can get a virgin that's the most amazing chick ever, or horrible. You can get a chick that's been around who has an amazing personality or who's flat out boring. This is what you're screening for, for a LTR.

You can buy a budget entry level brand new car, and you can buy a second hand top of the range car. The second hand top of the range car with all the trimmings and better engine is always going to be better. It's not a fair comparison.

A brand new top of the range car will outperform a brand new entry level car, this is the difference in quality. Don't confuse the two by comparison. Not to be rude but your low count chicks were clearly budget cars if they're average people. (Edit)

A high lay count is not the reason your LTR was a beautiful person, the 0 count isn't the reason your virgin's were average...

This is why the virgin criteria is a little silly, it's not a valid metric to anyone with real world experience. You're meant to have better criteria than her lay count. A chick with a high lay count might be fantastic in bed and know how to stroke your ego from her vast experience better than any virgin. It is the experience that sets PUAs apart.

Let's stop this stupid debate before it starts.

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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 19, 2018
@weekendwarrior I think you completely misunderstood my point .... In the "Why the disdain for virgin chasers in seduction?" thread, virgins are praised as supreme beings by the OP (and probably other guys elsewhere). I've also noticed that a number of guys in the seduction community seem to prefer girls with low body counts as girlfriends, as if there's some sort of relationship with her value.

My opinion is the same as yours, that there is absolutely no hard and fast rule, no formula. I gave my own real life example to support the thesis that it doesn't work. So why all this seemingly prevalent focus in the community on the number of lays on the girl? For example, @Chase actively screens for this criteria relationship wise. That was my point.

But yea, maybe I'm wrong in my impressions, there is no focus at all, so this thread is irrelevant 🤔🙂

PS: this is a "general" (not "beginner") topic, but I wanted to post it after the previous heated debate that got me thinking about this whole lay count obsession.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
I have never read by any one of the tribal elders that they judge or criticize any woman in any way or form for having had sex with many men … quite the contrary actually

the more dicks she‘s had = the more men she‘s dealt with = the more time and opportunites she‘s
had to practice her "girl game" = the better she knows how to "give a guy a good time" = she‘s more charming to you

whether a woman with a lesser pair bond potential (on average, the more times she’s been seduced to intimacy = the lower her ability is to pair bond with a man) is a better choice as a long term partner and a better mother for your children than a girl with a strong pair bond potential I cannot tell you
…but you know what my guess would be

long story short: I get your drift, but I think you‘re not truly listening to what the guys who prefer lower body count girls for LTR‘s are saying


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
@reeax I tried to explain that both are capable of being great chicks and went on a rampage. My bad!

There's a few reasons why you'd want a low count chick for a relationship, the first one is pair bonding, chicks seemingly lose the ability to pair bond after so many partners. There's an article by @Chase detailing chicks typical attitude towards sex depending on their count, after a while they become bitter and jaded because they can't get what they want with sex. It's an interesting read!

Another is fidelity reasons, a chick with 10+ partners won't see a big deal with adding another lover to her tally if you're in a rough patch. A lower count chick is less likely to act out with this and be less promiscuous. It can still happen, but you've got better odds.

A higher count is typically an indication of instability and impulsiveness, or signs that they're overly dramatic, wild, stubborn or have other hangups, again this is a generalisation.

This isn't because they're more valuable with less partners, that's a Madonna/whore complex, but that they're typically healthier prospects to get involved with long term. This isn't a definitive.

Any chick that matches your criteria and passes the screening probation is a solid candidate.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
The article getting referenced is my one on telling a girl's partner count:

Fidelity risks are really only a problem if you want girls being monogamous to you. If you don't care about that (a lot of guys in seduction do OLTRs) then it doesn't really matter.

On the other hand, I had a year and a half relationship with a French-Canadian woman who had so many flings that most PUA guys would blush with shame. I think she was the most beautiful human being I have ever met.

I also agree that some high count girls are the most amazing women you will meet. They're totally at peace with male nature and will understand you far better than any lower count girl ever possibly can. They have few to no fairy tales they tell themselves, but also have made it past the bitter phase girls reach between 8-20 guys or so.

The only downside to them is the infidelity... It's basically impossible to keep these girls faithful. Though some of them are capable of being mostly faithful. Aside from that they are really tremendous human beings.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
After going through the now infamous "Why the disdain for virgin hunters in seduction?" thread, I thought it raised another interesting question. Is a person's value inversely proportional to the number of sexual partners they have?

It seems to me that there is a prevailing view in the community that this is true for women. For example, @Chase has repeatedly stated that he would not take a woman who has had many previous partners as a girlfriend.

If we consider that statement to be true for women, but also for men, most of the guys here would be the last guys on the planet that a woman would want to get involved with. These same guys in the community, however, consider themselves much better partners than a "normal" guy could ever be.

I had a very different experience. Two of the "0 body count" virgins I had as girlfriends when I was young turned out to be just average (or even less so) in terms of personality.

On the other hand, I had a year and a half relationship with a French-Canadian woman who had so many flings that most PUA guys would blush with shame. I think she was the most beautiful human being I have ever met.

My reality completely contradicts the equation where value = (1 / hookups_count). PS The value of a virgin would be 1 / 0 = infinite :)
is not as black as white here are nuances, guys i cover all of this in detail in couple of posts, but again, i sound like a broken record, when you guys going into "searching low body count" could lead to a girl reading this and playing to what you are looking for....

again spent time with whatever woman or preferably women plural, let them all open up sexually with no judgment, look for sign of past infidelity history, and you will be ok, i had low body count that cheated, i had experience girl with higher body count (more than 20) and were faithful history of cheating is the emphasis... but again you guys need to go and field test don't take my world for it...
