The simplest thing to do is to - visualize how you are visualizing all these successes together. Then you can have them all!
Seriously, I was playing with visualization several times before. I found that my mind gets tired after a while visualizing the same thing or focusing on the same thing, e.g. girls. For me, it is like the "attraction has expiration date" - at first I got a peak, i.e. I was quite excited about visualizing and learning something new, but then the effect of visualization slowly decreased and I got tired of it.
For example, I learned something about seduction by reading PUA stuff, and I visualized myself doing it. It was a huge learning curve for me, I created picture(s) in my mind, and visualized it for some while. Then I got tired of it, so I totally left all the PUA stuff, and focused for example on financial success. When I got tired of it, I focused on e.g. relaxation or personal development. Then I dropped it all for several months, totally forget it, no visualization at all. But then I met some new, exciting female, so I came back to PUA stuff, and again, learned a lot of new PUA stuff, visualized new things, and when I got tired I dropped it and focused on something else.
Looking back, I can compare each of these visualizations to a big building block. Anytime I visualized something it got stuck in my mind, and then later on I placed another new block at the top of it. I never lost the older 'pictures', but just kept stocking new block at the top of them. Today they are foundation of my personality, I can comfortably say that I am totally different person than I was several years ago.
I would also strongly recommend autosuggestion, i.e. repeating the same things over and over until your brain gets used to it, even overwhelmed with it. Then forget it (let your brain rest), focus on something else, drop it, and come back to it later on with new stuff, new building blocks. Very effective.
So don't "limit" your mind, don't get "stuck" on one picture only. Just crate a building block, and later on come back to it and "build" another one at the top of it. Today you want to be lawyer, tomorrow you will visualize studying hard and taking LSAT (while studying and preparing for LSAT), in couple of months you will be in doing interviews for admission to law school, and in couple years you will be passing finals in Law school.
Just remember, if you don't DO anything, visualization and autosuggestion will never help you...