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FR  Waited to open. (number close)

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Alright guys. I'm posting this because it just happened right before I got home.

I was down waiting at a bus stop at the mall sitting on a bench.
After a few minutes of me sitting there, a cute blonde girl dressed in all black work clothes comes walking up with earphones in her ears listening to music.
We make eye contact and I take a mental note of how cute she is.
She sits down on some benches behind me because the ones closer to me are full.
I'm thinking: damn...if I want to talk to her, I'll have to do it in a way that obeys law of least effort.
Getting up and moving over to her bench was too much effort and to me seemd like chasing.
Normally I'd go direct but I decided to wait this one out.

After a while, the people sitting in the benches next to me got on their buses and left the seats empty. She then got up from her seat and sat down two seats away from me. (not an approach invitation. They were just better seats. The other seats were facing away so that you can't actually see the buses coming)
I'm thinking: oh, now is my chance...but for some reason it did t feel like I should've yet. I couldn't think of an opener.
Normally I use good old direct openers but I wanted to try something new. Just had to think of something.
So I sat there for awhile thinking. Maybe a little too much because approach anxiety started kicking in and THAT doesn't happen to me anymore. But I guess it can get us if we spend too much time not taking action and thinking.

While all this thinking is going on, this couple to my right starts blasting this loud annoying music from their phone. (not even good rap...that hood shit)
I look over at the girl who also looks over in the couples direction noticing their loud music over her own.
She makes a concerned face, then looks at me.
I'm looking at her and then I raise my eyebrows and make an expression like: "I know right? Annoying isn't it?"
She kinda of smiles slightly then looks back down at her iPod.

I'm still sitting there thinking and obsessing over the perfect opener and by now, my body is trembling from the anxiety I'm feeling.
I'm having a war in my head about whether I should go direct or wait until I see if she's getting on the same bus as me.
Then I spring up from the bench and walk over to a sign close to the girl to "look at the bus times".
Then I sit back down, but one seat closer to her.
She may have noticed. Who knows.
Then after a couple minutes, I tap her on her arm. She looks over at me and takes out an earphone.
"hey, are you trying to catch (bus)?"
Her: yes.
Me: do you know when it's coming? (I know when it's coming)
Her: 7:12...so...in about a minute. it's usually late so...yea.
Me: oh okay Thankyou.
Her: no problem.

She's fumbling with her earphones about to put them back in but then I say:
Me: listening to anything interesting?
Her: eh..not really. Just the radio.
Me: really? So you have that one app...what was it called...(thinking) its like an Internet radio station.
Her: no, I'm just listening to radio.
Me: wow. I didn't know you could do that with an iPod.
Her: yea, it's whatever. There's nothing really interesting playing.
Me: yea? I bet it's playing the same songs over and over. Like you probably just finished listening to "Royals" for the 100th time.
Her: (laughs) wow. That's funny because that JUST finished playing.
Me: oh wow. I guess I'm might be psychic.
Her: (nods her head)

Keep in mind i'm trembling the entire time (which she may have noticed) so I'm taking gulps of air in between talking to calm myself down. My heart beat was going crazy.

Me: you're probably thinking.."I could care less if this guy is psychic, he's a stranger"
She kind of just smiled at this and seemed like she was about to disagree with me.
I forgot what she said but i think it was
Her: (no, you seem like a social person) who knows...fact is, she kept the conversation going.
Me: what's your name, by the way, stranger?
Her: Lindsey (smiles)
Me: my name is Tevin. (shakes her hand)
Then we have the whole little talk about my name that usually happens. Then we talk about her name.
Then I make an assumption.
Me: you must be a (name of university) girl.
Her: (smiles) yup. I just got off of work now. It was such a looong day.
Me: yea? Stressful and stuff? I'm guessing you had to deal with some really...difficult characters. (this is the ghetto mall)
Her: (raises her eyebrows in aggreement and nods her head)
She's still not hooked yet...I guess we're still making small talk. Time to get into the deep diving.

Me: where do you work?
Her: JCPenney.
Me: ah, I assumed from your all black attire that you might have worked at RadioShack.
Her: oh no...(goes on and starts talking about her job. Saying she loves it there and that she just got a job there for the season. She also explains the reason she's in all black which is because she works in the photography section of the store where they take family pictures for people.)
Me: ah, okay.
Goes quiet for a few seconds.
Me: so is photography what you're studying at (university)?
Her: no, I'm studying psychology. (awesome! But I didn't let her know that)
Me: awesome. (said in a monotone, unimpressed voice)

And just for the sake of keeping this short I'll summarize the deep diving after which was finding out where she's from, why she wanted to study psychology, etc.
The bus came after couple minutes
And I got on the bus first then took a seat somewhere.
She was taking awhile paying the cash and then finally came walking down the aisle. I kind of expected her to sit by me but she smiled at me and kept walking and sat at a seat behind me to my right.
We were talking about her friend before we got on the bus and I assumed that we were going to at least finish our conversation.
I look back at her and try to ask her more about what we were talking about but then I stop myself and say.
Me: hey, just come sit over here. It's no use talking to each other like this.
She resisted a little saying: it's fine, I'm good.
But I just persisted and said, just sit here.
She got up and sat by me.
By now my trembling had gone away and I felt pretty confident I could do my thing from here.
Before I could continue, she got up and then sat in the seat in front of me and then said
Her: sorry. I just...
Me: I understand. You have a bubble and you don't feel comfortable with me in it yet.
Her: (she smiles and nods)
Me: so anyway...

Then we continue talking. It's going well. I'm building attraction and making her feel special. Did an assumption about her personality based off of her nail color (a lavender-ish purple)
Got the assumption spot on. told her that she was cute after having a little talk about guys at university hitting on her.
Connected, blah blah.
She asks me where I was heading.
I told her I'm heading home.
Her: where do you live?
Me: at this next stop coming up...why?
Her: (shakes her head)
Me: you wanna come home with me, don't you? ;)
Her: (about to object)
Me: it's okay. We should go on an adventure.
Her: I would but I have to head to university and study.
Me: ah, I see. Haha...same here. I have a test on Wednesday. I don't think this would've worked out too well :p
Her: (smiles) yea.
Me: well, do you want to see me again?
Her: yea, here..(pulls out her phone) you should take my number.
Me: (smiles) alright. (I knew I had this in the bag)
I take her number right when the bus is passing my stop then immediately press the 'stop' signal while calling her phone so she could take mine.
Her: just text me whenever you're at (university) we can hangout.
Me: :) alright.

Bus driver: which stop? The next one or the one we just passed?
Me: the one we just passed. Sorry.
Bus driver: for that, you have today up an extra dollar.
Me: (are you serious?!) what?! (walks to the bus driver, reaching in wallet) when did this rule happen?
Bus driver: haha I'm just messing with you man. I see you're doing your thing...getting girl's numbers. Good job.
me: haha thanks. Have a nice night!

I get off the bus and walk home confidently after an amazing day.

I would've persisted with her to come home with me but knowing my mom, she probably had a guy over. The only reason I was out of the house today was because she told me to get outside and do something. (which usually means she's bringing company)
Got home and as I guessed I was right. Freaking candles lit everywhere and the stove had a fresh dinner on it and the door to her room was locked. -_-
Stay tuned for another FR (with pictures)
Just before I met Lindsey, I met a group Venezuelan girls. My first time approaching a group off the street. I even got the hottest one's phone number. :)
Posting in journal and then I'll officially make it a FR.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Way to get over that anxiety Wes!

I might've panicked when she didn't immediately hook, but the way you took control of the situation was great. I hope to hear more about this girl!


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Jake D. said:
Way to get over that anxiety Wes!

I might've panicked when she didn't immediately hook, but the way you took control of the situation was great. I hope to hear more about this girl!


Thanks Jake.
Anxiety is the least of our worries..haha I wasn't going to let something so petty stand in the way of me meeting an attractive girl.
Someone once told me that most of the time girls can't even tell that you're nervous so it's okay to be.
Just gather your thoughts, breathe, talk slower, follow the process and you're set.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take