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FR  Waitress at a restaurant, failed number pull

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
I was at a restaurant in downtown Washington with my sister, my mom and her boyfriend. We were at this restaurant eating lunch from about 1:30pm until 5:00pm…basically the ENTIRE afternoon. It was a lot of food and good times. Anyway, I’m seated next to my sister and facing the aisle. Sometime around 3:30, I was thinking about a girl I had approached and was unconsciously practicing sexy facial expressions. Along walks by this very cute waitress wearing all turquoise gear, except for black leggings. Great body with good assets. And she walked by our table slowly, our eyes met, and she held eye contact for three or four seconds as she went by. It was a very seductive gaze, I’ve seen this before and I knew exactly what was up. I was sitting with my hands buckled together at my mouth, but was also making some kind of mischievous face. So anyway, I thought maybe later I can go talk to her, but didn’t make any effort.

4:00 comes around and I realize that our car is about to run the parking meter, so I go myself outside to put some more money in it. It’s raining, and I come back a little drenched. And lo and behold, guess who is right at the front reservations counter? It’s turquoise! And I didn’t even notice her until SHE talked to me:

HER: “It’s raining pretty hard out, huh?” <I turn and I notice all of a sudden who it is>
ME: “Ah, it’s not tooooo bad outside…but hey, I just have to tell you that I really like your necklace. Where did you get it?” <My body posture is like I’m walking away, because I was, but then she turns to face me and so I face her back and pause”
HER: “Haha, thanks…you know, I got it as a gift, so I’m not really sure where it came from.” <she starts to play with the necklace, while making very strong eye contact>
ME: “But any ideas? What is that…like turquoise and rocks or something?”
HER: “I really don’t know…”
ME: “Well, I think it works really well on you. Actually, you look really put together, and I noticed you before <I scan her up and down with my eyes> and I just couldn’t resist talking to you.”
HER: “Oh, well that’s great!”
ME: “What’s your name?”
HER: “[NAME]” <This would kick me in the ass later, because I forgot her name almost immediately>
ME: “Hey [NAME], I’m Ozzo. Nice to meet you.” <Shake her hand>
HER: “Nice to meet you too.”
ME: “So what are you doing later? You know, after all this…probably some crazy party somewhere in downtown, right?”
HER: “Haha, nah, I’m actually pretty exhausted and I have to work late and tomorrow too.”
ME: “So you live around here?”
HER: “No, I live in Virginia. Heard of it?”
ME: “Nooooo, not at all, where in the WORLD is THAT?”
HER: “You must be a Washington-ite.”
ME: “Haha no, I’m in Maryland actually, that other dark place across the border, but I bet Virginia’s pretty nice.”
HER: “It’s pretty cool, yeah”
ME: “Well, cool, because I noticed you have very alluring qualities about you, and I’d like to get to know you better. Why don’t we get together this weekend when you’re not working?”
HER: “I don’t know, I’m not much in the mood for going out because of work, and I have to be back here tomorrow.”
ME: “That’s cool…I’m feeling pretty lazy myself, I was thinking we can just grab coffee or watch a movie and relax…tonight or Sunday evening?”
HER: “Hmm…<thinks it over, I say “it’s the weekend…the best time”> that sounds great…but….who are you sitting with?”
ME: “Oh, them? Well…if you must know, that’s my sister, my mom and her boyfriend. Why don’t I get your number and we can hang out when we’re both free.”
<then all of a sudden some other customers walk in>
HER: “Excuse me for a second”

She gets busy with other customers so I go sit down at my table. Now I realize I have to get her number somehow, but this is weird. There are a bunch of staff here who know her and are watching her, and maybe her manager’s even there. Shit. How in the world do I do this? She seemed DTF. I even tested it by getting up to go to the bathroom and I walk past her and a group of staff in a circle. She gives me sexy eyes again and turns towards me slightly as she’s listening in on a circle of staff, and looks down submissively. When I turned briefly to look back at her, she was STILL checking me out and looking my way! Wow, HUGE IOI’s all around! I was never able to get her number that afternoon.

At 4:45 we were getting ready to leave. I handed her a ticket for our coats and followed her to the coat rack, which was behind a staff door. A part of me wanted to walk in and pull her number there, but I didn’t, I had a moment of hesitation and thought it better to just do it in the restaurant and not go into the staff area. She was in there for five minutes...maybe she was waiting for me to come in? So she comes out with our coats and I start to hand her my phone and she says “I don’t think I can…my manager would cause trouble and he’s watching.”

I tell her: “Okay, go right now and write your number on a piece of paper and give it to me before I leave soon, cool?” She agrees.

I stall as long as I can with my family, maybe 5 or 10 minutes, but she never came back out from the back area. Family was already waiting by the car now. I left and was wondering what to do. As we drove past the restaurant I saw she was back at the front counter.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

On the one hand you know where she's at, and you know she's working tomorrow (she said so), so perhaps you could "drop by", if that weren't too much investment on your part.

I've actually had a casual visiting worker in a resort tourist store decline to give her number when she appeared invested, seemingly because her boss was watching from about twenty feet away. I think the man is expected to set things up so that she can maintain appearances in this sort of situation... but it is terribly difficult, I agree.

I know you don't want to hear this... but is there any chance at all that when she asked "Who are you sitting with?", she thought you were preselected by being with a cute young girl, but when she heard it was your sister that preselection vanished? Maybe that's just my mind going wild.

Here's a question I always ask pretty, young girls doing jobs like sample handouts, sales assistants, waitressing and so on: "Are you studying for something else while working here?" The answer's almost always yes, and you get a quick-entry pass to a discussion on her aspirations. Not that you needed a deep-dive here: your fast move was exactly appropriate to this particular situation.

I loved this:
ozzo said:
ME: “Well, I think it works really well on you. Actually, you look really put together, and I noticed you before <I scan her up and down with my eyes> and I just couldn’t resist talking to you.”
A class act, that.

Hope you can turn this around, if not then at least learn from it, Ozzo :)


Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Marty said:
I loved this:

ozzo wrote:ME: “Well, I think it works really well on you. Actually, you look really put together, and I noticed you before <I scan her up and down with my eyes> and I just couldn’t resist talking to you.”

A class act, that.

Marty, guess where I got that from...

Answer: YOU!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013
You could've easily wrote you're number on a piece of paper with the instructions "text me" on the paper. Then when walking past her give her the paper. After she takes it say in a cool James Bond voice, "text me." This is called the paper slip for those times when the watchers are around.

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
playa said:
You could've easily wrote you're number on a piece of paper with the instructions "text me" on the paper. Then when walking past her give her the paper. After she takes it say in a cool James Bond voice, "text me." This is called the paper slip for those times when the watchers are around.

I thought about this, but unfortunately didn't have a pen on me. But I should have found a way, you're right.