Hi guys this is my first post, but I've been lurking for about 2 months and reading up on others experiences, which is very informative. 
I researched a couple of chase's articles for any tips on improvement.. which I found on in this articlehttps://www.girlschase.com/content/are-you-single-why-always-ask-girls (might've helped if I found it earlier). So without further ado, here's my story:
So I was at this cafe(a small one, no bigger than your average Subway restaurant). Anyways, I ordered, got my food, and asked for the check.
Afterwards, I just asked her for her name, I gave her mine, we exchanged a few words and then I just left it at that(it was crowded that day, and with her being the only waitress I figured she wouldn't wanna be publicly picked up
in front of customers; also, we sorta had an audience). About a week later, I come to the cafe again and I ask her "are you single?" (she asked me to repeat it 3x lol.. I'm sure I said it loud enough for her to hear. Perhaps she wasn't expecting this sorta question?) in which her response ultimately was "Nope" and then she asked why I asked, I said "just curious" then she asks me about my valentine's day plans and I said, "I have no plans." And then she mentions her "friend" (she didn't say "boyfriend") very briefly, but I just ignore it and ask her what her plans are for V day. Her response was something along the lines of.. "I don't really follow these sort of traditions.." so I asked her "oh, but you're not single?"(could've used a better line, I know) and she says "wellll it's just that when you spend so much time with your significant other, it's just like another day.. it's just my perspective on it", and so I just smiled and said "yeah.. interesting." I wasn't sure how to navigate from here so I got up, said "thanks [girl''s name], cya next time"
(not a total loss is it?)
anyways, I get the feeling that she is actually single but just wasn't sure how to answer so she said "No" to the "are you single?" question.. possibly?
any ideas or feedback, advice, or what I should've done guys?
Edit: crap, didn't mean to post in wrong section
I researched a couple of chase's articles for any tips on improvement.. which I found on in this articlehttps://www.girlschase.com/content/are-you-single-why-always-ask-girls (might've helped if I found it earlier). So without further ado, here's my story:
So I was at this cafe(a small one, no bigger than your average Subway restaurant). Anyways, I ordered, got my food, and asked for the check.
Afterwards, I just asked her for her name, I gave her mine, we exchanged a few words and then I just left it at that(it was crowded that day, and with her being the only waitress I figured she wouldn't wanna be publicly picked up
in front of customers; also, we sorta had an audience). About a week later, I come to the cafe again and I ask her "are you single?" (she asked me to repeat it 3x lol.. I'm sure I said it loud enough for her to hear. Perhaps she wasn't expecting this sorta question?) in which her response ultimately was "Nope" and then she asked why I asked, I said "just curious" then she asks me about my valentine's day plans and I said, "I have no plans." And then she mentions her "friend" (she didn't say "boyfriend") very briefly, but I just ignore it and ask her what her plans are for V day. Her response was something along the lines of.. "I don't really follow these sort of traditions.." so I asked her "oh, but you're not single?"(could've used a better line, I know) and she says "wellll it's just that when you spend so much time with your significant other, it's just like another day.. it's just my perspective on it", and so I just smiled and said "yeah.. interesting." I wasn't sure how to navigate from here so I got up, said "thanks [girl''s name], cya next time"
(not a total loss is it?)
anyways, I get the feeling that she is actually single but just wasn't sure how to answer so she said "No" to the "are you single?" question.. possibly?
any ideas or feedback, advice, or what I should've done guys?
Edit: crap, didn't mean to post in wrong section