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- Jun 16, 2013
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Started at la playa hermosa and started cruising. Not too many girls out since it was close to sun down but a very romantic setting (at least that was the plan). I noticed a cute brunette wading in the water with a friend and decided to take a seat on the beach and meditate till she came in. They go out and she started walking and I pursued, caught up, pre-opened and said...
Girl #1:
Me: "Hey, hold up a second!" fucked the pre-open up and spooked her
Girl: spooked facial expression and light gasp*
Me: "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I noticed you walking in front of me and had to come tell you you look adorable."
Girl: "oh haha thanks, but im really not trying to meet anyone new right now me and my friend were just talking."
Me: "Oh wow well what if were both walking to the same place it's going to be pretty awkward for the next 5 minutes don't you think..."
Girl: "Uhm yeah that why you should go... Im not really looking for a boyfriend at the moment."
Me: "hmm interesting. Im not really looking for a girlfriend right now. why don't we just be friends im Rob.." Sexy smile
Girl: "well I guess so since it would be awkward to walk in the same direction though. Im Rachel."
Me: "Rachel its a pleasure. So tell me something interesting a newly intrigued, FRIEND (said while touching her arm and eye contact), should know about you."
Girl: "hmm I don't know why don't you ask my friend..."
Me: slightly annoyed as to why she would redirect me to her friend for the answer " why wouldn't you want to answer this yourself?" though I still carried a sexual vibe (the best I can muster at least) throughout the encounter.
Friend: "She's a devoted Christian!"
Me: "Oh no way. What denomination?" doing some deep diving I know a fair share about Christianity and still practice it in my daily life although Im still looking forward to my lay reports. Anyway I do some deep diving and she starts deep diving me a little on my backround. Its funny they were just walking up and down the beach and when they got to the point where they figured it was time for them to turn around I turned around with them like I had been walking with them the whole time. This is a pretty decent little success for me since I would used to drop the ball when persisting after being initially rejected my vibe is slowly and surely panning out to where it needs to be. Not only that but I got her actually interested in me moments later to where she was now deep diving me. Anyway we talked about where they were from and church stuff and what not and we parted ways with her re asking my name so she wouldn't forget her new 'sexy' friend. Anyway did away with asking for a meet up since I couldn't get her on instant date (she was with friend), looking back I don't know why I did that I would have been interested in getting to know her.
Improve on: don't forget to ask about meet up later if you like her... shouldn't be too hard to remember Mr. Rob
Moving in to my new house so I had to go to walmart to pick some stuff up for moving in and what not. Btw AP if your reading this, this sesh was for you haha.
Walmart girl #1: Beautiful thick woman came up right next to me while I was picking out peppers so I took it as a approach invitation. I picked out mustard and peanuts from my basket and said.
Me: "Hey. do you know any good recipes for these?" whilst holding up items and smiling
Her: "hmm... you know I can't think of any off the top of my head im not really the best cook in the world though."
Me: I start to put the items back into my shopping cart and end up dropping the shit I had in my hands super clumsy.. it was actually pretty funny looking back on it. I scrambled to put it back in my basket and said "look as completely helpless of a chef as I portray, im just kidding I really thought you were cute and wanted to say hey."
Her: "I know and hey! you accomplished what you went after!" She was older in age and obviously very seasoned with dudes hitting on her and took my feeble attempt as something cute and funny. Now im on the receiving end.
Me: "I don't know if you could call that complete success or not..."
Her: "Well it was nice talking to ya, good luck on finding a recipe for your ingredients." Politely brushing me off
Me: haha not getting rid of me that fast old lady (she was actually really cool and hot) "excuse me for being rude but how old are you?"
Her: "haha im 33."
Me: "Wow no way. you look way younger and im not just saying that to be charming."
Her: " well thank you I get that quite a lot."
Me : This is where you (I) should have said "So what aging secret are you keeping from every other 33 year old woman in the U.S.?" Instead we traded a few more polite banter lines and Went in separate lines to pay for our shit.
Walmart girl #2: It was dark and as I was heading out of the store saw what I thought was a cute girl walking back to her car and caught up and opened with a regular direct opener told her she had nice legs. To my surprise she turned around and was in reality pretty ratchet and my facial expression probably went sour causing her to kind of shy away. I sorta felt bad so I asked her if she was from here just to be polite instead of just walk away and be a dick. And we talked for a second and I easily exited the conversation.
Walmart girl #3: I was driving past the last door of walmart and look over to see a cute decently curvy girl in fitness clothes walking towards the door. I swing the car over into the fire lane hop out (forget to take the keys out and leave the damn thing running) and run up to pre open and open.
Me: I fuckin scare her on the pre open I need to get that handled so im not startling so many girls. "Hey im not trying to scare you but you are the cutest girl I've seen all day and had to come see who you were."
Her: "Oh hi. thank you" Smiling
Me: "Im Rob btw."
Her: "(name I don't remember)"
Me: "Hi (name) , so what are you up to tonight?" not the most interesting first question but good logistically to find out about instant date later. She told me she had a boyfriend and told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend and we chatted while she went to get her shit. Talked about where she was from, top country music songs and how we should be bff's with a sexual twist
and she wasn't really to keen on but I persisted a little and could tell she was straight and I was being kind of un smooth by then so I asked one more time if she would be down for some sexual adventures and she politely declined I bid her farewell and she smiled sexily back as I did so.
+'s: Im getting more in the moment and my vibe is steady improving by the outing.
To improve on: Speak with more conviction and get more organized in thoughts. With a bunch of thoughts going through my head trying to spit out the right next line just pick one and roll with it rather than say some jumbled and mumbled thought that I have to repeat differently.
That completes this Field report for yesterday but I want to add a classic encounter from the pool hall the other night that should have been in a movie.
Pool Hall: The hired gun that works there is pretty cute and I definently got encounter anxiety for reasons unknown (I can ususally talk decently with hired guns, but had a pussy vibe this night I guess) so I didn't chat her up too much. Anyway her cute friend comes in to chill with her like 30 minutes later while my buddies and I are playing pool and the girls proceed to come mess with the juke box right next to our table. Anyway I take this as an approach invitation and after some A.A. I decide to try out a situational opener on the hired guns friend. The music playing was some lame 50's music and they just turned the song on to the latest country hit "cruise" that I personally like dispite my distaste for country. The girls were vibing with each other while they picked out the next song and with "cruise" playing it literally set the mood for a perfect approach opportunity. I walk up, nervously start arranging the bottles on the table next to me looking at the bottles im arranging while I open with the l "thanks for changing the song I think I could feel my body literally start to age faster until you came up (making a lame reference to the 50's music)." I then tentatively make eye contact and see she's smiling and then goes back to the juke box after sizing up my weak ass vibe. This of course made me more self conscious and I started getting more nervous because I wanted to get her talking putting pressure on myself I say "great pick on the music by the way I love this song." At this point im feeling like a guy that hasn't stumbled upon girlschase that talks to girls in the most platonic boring way possible drying up every inch of women's vagina's. She looks over semi-sexily and in return I make the most unsmooth move possible and drop the poolstick I had in my hand on the floor cause of my nerves and it hits with a loud crack. The girls look at each other and laugh and I make no attempt to salvage the interaction, pick the pool stick up and start laughing at myself for how funny that would have been on camera. Food for thought I am way more comfortable with a direct opener that I could have easily used in that situation.
To improve on: Practice more situational!
Girl #1:
Me: "Hey, hold up a second!" fucked the pre-open up and spooked her
Girl: spooked facial expression and light gasp*
Me: "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I noticed you walking in front of me and had to come tell you you look adorable."
Girl: "oh haha thanks, but im really not trying to meet anyone new right now me and my friend were just talking."
Me: "Oh wow well what if were both walking to the same place it's going to be pretty awkward for the next 5 minutes don't you think..."
Girl: "Uhm yeah that why you should go... Im not really looking for a boyfriend at the moment."
Me: "hmm interesting. Im not really looking for a girlfriend right now. why don't we just be friends im Rob.." Sexy smile
Girl: "well I guess so since it would be awkward to walk in the same direction though. Im Rachel."
Me: "Rachel its a pleasure. So tell me something interesting a newly intrigued, FRIEND (said while touching her arm and eye contact), should know about you."
Girl: "hmm I don't know why don't you ask my friend..."
Me: slightly annoyed as to why she would redirect me to her friend for the answer " why wouldn't you want to answer this yourself?" though I still carried a sexual vibe (the best I can muster at least) throughout the encounter.
Friend: "She's a devoted Christian!"
Me: "Oh no way. What denomination?" doing some deep diving I know a fair share about Christianity and still practice it in my daily life although Im still looking forward to my lay reports. Anyway I do some deep diving and she starts deep diving me a little on my backround. Its funny they were just walking up and down the beach and when they got to the point where they figured it was time for them to turn around I turned around with them like I had been walking with them the whole time. This is a pretty decent little success for me since I would used to drop the ball when persisting after being initially rejected my vibe is slowly and surely panning out to where it needs to be. Not only that but I got her actually interested in me moments later to where she was now deep diving me. Anyway we talked about where they were from and church stuff and what not and we parted ways with her re asking my name so she wouldn't forget her new 'sexy' friend. Anyway did away with asking for a meet up since I couldn't get her on instant date (she was with friend), looking back I don't know why I did that I would have been interested in getting to know her.
Improve on: don't forget to ask about meet up later if you like her... shouldn't be too hard to remember Mr. Rob
Moving in to my new house so I had to go to walmart to pick some stuff up for moving in and what not. Btw AP if your reading this, this sesh was for you haha.
Walmart girl #1: Beautiful thick woman came up right next to me while I was picking out peppers so I took it as a approach invitation. I picked out mustard and peanuts from my basket and said.
Me: "Hey. do you know any good recipes for these?" whilst holding up items and smiling
Her: "hmm... you know I can't think of any off the top of my head im not really the best cook in the world though."
Me: I start to put the items back into my shopping cart and end up dropping the shit I had in my hands super clumsy.. it was actually pretty funny looking back on it. I scrambled to put it back in my basket and said "look as completely helpless of a chef as I portray, im just kidding I really thought you were cute and wanted to say hey."
Her: "I know and hey! you accomplished what you went after!" She was older in age and obviously very seasoned with dudes hitting on her and took my feeble attempt as something cute and funny. Now im on the receiving end.
Me: "I don't know if you could call that complete success or not..."
Her: "Well it was nice talking to ya, good luck on finding a recipe for your ingredients." Politely brushing me off
Me: haha not getting rid of me that fast old lady (she was actually really cool and hot) "excuse me for being rude but how old are you?"
Her: "haha im 33."
Me: "Wow no way. you look way younger and im not just saying that to be charming."
Her: " well thank you I get that quite a lot."
Me : This is where you (I) should have said "So what aging secret are you keeping from every other 33 year old woman in the U.S.?" Instead we traded a few more polite banter lines and Went in separate lines to pay for our shit.
Walmart girl #2: It was dark and as I was heading out of the store saw what I thought was a cute girl walking back to her car and caught up and opened with a regular direct opener told her she had nice legs. To my surprise she turned around and was in reality pretty ratchet and my facial expression probably went sour causing her to kind of shy away. I sorta felt bad so I asked her if she was from here just to be polite instead of just walk away and be a dick. And we talked for a second and I easily exited the conversation.
Walmart girl #3: I was driving past the last door of walmart and look over to see a cute decently curvy girl in fitness clothes walking towards the door. I swing the car over into the fire lane hop out (forget to take the keys out and leave the damn thing running) and run up to pre open and open.
Me: I fuckin scare her on the pre open I need to get that handled so im not startling so many girls. "Hey im not trying to scare you but you are the cutest girl I've seen all day and had to come see who you were."
Her: "Oh hi. thank you" Smiling
Me: "Im Rob btw."
Her: "(name I don't remember)"
Me: "Hi (name) , so what are you up to tonight?" not the most interesting first question but good logistically to find out about instant date later. She told me she had a boyfriend and told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend and we chatted while she went to get her shit. Talked about where she was from, top country music songs and how we should be bff's with a sexual twist
+'s: Im getting more in the moment and my vibe is steady improving by the outing.
To improve on: Speak with more conviction and get more organized in thoughts. With a bunch of thoughts going through my head trying to spit out the right next line just pick one and roll with it rather than say some jumbled and mumbled thought that I have to repeat differently.
That completes this Field report for yesterday but I want to add a classic encounter from the pool hall the other night that should have been in a movie.
Pool Hall: The hired gun that works there is pretty cute and I definently got encounter anxiety for reasons unknown (I can ususally talk decently with hired guns, but had a pussy vibe this night I guess) so I didn't chat her up too much. Anyway her cute friend comes in to chill with her like 30 minutes later while my buddies and I are playing pool and the girls proceed to come mess with the juke box right next to our table. Anyway I take this as an approach invitation and after some A.A. I decide to try out a situational opener on the hired guns friend. The music playing was some lame 50's music and they just turned the song on to the latest country hit "cruise" that I personally like dispite my distaste for country. The girls were vibing with each other while they picked out the next song and with "cruise" playing it literally set the mood for a perfect approach opportunity. I walk up, nervously start arranging the bottles on the table next to me looking at the bottles im arranging while I open with the l "thanks for changing the song I think I could feel my body literally start to age faster until you came up (making a lame reference to the 50's music)." I then tentatively make eye contact and see she's smiling and then goes back to the juke box after sizing up my weak ass vibe. This of course made me more self conscious and I started getting more nervous because I wanted to get her talking putting pressure on myself I say "great pick on the music by the way I love this song." At this point im feeling like a guy that hasn't stumbled upon girlschase that talks to girls in the most platonic boring way possible drying up every inch of women's vagina's. She looks over semi-sexily and in return I make the most unsmooth move possible and drop the poolstick I had in my hand on the floor cause of my nerves and it hits with a loud crack. The girls look at each other and laugh and I make no attempt to salvage the interaction, pick the pool stick up and start laughing at myself for how funny that would have been on camera. Food for thought I am way more comfortable with a direct opener that I could have easily used in that situation.
To improve on: Practice more situational!