So I tried to jump out of the friend zone
Good luck with that, good luck.
People love categorizing each other and women, with men, specially, tend to keep them in the same category, specially as "friends".
She didn't take it because, well, you're already friends, technically she already has what she wants (or could have, in her view), with you.
Why would she risk what you offer currently? Going on a date with a man is always risky for a women:
- It could damage her reputation (maybe you know some people she knows, and you go and talk shit about her in case it doesn't go well, or even you have sex and then you don't treat her "properly" afterwards, maybe her friends think you're a total loser and her status on her social groups would plummet if she goes out with you)
- It could damage her herself (as in maybe you're secretly maybe some weird violent dude, maybe only in relationships, of course most guys are not, but some rare are, and this is always on women's mind, though it's a very secondary concern)
- It could damage your friendship (I mean, that's obvious, if things don't work out, it's very tough for you to be friends again)
So she has even more than the value she already has with you to lose, and this is why she asked you what she had to gain, though I would say, this is mostly a gold digging type of move. If she was attracted to you, you should have made something happen with her before, but that didn't happen (maybe because she wasn't, and never gave you any chances, or maybe you missed your window), so now the only possible role you could have, for her, would be of a provider type of guy. Could you still have sex or have a relationship with her? Probably (like low probability), but you would have to show you have financial value to her, that you can provide for her and possible kids. Also it would probably go the usual slow dating her as she tries to postprone sex as long as possible to get you as invested into her as possible, taking her to expensive places, maybe buying her gifts and even commiting to her before sex even happens.
Overall, just a terrible place to be.
Honestly I think the best is you can do is go meet new women and learn to seduce them quickly, to screen the ones that are attracted to you and make something happen with them.
Get over her!
You gotta lead women and make things happen, if you wait until they are your friends, well, you're stuck on the friendzone, and that just sucks (unless you wanna be her platonic friend, then sure, great for you).