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Was she waitning for me to seal the deal?

mike james

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2024
I will try to cut out unnecessary details. Me and my new wing were in this club that has a dance floor, and a platform higher up with booths and a nice view on the crowd in the club. We were approaching, but the first few sets were not that great. He was already half drunk but that is when he is at his best. I do not drink so I needed some time to socially warm up. Anyway, we got up on that platform, and he approached this seated 2 set. They were basically in the corner of the club, not a lot of people around them, and they looked low energy.

He talked to to girl that was turned sideways so I saw how she looked like (OK), but her friend was facing the crown so I only saw her back. I decided to approach her, just to help him because I could see that she was bored. It turned out that she is pretty little thing. Right off the bat, (I cant even remember what i said), she gave me an ioi (leaned in very close, right to my mouth to hear what was I saying). Then a couple off nice reactions, smiles, eye contact, still leaning every time to hear me (even when I signal her to do it), grabbing my shoulders to say something...

I teased her, qualified her very well, we had a nice banter. Our legs were touching each other almost for the whole duration of the set (incidental touch). I told her that I am nervous, because I need to take a shit, so she needs to keep me distracted. You know that reaction when you tell her something very bold or vulgar, and she is shocked but at the same time intrigued by your zero fucks given attitude. That was it. I started touching her, she never showed resistance. I run fingers, and palm routine, she loved it, even interrupting her and my firends conversation to tell her about it (I know this because, when she told her they both looked at me intrigued).

Eventually I started grabbing her by her waist when telling her something, resting my hand on her thigh very high, close to her hip actually, and I kind of let my hand of the table, touching her so subtly with my fingertips/nails and slightly caressing her thigh, for couple of minutes. When I qualified her trough her instagram, I saw a tattoo on one of her pictures. Told her to show it to me (it was on her shoulder). She said I cant ( because she wore tuxedo), but complied seconds after. I touched her a little bit on there (at that point naked sholder), and then tried to deeep dive her with the meaining of her tattoo but she gave me nothing so I changed the topic. Later I realized that I should have playfully pull her tux lower, or slide my hand down there (not on her tit bud right above). We had some slightly uncomfortable silences, and moments where the song I like was on ( that was lame beacause we were not making eye contact and not having fun together with the song, but I saw her kind of mirriong me). Also somewhere in the middle of set I told her to stand up so I can see how tall is she.

She refused and I sensed a little insecurity on her part, bur the she complied, and we were standing face to face, but her face was in line with my chest. I used this to playfully measure her, and got a little closer. I said something that she misheard in the context of me judging people based on thier height. Of coure I denied, and then I was sure that she was a little insecure about it. Only now im realizing, that I could of used that like plausible deniablity to hug her.

I tried to run the hug test routine on her but she immediately refused and went to her seat. That affected me a little because I thought that she would not reject it that easily. I dont remember if this was before or after the tatto sequence.

It came to the piont where I sensed that the vibe was startting to fall off, and maybe its because i was thinking how can I make that transition to a kiss. I failed to create good sexual tension, even thogh we had one stare down, which she lost of course. It was fucking me up beacuse, all that touch we had going on was not that sexual, it was more like a comfort thing. By then I realized that I had missed escalation window, and it was around 3 am (She was older than me 4 years, and pretty atractive, so I started to question my skill to seal the deal). She excused herself to the bathroom minutes later, and few moment after her firend went with her.

Toilet was right behind us so when they came back we ( me and my wing) were still there, but we changed the seats and his girl kid of went on the other side of where he was. I talked to my girl again some more, invited them to go get some food, she refused.

I asked her: do you like pool?
her: no, blah blah ( I dont remember)
Me: you dont like to play with balls and a stick ?
her: ...

That joke didnt land but, I suggested that we get a drink sometime next week, and while she was answering, I procedeed to tell her when Im not free. She aked why I was not free that days, and I said: what do you think thath Im some bum? I got shit to do. She aked what and I thought that this is my time to *brag* about how i got a part time job, workout every day and of coure uni. Then when I aksed her when shes free, she said some bullshit, basically telling me im never free.

At that point everybody were ready to end this and she leaned in to hug me, we kissed on the cheek and she said: You were great tonight. - and left.

I saw her talking to some dude near the exit 5 min later, but I did not give a fuck. I messeged her on ig, but got no resposne even thogh she follwed me back, after the party.

I think that I was a little intimidated when it was time to escalate, beacuse she was pretty, and I couldnt believe that she was that receptive/easy ( she told me that nobody had approached her that night). She was probably just loking for some fun, and I gave her that, but when it was time to score, I did not, and she was turned off. I dont think that these two instances where she showed me resistance (tattoo and hug test), ruined the set, and the tatto thing wast actually a mistake just a point to change the topic. So there was the window, before and after, where I definetely could have but didnt touched her hair and neck which I think would have led me to the kiss.

After this set (that lasted for maybe an hour) I approached some other sets. One went very well, high compliance, touch, me leading, ... but it was late she was with her brothers, so I got her contact, and she agreed to go out on a date.

Other than that, I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.
What do you like, where do you think I fucked up, and if you need some more details feel free to ask. Thanks in advance!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
We had some slightly uncomfortable silences, and moments where the song I like was on ( that was lame beacause we were not making eye contact and not having fun together with the song, but I saw her kind of mirriong me).
Don’t worry about either of those types of things. Silences or moments when your song comes on… when the rapport is already built up, light environmental factors like that can’t kill the vibe.

She refused and I sensed a little insecurity on her part, bur the she complied, and we were standing face to face, but her face was in line with my chest. I used this to playfully measure her, and got a little closer.
Only now im realizing, that I could of used that like plausible deniablity to hug her.

Should have actually gone for the kiss here IMO

Standing up and getting close is a pretty good excuse to try for a kiss.

This compliance on her part (followed by no action at all on yours) left her with blue balls.

But I will try that “stand up I wanna see how tall you are” trick if I get the chance. Seems like a good piece of kiss-close tech.

You could have still gone for the kiss after the little “height faux-pas” as well.

Soon you’ll figure out that making out isn’t a big deal.

mike james

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2024
Should have actually gone for the kiss here IMO
Thanks for the answer man, I really do appreciate it!

I thought that I need to do something like a hug, or touch her hair or something before I try to kiss her. That is why I told her to hug me, and that I dont hang out with bad huggers...

I genuinely wanted to see how tall she is, and THEN to try to get closer. It was not my intention to kiss her (yet) with that *stand up* part.

I dont know why I did not go for it, I guess its because of the lack my experience. Its not like Im seeking meaning in the kiss, Its just that I dont know how to go about it and I am not familiar with it so its kind of weird to me, and i get into my head to much.
If you were to ask me now, is kissing a big deal to you, I would say no, but when i find myself in the set, I start to overthink and it goes south.

I want to note that I almost never persisted in trying to kiss a girl, and that I almost never do it.

My goal for the next night out should be to TRY to kiss girl(s) at least 3 times.

what do you guys think about that type of direction? Should I just try to kiss as soon as I see some iois, just to experiment a bit, and get it out of the way?

mike james

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2024
You are correct.

How about just once?
Day after this, I was gaming this girl in the bar, we had a great banter. At its peak, I had my arm around her waist as we were sitting next to each other, little to none resistance. Her friend was on her left, and I was on her right. For the most part she was turned to her friend, but every time I pushed her into me with my arm to come to me to tell her something, she did, very obediently. I again missed the window, started to think how can I transition to kiss her.

Its just weird to me to try to do it unless the vibe is completely sexual, and we are at a really high point. Maybe I should try to do it even when the vibe is not right, even try to do it a couple of times in the interaction, or maybe make a joke out of it.

I told her that I wanna smell her hair, then her perfume. She put up a little resistance for me smelling her neck, but she let me do it. Then I told her to smell mine and she refused. After things got completely weird, and she gone cold, and of course nothing happened. I guess she got frustrated because I failed to lead her to our desired outcome (kissing).


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
Then I told her to smell mine and she refused.
Why would you think asking a girl to smell your neck is more natural than just moving in to kiss her?

If she’s disinterested in the kiss, she will stop you before your lips touch.

Next time, remember your assignment.

mike james

Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 7, 2024
Why would you think asking a girl to smell your neck is more natural than just moving in to kiss her?

If she’s disinterested in the kiss, she will stop you before your lips touch.

Next time, remember your assignment.
I guess its just so strange to me to lean in to kiss a girl.
wait for the next report, day after this girl I had much better night, DID MY ASSIGNMENT but that was almost a month ago so I forgot some details. Will write about that tomorrow. I suggest you check out my latest FR from last night:

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers