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Was this chicks friend slut shaming or blocking?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys, I brought a chick home at the weekend. Shortly after we finished, her friends (that weren't out with her when I met her) called her on facetime, she put the camera on me for a second for her friends to see and to say hi which I thought was a little strange. They asked where she was and she told them she was at my place.

It was a quick call, she said she had to go. Before she ended the call her friend said have fun getting banged again. I couldn't tell if her friend was slut shaming her or whether this was intended as a block to trigger ASD or put me off or something. The chick seemed a little shook with it and froze, I just ignored it. We'd already done it by then anyway.

I've never experienced this before, any ideas? Thanks guys!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Your girl committed a faux pas. She thought picking up guys and having sex made her cool, and wanted to show it off to her friends.

It could be she thought you were particularly hot, or interesting-looking, or high status, or something, and wanted to show that off. Or she was riding high on the dopamine and wanted to show off the guy she was still feeling really good about. Or she just wanted show off, "Hey, I banged another one!" in general. Or it could just be they called her there and she felt awkward about trying to hide you and decided to just show you off.

In any event, she was using you to brag, or else including you in a conversation the other girls didn't expect you to be included in, which rubbed at least one of the other girls the wrong way. So, that other girl called her out on it.

You could call it 'slut-shaming'. You could also call it 'the nail that sticks out gets hammered down', 'calling someone out on a faux pas', and so on.

My guess is in the future she'll be more cautious about trying to show off her latest conquest to the girls.

But you see, girls are just as socially awkward as guys are, and make these goofy faux pas just like guys do, which they then need to be corrected on by their more socially savvy friends :D
