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Wearing Hats


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
One of the things you can do to make yourself stand out in a big, fashionable way when going out is wearing a hat. Since I was 14, I've periodically sported a fedora:


Nobody wears these, and they draw a lot of attention. That's good for a couple of reasons:

1. Particularly when you're new, this gets you used to handling social pressure and shrugging it off
2. You'll get a lot of instant attraction from women and a lot of guys who instantly think you're cool (you'll also get people who try busting your balls about this)

A few years ago I switched to smaller, more understated hats, and I'll usually go with a style like this when sporting something on my head:


(a little shinier than I'd normally go for, but best picture I saw in a quick look)

I usually go for distressed leather, because it has a more rugged and uncommon look to it than felt, which is what the majority of hats are constructed out of.

Anyway, hats are an interesting way to change your look and test out dealing with a lot of attention from people, although I generally don't wear them for pure pickup anymore (too attention-grabbing, and usually it's attention more from excited women who want to party and rock out than from women who want to go home with you later), and instead rather for special occasions (parties, etc.). Fun to play with if you want to see what things look like when you're really standing out and drawing a lot of attention to yourself though.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 10, 2012
I've actually thought about wearing a fedora myself but a major concern is that other (jealous) guys at nightclubs could attempt to undermine me by stealing it. You'd have to be very immature to do that, I know, but one of my friends has had it happen to him before. I'm not sure how I would react in that situation and still maintain social power.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
I usually wear a hat to complement my outfit, I live in a cold climate area. Another thing to do is wear something that nobody wears, or if it is a brand name. I prefer not to wear hats indoors or baseball caps, I go for the more skull cap apparel. Hair also plays a factor too, you want something that won't leave you hair looking a mess.

Facial hair also plays a factor, skull caps look very good with skin straps. Also think about the color in making sure it complements the outfit so you look together.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Speaking of hats What I have found to get a bit of attention and postive attention mind you is what is called a "visor Beanie" I wear one frequently for it complaments my "Tool" look (pun intended). typically its a winter hat i live in a quite the cold place. Tried to post an image but to no avail.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Tool,

Yeah, visor beanies are pretty sexy for the winter time. I've been meaning to invest in one myself, but it is hardly ever "truly cold" here in Southern California, so I always put it off.

Maybe I'll look into it this winter since I'm thinking of picking up snowboarding from some of my buddies. ;)

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Kind of adding here,

Talking about hats, i mainly buy snapback and New Era caps, Caps online that's takes ebay or online paypal to buy because it's hard to get in retail or stores. Buy those caps with the colours and patterns that i like along the mainstream of what people called 'Dope'. I am a dancer so yea, i buy mostly that.

It helps when people due take notice your hat along with how you look with it. Environment factor playing a role here too.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
I actually never considered wearing hats, simply because I have not found them fitting my style. Though I had a few friends that were wearing hats often and yeah, it gets one a LOT of attention, depending on the environment. But what I also noticed is that most of them stopped wearing them, because of the sheer amount of nasty comments they would get was too much to handle (usually the 'try-hard attention' seeker kind of comments).

I guess with anything of outlandish kind, comes the need to be able to handle these challenges without losing your cool.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2012
I usually dont use hats because they mess up my hair. The thing with fedoras is thats its hard for someone to have a hat working for them. Back in the 50's, men wore fedoras with long jackets and that made them look good, but these days, I see mainly teens wearing them, in hopes of having that same look of a serious and powerful man. Sadly, all they manage to look like is a total douchebag. There's some good examples these days, but its a hard thing in my view. Then again, we cant be only looking on hats, it has to go with the rest of the costume!

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
LOL I just got this back from a young chick on OKC
"I'm sorry, I have a law against boys with fedoras!!!"

I replied
"I'm a man, and it's a trilby!"

no reply lol.

not that I care, verging on jailbait anyway!


Dec 16, 2012
I don't wear a hat when approaching women. Where I live it's usually pretty cold so most of the interactions are indoors. My opinion too many young guys are trying to look like wannabe gangsters. I usually try to set myself apart.

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012

OK, so a couple of posts up, I mentioned I got KB'd (knocked back) by a girl on OKC (85% match, sharp dresser, cute kinda Bettie Paige thing going on - but only 18 so kinda young) with one line "I don't do guys in Fedoras". Obviously I know hats aren't to everybody's taste but this girl obviously is quite fashionable and has a pretty good style going on so I thought I'd look into it a little further.

By coincidence I came across this blog whilst looking over another girl's status which is worthy of it's own thread over in 'Online Dating' as there's plenty there for discussion: Nice Guys of OKC. If you flick through you'll find a rather amusing flowchart which in a nutshell implies that Fedora (and I guess by extension, Trilby, Pork Pie and most other 'sharp' kind of hats) are worn as a concious effort to avoid the nice-guy image on the part of a, yep, former or even ongoing 'Nice Guy'/AFC. In fact, the phenomenon already inspired another blog, 'Fedoras of OKC'.


Now obviously OKC is a bit of a curveball when it comes to dating as about 60% on there probably aren't really there looking to date and because nobody pays, a lot of users just browse and troll. But it does kinda crossover with the reddit and wider blogging community so it's worth being aware of memes like this as they crop up as they could eventually hinder your game as they spread out via Facebook and eventually into 'Meatspace'. That's not to say bin all your hats straight away; of course for every girl that hates hats, another two may love them. Plus after all they do serve a practical purpose, especially when it's very sunny, or raining! But it's definitely worth bearing in mind if you're already a little bit 'on the fence' about a particular accessory. I think it also brings home the importance of picking 'peacock' accessories like hats and statement items you feel sure actually fit properly and suit you, complimenting the lines of your clothes, face and body rather than looking stuck on as an afterthought.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I had awesome success wearing a fedora in Europe when I studied abroad. I wouldn't wear one here at least without being somewhat dressy first.