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Weird Situation


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2013
Hey everyone,
I am new to this site. I stumbled across this site a few months ago, and I'm hooked , it really is great.
I'm coming to you here today with a situation that I cannot figure out.

So here we go

There is a girl I am currently friends and had previously dated. We have both had other crushs and things since then that have fell through. We seem like we are the perfect match, but here we are just friends. And I am honestly tired of still being her friend. I don't feel I am 100% friend zoned however. Sometimes I feel like I could kiss her and she's wouldn't even care. But I don't really know

Reasoning behind this post

I've come across alot of stuff on this site talking about just starting with a clean slate and go out and meet new girls. don't get stuck on one. I agree, this makes sense. Why get stuck on one when there's so many more.

But Before I do that, I want to give this one last shot in the dark. It can't get worse than it is, And i want to see if I can exit this semi friend zoned area and end up her boyfriend.
I'm willing to take a risk , if it goes sour Oh well there are plenty of other girls out there


Little less than 2 years ago I dated this gorgeous girl. We really liked each other and everything seemed great. It was for about two months. Then torwards the end it just dropped and i was demoted to a "friend" I never really understood why.

We stayed "friends" and talked to each other all the time. Then It would drop and thered be no communication for months and then she'd pop into my life again. We would flirt alittle on and off.

6 months ago we had this awkward phase where we almost tried dating again. And then she blew me off for another guy that fell through

6months later (which is the present just saw her this week) somehow we started talking Agian and we ended up hanging out. We connected like crazy , had an amazing time and she' seemed to be somewhat flirty.
But I got mixed signals,like when I hugged her good bye

What I am asking for

I need a plan to put into action and I am willing to try anything. I've been reading articles like crazy trying to find out what to do , but it seems like it fits into multiple categories I can't find a straight answer. Any Advice here (other than let it go. I realize it's extra effort) would be awesome.

Thank you so much


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

Things like this are tricky. Was the relationship sexual, or did you guys just go out on a series of dates with little intimacy? If the latter, then my advice is not what you will want to hear. To let it go.

Otherwise, you may have a shot at this. First of all, you WILL NOT win her over with flowers and love notes and spilling your guts out to her. Girls are weird; you can't like them, you have to make them like you.

So, with the above statement in mind... How do you do this? Well, it will probably be a long, drawn out process with the end result being that you are dating gorgeous, awesome women (more awesome than her) and you'll end up not even being interested in this girl. First things first, she has to see you with other beautiful girls. Pre-selection. Read up on this. She will see you dating these women who are equal value (or better yet, higher value) than her, and she will think "You know what, Dream is actually a really great guy. How did I ever let him slip through my fingers?!!"

What I would do is this: Go apply all the things you read on this website, meet a ton of new girls, and let her see this unfold as you transform yourself into a man that women covet and swoon over. You should do this anyway, because it will simply make you a better man, and you will gain a skill that you will have at your disposal for a lifetime. Again, the problem (or not, as it is) is that after doing this she will probably want to get back with you. But, you'll no longer be interested in her because you will be dating tons of women that are way hotter than she is.

Best of luck!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2013
First of all thanks for taking the time to give me a few tips!

I understand what you are saying might as well build my skills and be an irresistible man and at that point she probably won't even matter to me ?
I will take the time to read about the pre evaluation.

I also have a few questions and would like your opinion.
1. is this the only way? is there a quicker method ? (I realize yours will be more beneficial In The long run.)
2. Am I completely friend zoned here?
3. I read this article on the site called "exiting the friend zone"
And it talked about changing the way she views you by acting differently and being more touchy, and then make your move.for example hang with her alone follow that procedure and plant one on her? Or Do you think as a quicker method here that would be plausible? Or is if to far gone?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
First of all thanks for taking the time to give me a few tips!
1. is this the only way? is there a quicker method ? (I realize yours will be more beneficial In The long run.)

Unfortunately there's no quick fix. But, check out this article if you haven't already: https://www.girlschase.com/content/ultim ... -girl-back

2. Am I completely friend zoned here?
3. I read this article on the site called "exiting the friend zone"
And it talked about changing the way she views you by acting differently and being more touchy, and then make your move.for example hang with her alone follow that procedure and plant one on her? Or Do you think as a quicker method here that would be plausible? Or is if to far gone?

I would definitely try to get her alone, and get intimate with her. In fact, that's the whole goal here. If she's resisting your attempts to get her alone (ie, inviting her back to your place), then you'll need to follow the process of getting more girls, finding an abundance mentality, getting pre-selection in front of her. Also, check this post out:



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2013
Unfortunately that's what I thought no quick fix.
I read the article the ultimate guide to getting your girl back and surprisingly I haven't been doing to bad.
I think I realized why I lost her In the first place I was way too easy... I was the way too nice guy.

1. The article mentioned giving her space which I had just recently done. Last week was the last time I saw her in 6months
2. He said to make them jealous if you were too easy.Apparently awhile ago I made her jealous when this other girl was around and she and one of my guy friends were there too.she eneded up making some excuse up to go home it go to hwr so much she admitted.and I didn't even realize it. She told me last week in person.
3. And I agree I have to get her alone. But getting super intimate (like bedding her) is something I can't do. (Conflicts with my view of waiting till after marriage, (she actually feels the exact same way). With all this in to consideration could still work?
4. If so How soon should I try and get her alone ? This week? , next ? Even later ?
Thanks again


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2013
Anyone else who has something to add please feel free, I'm really new to this idea of a structured approach with girls