Hey everyone,
I am new to this site. I stumbled across this site a few months ago, and I'm hooked , it really is great.
I'm coming to you here today with a situation that I cannot figure out.
So here we go
There is a girl I am currently friends and had previously dated. We have both had other crushs and things since then that have fell through. We seem like we are the perfect match, but here we are just friends. And I am honestly tired of still being her friend. I don't feel I am 100% friend zoned however. Sometimes I feel like I could kiss her and she's wouldn't even care. But I don't really know
Reasoning behind this post
I've come across alot of stuff on this site talking about just starting with a clean slate and go out and meet new girls. don't get stuck on one. I agree, this makes sense. Why get stuck on one when there's so many more.
But Before I do that, I want to give this one last shot in the dark. It can't get worse than it is, And i want to see if I can exit this semi friend zoned area and end up her boyfriend.
I'm willing to take a risk , if it goes sour Oh well there are plenty of other girls out there
Little less than 2 years ago I dated this gorgeous girl. We really liked each other and everything seemed great. It was for about two months. Then torwards the end it just dropped and i was demoted to a "friend" I never really understood why.
We stayed "friends" and talked to each other all the time. Then It would drop and thered be no communication for months and then she'd pop into my life again. We would flirt alittle on and off.
6 months ago we had this awkward phase where we almost tried dating again. And then she blew me off for another guy that fell through
6months later (which is the present just saw her this week) somehow we started talking Agian and we ended up hanging out. We connected like crazy , had an amazing time and she' seemed to be somewhat flirty.
But I got mixed signals,like when I hugged her good bye
What I am asking for
I need a plan to put into action and I am willing to try anything. I've been reading articles like crazy trying to find out what to do , but it seems like it fits into multiple categories I can't find a straight answer. Any Advice here (other than let it go. I realize it's extra effort) would be awesome.
Thank you so much
I am new to this site. I stumbled across this site a few months ago, and I'm hooked , it really is great.
I'm coming to you here today with a situation that I cannot figure out.
So here we go
There is a girl I am currently friends and had previously dated. We have both had other crushs and things since then that have fell through. We seem like we are the perfect match, but here we are just friends. And I am honestly tired of still being her friend. I don't feel I am 100% friend zoned however. Sometimes I feel like I could kiss her and she's wouldn't even care. But I don't really know
Reasoning behind this post
I've come across alot of stuff on this site talking about just starting with a clean slate and go out and meet new girls. don't get stuck on one. I agree, this makes sense. Why get stuck on one when there's so many more.
But Before I do that, I want to give this one last shot in the dark. It can't get worse than it is, And i want to see if I can exit this semi friend zoned area and end up her boyfriend.
I'm willing to take a risk , if it goes sour Oh well there are plenty of other girls out there
Little less than 2 years ago I dated this gorgeous girl. We really liked each other and everything seemed great. It was for about two months. Then torwards the end it just dropped and i was demoted to a "friend" I never really understood why.
We stayed "friends" and talked to each other all the time. Then It would drop and thered be no communication for months and then she'd pop into my life again. We would flirt alittle on and off.
6 months ago we had this awkward phase where we almost tried dating again. And then she blew me off for another guy that fell through
6months later (which is the present just saw her this week) somehow we started talking Agian and we ended up hanging out. We connected like crazy , had an amazing time and she' seemed to be somewhat flirty.
But I got mixed signals,like when I hugged her good bye
What I am asking for
I need a plan to put into action and I am willing to try anything. I've been reading articles like crazy trying to find out what to do , but it seems like it fits into multiple categories I can't find a straight answer. Any Advice here (other than let it go. I realize it's extra effort) would be awesome.
Thank you so much