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Went from average guy to hot guy. Game adjustments?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 7, 2021
Put some huge effort into gym, diet, tanning and other style adjustments (like clothes - not even expensive, just well-fitting) in the last 9 months. Six-pack and all that. Went from girls calling me "kinda cute / sweet / funny" to "hot / sexy / addictive / SCRUMPTIOUS (lol loved that one)"

(Of course my confidence has jumped as well, so the attitude helps , not just looks)

Anyway though, I have noticed I may have to temper some of the more outlandish stuff I used to say to chicks... I feel like it might be coming off as tryhard?

Maybe its a point where I need to "do less..."

Conversely, maybe my extra confidence (and immense sex drive now) has led me to the point where I'm showing more neediness to get laid...like I feel like I need to use these new looks + attitude on as many chicks as possible. Maybe I'm only seeing more failure because I'm also trying more?

I also ALMOST feel self-conscious at girls who eye me up and down now. LOL careful what you wish for I guess.

Just spitballing. Would love to hear from anyone who's put work into their looks, and how your game has changed!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Welcome to the club my friend :cool:, being super high tier fundamentals wise is the ultimate confidence booster.

But a-lot changes as you’re gonna come to find out, maybe you already have.

I think the number one piece of advice I can give you right now is don’t take any reactions at face value. People think when you present like a god among men, people are gonna grovel and drop to your feet as you prance around in public. WRONG.

You’re gonna find that at the surface level, some women are gonna be alot more reserved and almost cold around you. It’s gonna feel like pulling teeth a bit. They’re gonna be alot more sensitive as you’ve already discovered. They aren’t going to act how you’d expect.

This isn’t disinterest, it’s intimidation. It’s very similar to how a girl act’s around a guy she isn’t interested in, there’s just a different reason behind it.

This is because they feel as though they aren’t in your league. I almost never comment anything that could be perceived as super cocky because people already assume you’re cocky, it reinforces that belief. People GENUINELY view you as some kind of authority on outward appearance and personal style.

You coax her out of her shell by being a bit more attainable. There’s plenty of resources for this on the main site that have helped me.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Put some huge effort into gym, diet, tanning and other style adjustments (like clothes - not even expensive, just well-fitting) in the last 9 months. Six-pack and all that. Went from girls calling me "kinda cute / sweet / funny" to "hot / sexy / addictive / SCRUMPTIOUS (lol loved that one)"

(Of course my confidence has jumped as well, so the attitude helps , not just looks)

Anyway though, I have noticed I may have to temper some of the more outlandish stuff I used to say to chicks... I feel like it might be coming off as tryhard?

Maybe its a point where I need to "do less..."

Conversely, maybe my extra confidence (and immense sex drive now) has led me to the point where I'm showing more neediness to get laid...like I feel like I need to use these new looks + attitude on as many chicks as possible. Maybe I'm only seeing more failure because I'm also trying more?

I also ALMOST feel self-conscious at girls who eye me up and down now. LOL careful what you wish for I guess.

Just spitballing. Would love to hear from anyone who's put work into their looks, and how your game has changed!
The main problem with increasing looks is the similar when you increase money... you tend to get lazy in game and assume u are god gift to women and you see seduction in a male view point hot girl = lay.... with women being hot just cover one of the part of seduction gun call it social in the 3 keys, u still need to go through the seduction process. Other problem is buying clothes recently i went from large to medium getting in shape have to rebuy stuff...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 7, 2021
You’re gonna find that at the surface level, some women are gonna be alot more reserved and almost cold around you. It’s gonna feel like pulling teeth a bit. They’re gonna be alot more sensitive as you’ve already discovered. They aren’t going to act how you’d expect.

This isn’t disinterest, it’s intimidation. It’s very similar to how a girl act’s around a guy she isn’t interested in, there’s just a different reason behind it.
This has been so true lately! Hard to accept that they would be intimidated, esp. since I used to be so shy...but yeah I find some girls can be a little standoffish.

Also I tend to go off the initial vibe, if a girl is receptive it's very easy for me to move forward...I'm not the best at turning it around (if not receptive).

One of my biggest sticking points still, is vibing with really hot girls. Oh well that'll come with time :) At least I don't look at them as unattainable anymore!

PS Putting on 20+lb of muscle has made GUYS way more friendly towards me, funny side effect.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 7, 2021
The main problem with increasing looks is the similar when you increase money... you tend to get lazy in game and assume u are god gift to women and you see seduction in a male view point hot girl = lay.... with women being hot just cover one of the part of seduction gun call it social in the 3 keys, u still need to go through the seduction process. Other problem is buying clothes recently i went from large to medium getting in shape have to rebuy stuff...
hmm you have a point here too...when I was less confident it was easier to 'plow thru it' sometimes - like "fuck it, I got nothing to lose!".

Now that I know I look good + confident, I think I'm putting more expectations on myself! And pressure is definitely a state-killer.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
PS Putting on 20+lb of muscle has made GUYS way more friendly towards me, funny side effect.
Yeah you’ll get this alot. Generally guy’s will respect you alot more because they have such a 2d understanding of attraction. Most believe if you look like a sex god you’re getting plenty of sex.

On the inverse you’ll find younger women compliment you alot less than if you were just “okay” or even semi good looking. They don’t want to boost your ego, they don’t want to add to your harem, they’re too anxious about themselves too. I’d recommend finding things in yourself that you can feel confident about and being a closed circuit from outside validation, it easily becomes a double edged sword. Especially when women aren’t complimenting you when you feel they should be.

You’ll rarely get more than stares and women acting really “weird” around you. On a good day you’ll know exactly why. On a bad day it can easily feed any small insecurities. Life of a celebrity without fame lol.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You’ll rarely get more than stares and women acting really “weird” around you. On a good day you’ll know exactly why. On a bad day it can easily feed any small insecurities. Life of a celebrity without fame lol.
Yeah... you get what it is about. Lets not forget about girls giving very short escalation windows and giving you way too much power..

Also I have to say I do get girls being touchy feelly with me,

or air hostesses flirting with me
or the random girls who smile to themselves when walking past and sneak a peek.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jan 23, 2021
I had some similar issues. I also put on a lot of muscle, lost fat, dressed infinitely better, got a cool hairstyle/facial hairstyle over the last two years.

I went from *never in my life* getting complimented about appearances, to being complimented on any or all of the above whenever I see someone(family, friends, stranger, whoever) I haven't seen in awhile.

In my head I imagined this would just skyrocket me into easy mode with all girls.

What actually happened is that I raised my standards slightly, started going after girls who cut less slack, and ran into a different set of issues (not enough additional attainability to match new fundamentals, being slotted too much into boyfriend/provider role, auto-rejection from girls thinking I'm just using them, etc.)

It's kind of interesting to me, that how I feel about my current success with girls, is about the same or slightly better than two years ago, even though my fundamentals have skyrocketed since then. All it takes is a bit of standards raising, and I'm back to feeling like I really gotta work for girls.