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went on a date with a virgin


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 5, 2024
hi hru im new, yesterday i went to a college campus and got 3 numbers through cold approach. i ended up going on a date with one of the girls i got a number from today. she is a virgin she's never dated before. i put my arm around her and she got uncomfortable and turned her face away. i said its ok and put my hand on her face to try to turn her face towards mine so i could kiss her but she wouldnt let me. so then i backed off and held her hand instead. we're planning to meet again on friday. what do i do, how do i make her feel more comfortable so that i can take her virginity.

im thinking on our next date i can bring a massage gun and use it on each other that might be a fun way to have fun and then i could even possibly use it on her pussy and ass area to warm her up to the idea of sex


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
It sounds like you’re taking things in the wrong order too fast. You need her to give you access to her emotional inner space before she’ll go along with your sexual plans.
So long as you’re coming off as a potential partner and not a friendzoneable nice guy, don’t worry about kino or other escalation. Just get her to feel comfortable with you and she’ll open up step by step.

Put yourself in her shoes. Why might she not be quite ready just yet to go along with your physical wishes?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Also, with a girl like that you should almost always be escalating verbally before getting physical. Does she feel like kissing/playing/sex are on the cards? How does she know you won’t disappear as soon as you’re done with her?
In addition to the very rational and/or evolutionary grounded fears she might have, many inexperienced girls have irrational hangups. For example, one Korean girl I went out with had a strong fear of pregnancy. I explained how Americans of both genders see things and then walked away.

Also, the more empathy you display, the more open she will be to going along with you.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers