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What’s your personality? Take a test

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
ever seen the big five personality test,acoording to dr jordan peterson,thats way more scientific


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 2, 2017
The 16 personalities is a commercial packaging of the Myers-Briggs test. As @Ree says, it's not considered as scientific. Based on the tests you can take online, I'm not a bit surprised either. Possible, though, that there is more to it when you dig deeper.

I was recommended a site which takes thing a step down from the superficial personality to how your cognition is wired based on what results you get on the tests. That, I say, was eerily accurate. (https://www.typeinmind.com/neti)

It's also a good self-reflection tool if you resist the temptation to abuse if for self-validation.

As to seduction, it's a neat tool to understand how the tests work. It's like cold reading on steroids!
I got into it for a while and came out being able to predict fairly accurately predict what type a person would get after spending some time with them and talking and asking a few specifc questions.

Psychology Personality scientists deals with the Big Five, I've heard (you can take that one too on the website linked below)

If there's anyone here who's interested in the Myers-Briggs but hasn't done them nor read about the personality types yet, I would discourage them to go to the 16-personalities website as the first thing.

Instead what I'd have you do is go here (one of the few non-commercial website):

Take the test here, really thinking through your answers, no wishful thinking. Then go read about the results.
I suggest this because if you go read about the types and how the test works before taking it, it may influence your test-taking.
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