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What breed of woman was this? Ever seen shit like this???


Jan 11, 2023
Hey I’ve been doing more approaching recently and I’ve started to come across certain very shocking people in my journey as a beginner at this. I was at this one mall, and I met a crazy female salesman there like no other I’ve ever encountered. It was at a basketball shoe store. She was the type of woman who was a fine ass blonde Barbie (not to be understated), and she looked and acted like those new age instagram models. But she had this attitude, and I get the feeling she intentionally concocted this attitude, where she was extremely playful & bubbly and used this bubbliness as a form of manipulation. If some guys, especially nerdy-looking fellas walked into that store, she’d open them instantly & vehemently. Though it was a rather aggressive thing for a girl to do…yet she was very friendly in a girly, bubbly, boisterous kind of way. It was a combination of all those things- boisterousness, girliness, and her extremely good looks- that had some kind of crazy effect on the guys who unknowingly walked into her lair. What I saw were guys, especially those who weren’t socially agile, for example 2 nerd buddies walked in there, and MAN they were just MYSTIFIED as soon as Barbie opened her mouth and started engaging them. It was like they were hopelessly caught in her tractor beam. Moving very fast from her introductory statement(s), she started rapidly asking them crazy/silly questions about what they liked on the wall. The whole time she had this demeanor like a 10 year old girl bouncing on a pogostick! I was losing my mind watching this interaction unfold. I should have filmed it and put it on youtube. And they kept replying to her with this sort of deer-in-headlights look on their faces, and their replies sounded abrupt and frightful. From my observation, they were shocked by a couple different factors simultaneously – the physical hotness of the girl, her fine face, her playfully insane questions, her pogostick demeanor or what I would term “playful aggressiveness”.

AND I WAS NOT SPARED THE TREATMENT. When I unwittingly walked in there (I actually came in before those asian guys), I’m telling you, she had made my heart POUND LIKE HELL for a few moments until I started trying to make myself relax. My first gut reaction was, “does she really want to be my girlfriend?” With difficulty, I managed to get a grip on myself by consciously controlling my breath and then told myself it had to be some sort of trick. Interestingly enough, I even physically/energetically felt like I was getting caught inside her female web. I felt like a helpless little boy and she was throwing her lasso over my neck. It felt good as fuck, not going to lie, But it was very hard to tell what was what, due to the pure shock that I felt. Even afterwards, I was still shocked. It was incredible. So I guess she wasn’t really interested in me as a boyfriend??? I have no idea. Or could I have snatched her up if I had played my cards right? I bet if I confronted her about the moves she was making on me, then she’d probably just laugh it off and deny it. She was seemed to be very coy about her sales tactics.

She did practically all the sales work in that store by herself. The other employees? There were these 2 fat black guys who were standing by the back wall, just watching the show and laughing silently. Lucky bastards. America is a crazy fucking place, I tell you.

My questions are:

1. Were my observations spot on? If not, let me know.
3. HOW ARE WOMEN LIKE THIS CREATED? Are they just born like that, or WHAT?
4. What can I do to seduce a chick like this if I encounter one of her species again?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
1. Were my observations spot on? If not, let me know.
Well, apart from the fact that you clearly are still feeling the aftereffects of her magic, probably.
I don't fully understand the question, but it sounds like you answered it yourself.
3. HOW ARE WOMEN LIKE THIS CREATED? Are they just born like that, or WHAT?
No, they are NOT born that way.
4. What can I do to seduce a chick like this if I encounter one of her species again?
-Have strong fundamentals.
-Break her out of her frame and take control of it.
-Treat her the same as you would your sister's friend whom you rate as a 6-7. DO NOT fall for her magic.

Honestly, there's a good chance she's not available. But if she is, it's only for guys who are immune to her enchantments.

Apart from Chase-level extreme abundance, there are things you can do mindset wise, but they take time to achieve.

It sounds like a lot of her magic is due to the cultural conditioning of her targets.

One simple thing I'd do is say, in an slightly more deep and resonant voice than usual, "hey, can you talk a little slower?"


Jan 11, 2023
Thanks, you are totally right. She's really just an average pretty suburban girl who was always hot so she learned how to play her game a long time ago. She plays her strengths. We as men have certain capabitilies that they don't have at all and never could. Hence I could play these strengths against her game/frame. I agree with everything you said.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Yeah, you'll find girls like this.

The important thing to understand is what you are seeing is an ACT, and it is a very practiced one. It's one she enjoys! She does it with everyone.

It's almost impossible to break her out of the act when there's an audience around. You need to get her isolated or you must be very persistent. Otherwise, she will be too self-conscious about what her audience is thinking to allow you to seduce her.

I used to attend a social club run by a girl like this. I had a long-term girlfriend who was like this (and another after her who was similar but a bit more muted). The spell they put men under is fairly amazing. Pretty much no guy is spared from it. Beautiful + confident + forceful personality = the ability to pull men around like puppets on a string if she so wishes... and in these girls' cases, they do so wish. I learned deep diving from one of these girlfriends; she'd just have men telling her their life stories within moments of meeting her. It's a sight to behold.

After a while, you will end up like those guys in the back, laughing as you watch her entrance some new guy who doesn't know what hit him.

You're laughing, because every guy who meets her is going, "Wow!" and is obviously thinking of how he is going to get her, but what is actually happening is she is 10 steps ahead of him the entire way, and everything he does is something she either led him to do or has a deft counter for to channel him back to where he's supposed to be.

As for her being born that way... well, much of her appearance (hair, clothes, slimness, makeup, sometimes fake boobs, etc.) is cultivated. Her "girl game" is also cultivated over years of dealing with men. However, these girls pretty much universally are very good-looking naturally (like, facially very attractive), which has led to them having a lot of confidence, and also just have natural energetic personalities. A beautiful, confident girls who is not naturally highly energetic won't/can't act like this.

In the case of my girlfriend who was very much this type of girl, she admitted getting fat in college (she was slim when I met/was with her). A lot of the time girls getting fat (especially if they used to be beautiful and are used to male adoration) pushes them to develop better personalities. When they slim back down, you've got a hottie with a body and an awesome personality on top.

But yeah, the main thing is get her isolated.

So long as she has an audience, she'll keep up the act.

If you get her isolated, it's less of a performance, more of a one-on-one thing, though she is still going to be a master of frame control. These girls are both very socially savvy and (more importantly IMO) clearly know what they want and don't want, making them a challenge to lead.

You need to generally have a very strong idea of what you want with her to have a hope of landing her.

That said, it is possible to do without being an expert seducer. I got my first girlfriend like this as a flailing newb, just from knowing I HAD to have her, persisting with her, plus analyzing the crap out of where I was going wrong with her and brainstorming how to fix it (in the end, it turned out that despite her hotness and exuberance and desirability, and me being an overweight kid in baggy clothes with a bad haircut, the magic ingredient I'd been lacking was attainability).

Usually these girls go for guys they think are "safe", and if you want to get them as a seducer you need to take the edge off a few of your more bombastic or edgy qualities. For all their frame control over men, the one thing they fear most is loss of control -- of ending up with a guy who does not value them properly, who they are more into than is into them, where they get hurt. (so, when you get them, take extra care to not break their hearts! Especially if you are the one guy they've had in an LTR where they've been looking up instead of looking down. These girls are very much that old PUA cold read: "You seem so strong on the outside but inside you have doubts and fears you don't let others know")

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers